how can Sup Forums even recover?
How can Sup Forums even recover?
>food analogies
>Trump takes 19 of the 20 cookies he most likely paid for
>wealth is a zero sum game
Trump takes 19 of the 20 cookies he most likely paid for
> exploiting poor worker people
>Not giving a (you)
>Trump builds a real estate empire.
>This is totally stealing
>The idol of the Left Mr Soros totally didnt steal from anyone though.
Please come back when you have some bait that is worth a damn man. Fuck.
I'd rather a white man get them than a shit skin
>Trump takes 19 cookies
>warns worker to beware of cookie stealing immigrant
>eats 19 cookies
>declares chapter 11 cookieruptcy
>while worker and immigrant aren't looking, eats remaining cookie
>runs for president on a platform to make cookies great again
>Didn't mention that Trump has 4 children and 14 employees, who he also picks up cookies for
Who made the cookies?
>4 fucking occupystrawmen threads
Jesus christ, slow down.
And Mexico will pay for this cookies
Makes me CruzMissile thinks lads.....
Yep. That's why getting rid of immigrant workers will actually get rid of even more jobs than you would gain.
Who baked the cookies?
Were they given away for free?
Did Trump pay for the cookies?
Is there a reason the other 2 couldnt pay for their cookies?
And most importantly
Is the immigrant illegal?
>crab mentality in a nutshell
>people are jobs
>trump is hiring 20 bakers to create 400 cookies
>Trump bakes 20 cookies
>Trump gives you some cookies in exchange for labor
>An immigrant rapes you and takes your cookies
So Trump owns 95% of the economy?
>caring for people that are given salaries by the hated person supporting their income
I would care more for the executive's business going out instead of the worker's wage. Be thankful for Trump giving you a job in the first place so you can do things with your life with the money he gives you.
You fucking ungrateful communist piece of shit.
>trump takes 19 of the cookies and redistributes it to the people through the jobs he creates. He keeps 8-9 cookies while his workers get the rest. Then he takes 2 cookies for funding his presidential campaign. He keeps the rest to himself. Then, he spots a freeloading welfare grubbing Hispanic then feels the need to inform the hard working people he just paid cookies with. The people get mad, because that cookie belongs to them, the hardworking Americans, and vote trump because he promises to bring that cookie back to the American people
>jobs are exploitation
This. Immigrant workers, the hard working ones, create more wealth than billionaires do. Billionaires somehow, with their dodgy, risky and offshore (as in offshore tax haven) seem to destroy wealth. This is a net subtraction game
If Trump paid for the nineteen cookies, and he probably did, then he is well within his rights to take them.
is it any wonder why these people are desperate for the government to provide for them if this is the extent of their bantz?
>Trump gets a loan of 1 cookie from his father
>Trump bakes 40 cookies for himself over the next 30 years
>Government takes half of his cookies through taxation
>An immigrant has the gall to comment on how much of Trump's cookies he should have
Fuck off shitskins
Am I the only one seeing a rise in Texas Shitposting?
There is only one country named after a food and that is Turkey
Sup Forums BTFO!
He would always post
With the Kermit picture on Sup Forums for years
All you need to know this is bullshit, is to look at the bottom left.
Occupy Democrats.
>>An immigrant rapes you and takes your cookies
fucking kek
>Trump pays for 10 cookies
>Worker is given the promise of 1 cookie if he brings the other 9 to him, performs job this dutifully.
>Immigrant offers to do it for a single chocolate chip, only brings 8 cookies...others "lost"
>black worker demands 4 cookies in exchange for the job, despite the fact that he routinely screws up or wastes time. Usually too lazy to bring the cookies to Trump, regardless of how many cookies he gets.
>Female worker demands all 10 cookies but she can't lift the full amount...blames Trump for his greed.
Cool story, Ahmed.
you REALLY like making this thread.
Is this supposed to reflect negatively on Trump?
He's right - I worked hard for my single cookie of compensation, and I'm keeping it. Mexicans are fucking thieves. Build wall.
I think you'll find it goes a little more like this:
>Trump gets 40 cookies from his father
>uses that to start cookie empire
>by the time his father dies, Trump has 42.5 cookies
>inherits 3000 cookies
>over 20 years various Trump Cookie enterprises result in a net 4000 cookies
>if he'd invested the inherited cookies in a mutual cookie fund, he'd have 4500 cookies
>run for president
Donald Trump purchased the flour, sugar, eggs, butter, chocolate chips, vanilla, etc, and provided the mixing bowls, mixers, measuring cups, measuring spoons, cookie sheet, and oven, in order to have some cookies made. He then told a few workers that if they mix the ingredients, form cookie sized pieces, and put them on the pan and into the oven, they would be able to get one cookie, and he would keep the rest. The workers, wanting to eat a delicious cookie and understanding this agreement, prepared the ingredients as instructed and received the cookie promised.
