Who /SoCal masterrace/ here?

Who /SoCal masterrace/ here?

is slo socal? I hear "hella" everyday

you live in the most degenerate sprawl the planet has to offer
however i'm sure you'd take pride in that wouldn't you faggot

lolwut OC is great

Probably a southerner

I visited SoCal for the first time this year. Way nicer than Mexico, I guess.

949 reporting.

>implying there's a difference

my sides

OC checking in.. best county in the republic

818 reporting in

Best place on Earth is best.

Orange county is fucking gross, though.

No. That's the Central Coast. And Hella is a San Fran thing.

714 here.

This place is a rotten shithole. My town is 50 percent fucking Asian, and 20 percent Mexican. I hardly see any white people here.

All the whites here are either your fucking average liberal soccermom or religous fagts handing out bibles close to high schools.

Although, it is nice to see libertarianism taking root over here, but its not moving fast enough.

Please save me from this hell. I want to die.

>I want to be cramped up to where I can smell my neighbors bowel movements

There's literally nothing wrong with sprawl

Btw AZ reporting in

>implying commiefornia is american in anything but geography

>13% of the country
>30% of its food
>All of its media
>All of its tech
There is California, New England (which is crap), Florida (which is crap), Alaska and Hawaii (which are nice), and a buncha states that do not matter to anyone or anything in any way, and never will.

Got my june 7 ballot by mail today. Just voted for Trump.

San Bernardino county 909

Data mine thread

sup sup

whats happening.

used to live there. People are fake as fuckshit


559 here

I wish it wasn't hot as balls

>Data mine thread

>Anyone interested in data-mining Sup Forums would have to ask people to post their locations, to figure out where they're posting from

I'm sorry.

Westminsterfag here

went to FVHS

master race

Antelope Valley checking in. This is where all the trash is flocking to after being displaced by hipsters. But at least houses are affordable.

How are your Vietnamese neighbors?

Nice. Went to Troy HS.


I hate it here.

President Trump will fix it right up with his wall though.

it's cool having a lot of popular songs written about cities in my area, I'm in LA btw.

Pretty jelly desu. I wish I went there or to University High in Irvine

Fucking wind.

I swear pool filter had about 20 pounds of sand.

Don't you mean master la raza?

They're polite, actually. I like it here, and hoping to live closeby to stay near family in the future. I live close to Fountain Valley so my neighbors are probably a lot higher income than the majority.

Bakersfield. kern county. Made it into the light red so I guess that counts.

California is amazing in terms of its geographical proximity to the pretty much everything worth experiencing on the planet.

But other than that it's a shit hole run by beaners and faggots


Apparently Bernie is stopping at Rancho Buena HS soon; went there my freshman year in 2001.

IE here

909 and 562 fag here reporting in. Long beach degenerates all around me but based Inland Empire back with my family

Santa Clarita reporting in. the heat is coming boys


Im a flipino that lives in LA

Loma Linda, unfortunately

Masterrace 818

Fuck yeah finally another 818 here

oc here way too many illegals traffic sucks roads are horrible can't wait for Trump!

Know a lot of good white folks in KC.

People on Sup Forums already have the capability to see where you're posting from.

I've been on here one time, posted, and someone asked me how I liked the rain in Orlando. I was in orlando for a business trip that day. I kept asking how they knew, but they didnt reply. I've seen it happen several times on here before, where without telling anyone info about where they are, someone will say something like "how was the weather today in X city"

Very creepy


Fullerton here, good to see there are more of us

>San Bernardino county 909
My nigga.

How's the weather in Anaheim today?

OC is shit. Riverside motherfucker... Nah, OC is actually pretty nice. Best white sluts in Laguna Niguel.

Riverside is horrible actually.

(Whitest voice ever) Inland Empire, My gee.

I once got shot at on Base Line.

Riverside is getting better actually. There's finally more organic restaurants opening up.


>Riverside is horrible actually.
That goes for the rest of the IE
I lived in Victorville for quick minute

Was born in that hospital actually

as someone from laguna niguel i can contend to this

i miss the sluts back home

I'm from St. Louis, visiting San Diego again for the first time since I was four years old. It's beautiful, and so far I really prefer the spics here to the niggers in the Lou. They look nicer, sound nicer and act civilized.

LOL, close, but not in Anaheim.

Hows the weather in San Fernando treating you?

