tfw you finally realize all racist vote conservatively/republicans

> tfw you finally realize all racist vote conservatively/republicans

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juan gets it


you can stay in US


liberalism is the most racist ideology going

they believe in eugenics of the lower classes and races literally

>Democrats created the KKK
>Republic Lincoln ended slavery


the pic on the right was explained. she wasn't a white supremacist. The pic on the left is just old school patriotism. Get good or fuck off my land.

sure because whenever those types are on the left, the left uses cheap semantics about "systems" and "power" to show how they're totally not the same thing

lol the women in that picture is a known democrat/activist

>Democrats made the kek
>Democrats made the Jim Crow Laws
>Democrates supported slavery
>Democrtat President LBJ said that he'll "have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years"

This whole statement is on giant logical fallacy.


GOP is literally a garbage dump.

Rich assholes who want to destroy America baited all the hateful nutjobs into their party because otherwise they could never win an election.

this one can help build the wall

sun up
sun down

>Religious extremist vote Republican

Not if they're Muslim, those vote Democrat

Racism is a nearly meaningless term, used as an insult to anything liberals don't like. They particularly like the menace implied in the term, that the government will punish you for engaging in speech or thought that liberals don't like. In reality, we laugh inside when we hear the term, because it is proof that the user of the word is a complete moron, and anything he or she says can be disregarded as the babbling of a weak and diseased mind.

>ignorant liberal does not know that the KKK endorse $hillary, while giving her a $20K donation


Actually these are mostly GOP. Gays and SM people on the left are generally a lot healthier and balanced about their sexual shit.

The religious people are especially sexually fucked up. Like your shift key.

Are you 5 years old or something?

>150 years ago
Also LBJ gets a pass on the n word, deal with it.

wow a trollbait repost.

>Poor people want to work to improve their standing

Go republican

>poor people want the government to rule every aspect of their lives and provide for them.

Go Dem.

Its your right to give up your rights I guess, but forgive the rest of us if we'd rather work for a living and feel productive then sit on our asses wondering when the "Free" stuff is going to come like good little sheep.

>the n word

Good work Paco, make sure you happen to be on the American side of the wall when you lay the last brick.

Have they noticed the bitch on the right is a liberal?

>>Poor people want to work to improve their standing
>Go republican
>>poor people want the government to rule every aspect of their lives and provide for them.
>Go Dem.
It's hilarious that you working-class cucks actually believe this. GOP is totally dedicated to screwing over as many people as possible and concentrating wealth at the top; your work ethic has nothing to do with whether or not you should support them.

Nigger, as in "potato-nigger".

>Mfw the democrats created the KKK

no actually we vote for the democrats

they kill the most niggers

this is news how?
ALL racists are republican but not all republicans are racist.

>GOP is totally dedicated to screwing over as many people as possible and concentrating wealth at the top
So are the Democrats

>La Raza
>Black Panthers
>Anti-Fucking White Male SJWs

Yeah, the left is so not racist or violent.

the wall just got 10feet lower

If you have a cute sister, you can stay.

Gr8 b8


Not really. The Dems go along with it because they couldn't get elected otherwise.

Or at least they believe that some amelioration is necessary to protect capital, while the GOP don't even give a shit. That's the cynical interpretation.

There are real policy differences, after all.

> tfw you finally realize all racist vote conservatively/republicans

And held/hold positions in the Democratic party, it seems..

What really funny is that you think more regulation and socialism will help distribute wealth. Thats the most funny retarded thing i've ever heard.

Look you can be a slave and have complete freedom from the troubles of finding your next meal or you can be truly free where you next meal and health are your own responsibility. If you don't like being free fuck off from america. You are the reason America failed.
Our founders never realized the desire for humans have to be slaves.

>racism is a bad thing
when will this meme end?

Well out of the two parties they aren't going to vote for the openly pro immigration one are they. Also in a democracy these people also deserve representation.

Not until the purge.

>35 years after Reganomics started
>country literally going to shit
>keeps spouting the same old worthless propaganda
wew, lad.

Seriously, read a book, drop some acid, get the fuck out of your parents' basement. Need to get your shit together.

LBJ never said this. He threw around the word negro and nigger though.