Hello Sup Forums, why don't you just realize traps are far more superior than ''woman''?
Hello Sup Forums, why don't you just realize traps are far more superior than ''woman''?
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Bailey Jay is a delusional faggot, and acts like a cunt as well
Oh shut up, bet you never felt a real feminine penis.
A faggot who happens to be right this time.
Contrary to popular belief, Bailey Jay does not consider himself a woman; he just really gets off to the idea of looking like one.
that just makes it hotter
When he gets old, he'll become a monster.
that's why bailey is based
Uhhh... Linetrap knows its not a girl and is very redpilled.
Why does BJ look like a French girl?
shes pretty cool desu
Good, because the worst kind of transsexuals are the ones that cut off their dicks.
Vagina doesnt turn me on anymore and how can i please otherwise?
It's a fetish known as "cross dressing" which while it may appear like trans gendered is not.
These people sexually get off to dressing like women and being dominated.
Bailey Jay has gone on to record saying he will never cut off his penis.
He's also bisexual but married to a man (who also considers BJ a man) but BJ has fucked nearly everything that moved but niggers. Funnily enough the only time you'll see BJ being the bottom instead of the top is with their significant other.
You ever listen to yourself speak?
>Hello Sup Forums, why don't you just realize traps are far more superior than ''woman''?
Because I'm not a faggot who wants to smell shit when I have sex and then end up betraying my race and basically handing my country over to sub-human degenerates like the Moo-slimes.
>shes pretty cool desu
you've seen this dude without the wig right??
he's balding as fuck and has a comb-over.........looks like a complete tard
the pic used to get posted here all the time
Go on /lgbt/ and criticize women and you'll have legions of trannies, whiteknights, and faggots sperging out at you.
Soo... Bailey Jay is the only Sup Forums approved trans?
Yes but i hear it through the vibrations of my bones rather than the auditory canal so it sounds different
Funny stuff.
Yeah, I don't know why he has such a fanbase. There are some very feminine traps/trans out there but Bailey has never been one of them in my mind.
Traps are literally the worst parts of women without any of the good bits to make up for them. Liking traps is like keeping one foot in the closet.
Well, he's certainly approved to go in the gas chamber.
im gay, i dont find her/ him attractive desu, im just saying she/ he has a cool personality
Why does Sup Forums have the absolute worst taste in trannies? This chick looks like a fucking Jew stereotype. Disgusting.
Trannie thread #34034141 today.
What's the point of having a /lgbt/ board if faggots insist on posting their delusions here?
To most people BJ is their first tranny. I knew about him since he went by the name linetrap on Sup Forums
>Good taste in trannies
That's like having good taste in road-kill, there is no "good taste" to be had here, faggot.
>this guy has had his dick wet and I have not.......
>being a homosexual
why dutchie why
The thought of a tranny standing there, totally gay.
The thought of a tranny getting fucked in his ass, totally gay
For some reason I can spank it to a tranny ramming a woman though, I don't know how to feel about this.
I get off to the fact its supposed to be a women, that doesn't make me gay.
It would be gay if i get turned on by someone that is supposed to be or look like a man.
It's a little bit gay, user, that's all.
I'm not saying you need to hate yourself or anything but don't pretend anything about traps or liking traps or jerking off to traps is straight.
There's literally no difference in the degree of faggotry between traps and just straight-up gayness.
Sauce on this chick??
Great reasons.
>not being a homosex
A tranny fucking a girl is the same as a man fucking a girl.
In fact it's less gay because it's 1.5 girl/guy ratio
You can up this by having 2 trannies bone each other then it's a 1.75 girl/guy ration.
Compare this to man/woman porn which is just a ratio of 1.
Therefor, it's less gay to watch a tranny rail a girl
Homosexuality is sexual immorality, an abomination to God and it will not be justifiable in the final judgement.
Lusting after people, as well as actually fornicating are not God's will and people who do it won't go to heaven.
thats so horrible, imagine being a real girl that's significantly uglier than a dude with makeup. LOL.
But all porn is degenerate and will make you a beta. So when you add that to the calculation, it's fucking gay. All of it.
Bailey Jay.
Started off as ''line trap'' on Sup Forums, only Sup Forums trap i know so far
Someone please post it.
>Lusting after people, as well as actually fornicating are not God's will and people who do it won't go to heaven
So pretty much every single male is damned to hell because they lust after women/men? Isn't the whole point of christ that those kinds of sexual sins can be forgiven?
What do you mean trap?
Like a joke or prankster?
That photo made me realize I'd rather has sexual relations with a transexual than with a biological female.
He's lying
You must have caught a case of the gay virus.
Mutated, but still gay.
In the trainwreck interview Amy Schumer had with bailey jay she mentioned that and Bailey Jay laughed at her with a "I feel sorry for you" tone
>every single male
No, just the ones who carry on doing it without repenting.
>walk into your room
>see this
What do you do, Sup Forums?
>can´t bear children
>wants to fuck you at some point too with "her" feminine penis
>takes hormones and is still a dude
>somehow is now a TRANSgender and not just a dude on drugs and makeup
no friendo , traps are homosex with makeup and hormones , that´s it.
stop calling them women.
Here you go.
Holy shit lurk more
But I read on the internet that hormones stopped male hair loss!
1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
>her eyes are closed
Poor thing.
>This walks up to you and your gf then suddenly slaps your gf on the ass
What would you do, Sup Forums?
Traps are mostly not as most women..
>wont cheat on you for a richer guy
>doesnt bleed out of her vagina 28% of the time
>still has brains like a man
>totally understands you
>always horny
why the fuck not? sign me up right now bitches
Not going to lie, I'd keep a hot trap like that as a sex slave if I had the option. Definitely not wife material as they can't conceive though.
Mate, I've dated women and traps. I'm currently dating one now. None of the traps wanted me to suck them off or fuck me. They barely tolerated reach arounds for the most part preferring to get off from being plowed.
Oh and yes, traps are dudes. None of the ones I've been with have used hormones though.
More importantly where are the Traps for Trump threads
Why did he have to go overboard on the surgery?
Ruined forever. Too young.
Thats right, almost forgot about Sarina Valentina!
just looks like a modern day liberal dude without the wig 2bh
Now an obviously bad butt job and horrible lip job too
>can't bare children
>mentally ill
>many regret transitioning and kill themselves regardless
Trannies are worthless.
Those aren't traps, they're just crossdressers, the worst kind of ''traps'', its like dating 50+ hookers in Las Vegas.
Just get a good one and you'll be hooked for life, i garentee.
Fuck off degenerate. If you hate women go celibate - simple.
Didn't she went to the black market when she was underage, and got those boobs iligaly silicone injected?
To my knowledge she got every surgery done on the black market in 3rd world countries.
Bailey Jay also got her boob job in Thailand but Sarina got ripped off.
I've been dating my current trap bf for about a year and a half. Blow jobs every morning. Sweet bareback butt sex. He cosplays as all sorts of female vidya and anime characters so that's cool too. He has a rape fetish as well.
>tfw sneaking up on him and chloroforming him
>tfw he wakes up tied to a tree in the woods
>tfw gagged and blindfolded
>fuck him in the ass over the course of a whole day
>jizz literally drooling down his legs
the same as women then
Bailey's boobs are actually really nice, the best trans boobs i've seen are on Jane Marie.
Sarina's are too big in my opinion.
Everything on Sarina is too big. Lips, ass, boobs. Literally every thing was injected with stupid amounts of silicone
that said, I would suck his feminine cock no homo