Used to drink with friends and go to parties when I was 18

>used to drink with friends and go to parties when I was 18
>develop schizophrenia few months before 19th birthday
>move in with brother and his girlfriend may of 2016
>I get drunk when they're not home in August 2016, no effects on my medication, no psychotic symptoms
>they tell me all the time they don't want me drinking alcohol
>now 20, September 2017
>got drunk a week ago, just browsed Sup Forums and petted a dog, no psychosis
>they tell me the same night no drinking in a year when I turn 21, I'll go crazy if I drink alcohol according to them
>oblivious to the fact I've tested their theory twice and they're wrong

Wat do

Are you a legit schizo with more than one doctors diagnosis?

Yes but I'm on medication so I don't experience the symptoms anymore. I haven't heard voices or saw things outside of hypnagogic hallucinations since like April of 2016

Was it an episode that led to your diagnosis?

Yes I broke into a bookstore because of a delusion that made me think the rapture was happening and I needed a Bible to be saved. I was arrested and sent to a mental hospital after 3 weeks in jail

How old were you when this happened and were you under the effects of any drugs?

Just ignore them. No two people have the exact same biochemistry (even clones and twins have small but measurable differences) not everyone has the same side effects from medication. Some people have paradoxical effects from medications or the same symptoms from diseases. As long as there are no actual negative effects just tell them to fuck off and mind their own business

I was 18 and I was smoking marijuana but my paternal cousin has schizophrenia so I know it has a genetic basis and wasn't drug induced

I doubt you are actually schizo and you should further test yourself to determine that

I saw faces popping out of my peripheral vision, heard a police officer say "if you try anything I'll kill you", thought my brother was Satan incarnated and thought the world was ending among many other crazy shit. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia by a jail psychologist, mental hospital psychiatrist and a nurse practitioner. I don't see why every Sup Forums faggot thinks I don't have schizophrenia when I experienced a full-blown psychotic episode

It sounds like you are just some kid who had a bad trip wigged out and the adults in your life are probably a bit stupid and didn't know what to do with you

How did you test their theory?
Information is missing

By getting drunk twice like I said in the post and having no psychotic symptoms

Because drinking twice confirms they're wrong! Obviously user

If you want to cling to your "eternal" diagnosis and never try to rise above it you may do so, but one time you lost your marbles doesn't mean you are a schizo and just because other people told you so about something we hardly understand doesn't mean it's true

Uh, get your own fucking place?

But let's be real, ride off that gubment bennies as long as you'd like

Schizophrenia is not a mental illness.
Don't trust Jewish brainwash.
You have capabilities to communicate with and listen to being from higher dimensions.

>bad trip
>on weed

I found the underage virgin.


You're retarded, you've never done high doses of thc

Also, wut?