>tfw actually SoCal masterrace
>tfw no blue-eyed white girls
>tfw the only cute white girls here only go for guys with lots of money
>tfw dont have lots of money

Manhattan Beach

Poorfags get out reeeee

I try to steer clear of San Bernardino.

I enjoy not getting fucked up desu

Utah here could you please stop people from leaving your state. They are moving in mine and fucking up how nice it is here.

323 WW@?

Well, Temecula is nice. Some parts of Riverside are very nice as well. But Moreno Valley, Perris, Blythe, Hemet: Shit holes.

Something the water, even the sluts got nice snatch. The way they are built is unique as well. Almost as if someone is engineering the perfect mothers :^)

Yea, I stay in Riverside usually. Lots of good drugs in san berdoo though.

>Central Coast
Santa Cruz is Central Coast but it's definitely NorCal
Santa Barbara is Central Coast and that's SoCal

Do you even lift?

thats payback for shoveling all your fucking mormons in back in 2008 with the whole prop 8 thing

San Diego here. Just printed out my tickets for the Trump rally!

Anyone else going? Expect to see a lot of butthurt spics

Exactly because of this I'm doing exactly what this guy doesn't want. Utah got so many blue eyed girls it's unreal.

Pacific coast masterrace here SoCal is full of urban toilet skyscrapers and barren dirt valleys. Come up north towards the mountain coasts and I'll show you how a real man lives.


so. much. swaggg.

I can attest to this; Live in St. Louis too, recently moved to North county, and holy shit the niggers here are terrible.

Never been west of Missouri, afraid to go to Cali because I hate hippies and yuppies honestly

Very very close haha

Burn it all down


How much longer til you faggots break off into the ocean?

They got the niggers to vote on prop 8. Lol, they elected a nig, but took marriage away from fags. LMAO

Great state, populated by Absolutely shit people.

If Californians were like Texans in lifestyle and governing, it would be a paradise

I've heard there's lots of Serbian qts in SD
I'm gonna go to UCLA

avoid Logan Heights at all costs, even mexicans hate the mexicans from LH

I lived in Normandy while going to UMSL for my undergrad, I feel you. So far I haven't seen the liberal cancer too terribly bad, honestly it's not even half as bad as Seattle was when I visited there. I've seen some Bernie bullshit scribbled on the sidewalks but that's about it. Granted I've only been here for two days now... let's hope it doesn't get worse.

I live in SD and I dont know what youre talking about

Born in LA, raised in San Diego, never been to San Fransisco, did cocaine in Fresno

Sup friend.

who /InlandEmpire/ here?

It's where your traffic is routing through, so that's as close as I can get

I know. This is what kills me. We have the most national parks and beautiful wildlife, yet the most pathetic people


There is no reason to go to LH for anyone except dirty spics

thousand oaks here
so just barely

>watch /out/:the movie
>travel to Slab City
>no underage Kristen Stewart to bang
>everyone smokes meth
Range was pretty fuckin' cool though, would go again just for that.

Southern California is literally mexico at this point.

I'm all for you califags having pride in your shit though, keep the to quarantine.


323 reporting in; Northeast of downtown

Depend are you a normal person with decent values. That wants to work hard and isn't a shit skin or nigger. Because if you are, welcome.

Also dumb question why is it thatnigger buy town cars?

You know what's weird? I was born in Orange County, but adopted in SC, but I say "dude" and wear colorful shorts and surf. Is it genetic?

>This place is a rotten shithole. My town is 50 percent fucking Asian, and 20 percent Mexican. I hardly see any white people here.

I used to live in Huntington Beach..right by Beach and Stark.

I white flighted to Boise, Idaho.

This entire town has 500k people, and is 99.999% white.

You have to come out here and visit....the quality of my life shot way up once I left the hispanic infestation in Southern Commiefornia.

I also own an AK 47 with 30rd mag and all sorts of fun toys (due to them being legal in Idaho).

Come home, White Man.

Hello East California.

I pay for 200 bux a month in Tijuana to live a mile-and-a-half from the 'Murrican border while I still end up getting San Diego pay which is pretty dope IMHO,

Love the fact that I ever get a hard-on or feel lonely I could just walk to the red-light district and get my dick sucked and/or fucked for less than 20 bones

>This entire town has 500k people

You know just what to say to cut me don't you ;_;