Apparently, Donald Trump is evil for providing the conditions for the people who are willing to spend their efforts in getting a cookie, which they agreed beforehand that to getting only one cookie.
Of course, liberals who have no idea how economics works thinks these cookies just spawn out of thin air, and people like Donald Trump just steal them. Meanwhile, without people like Donald Trump paying for the ingredient, cooking utensils, and oven, no one would have cookies to eat in the first place.
You deserve me.
>Or maybe, it's more like China gives you and your husband 1000s of cookies to help them influence your government.
>Also, you're too busy eating cookies after your incompetence destabilizes an entire country that you can't get help to your ambassador as he's murdered.
>run for president
Why am I to assume the cookies are for anyone but Trump? Or that they're for the worker? Or that they're for the immigrant?
It's a plate of cookies. I don't know who owns them and it's never made clear who does.
So, on that alone, the analogy fails.
For a lot of people goes this way
> X faggot get 400 cookies from his father
>Eat them
>By the time his father dies he/she has been fucked by a negro and now got a lil' nigga
>Inherit 4000 cookies
>eats all of them
>trump takes 19 cookies
So this is implying that rich people take their wealth from the workers, right?
in other words, marx's labor theory of value? Top fucking kek, are these niggers for real? What's next? Are they going to start advocating for freudian psychology and arguing that the caloric theory of heat transfer is true? How about aristotelian physics? Objects slow down to a stop because they get tired, right?
Of course. How very silly of me to forget. The thread is purportedly about Trump, but really about Hillary and Benghazi. Because everything is about Hillary and Benghazi. Well, except all of the things which are about Hillary and e-mail.
My mistake. Nothing to see here. Move along.
>such is life in communist paraguay
Who's the guy in the photo?
You sit on the street without food or anything a nice man named Donald Trump comes to you and tells you that he bought a dough, cookie making machine and a place to set it up and if you agree to work for him you can take one cookie for every 20 you make.
This is how it works dipshit.
A more accurate analogy would be:
>Trump bakes 20 cookies
>He graciously shares one with you
>An illegal immigrant is in the room and demands some too
>He then warns the worker about the potential of that illegal immigrant taking the cookie he gave you.
You fucking leftie cunts don't get it do you? There would be no cookies without people like Trump. The amount of jobs and employment that guy has created is enormous.
>economics is zero sum
Fuck off, ignoramus
Ah, the "trump would be more successful if he just invested it all in the stock market!" meme
Let's walk through this. First of all, it assumes he started off with all the money from his father's company. Which is untrue, because he didn't get the money from that company unitl IIRC 1999, and even then it 200 mil split 5 ways between siblings. And by that time, he was already a billionaire regardless.
Second of all, the calculations fail to take into account taxes and all sorts of other shenanigans, and even with the false numbers that people use, he would've still made less with the stock market.
Third, this idea implies a fundamental lack of understanding of how money works in general. For this to make any sense, Trump would've needed to invest his money into the stockmarket, reinvest all dividends made, and essentially live penniless for 30 years waiting for the value of his stocks to compound. Instead, he currently has billions while still also living an extravagant lifestyle for decades and spending untold amounts more money in the process. The idea doesn't take into account the fact that the man has been living a wealthy lifestyle during this entire time and STILL has billions in the bank in addition.
KEK you think the rich don't take money? LOL are you that student? Let me guess you also believe in God and Jesus, or you probably also believe races exist. I thought Sup Forums was satire, but sure no.
>Implying any kind of mixed economy was ever implemented in Paraguay
Learn history
Fucking literal marxists in 2016. Hilarious. You guys are up there with the flat earth theorists.
>not recognising a meme
yeah except immigrants from low-IQ countries will increase crime and weaken our genetic stock. That's more important in the long run than having a lot of "cookies".
>Implying i don't have autism
Zoink, i fell for the ironic meme again
>Let me guess you also believe in God and Jesus, or you probably also believe races exist.
Races provably exist and we are still scientifically uncertain on the existence of god, though it seems unlikely, it is possible.
Are you THAT student who sucks the liberal professors dick and thinks they're top shit?
Come back when you have a basic understanding of how capitalism works.
>giving half a fuck of what a chilean or paraguayan have to say.
Is there one guy in Chile who posts these garbage threads all day?
>generating wealth means you're stealing from others
Why does everyone believe this
Marxism is a cancer that needed to be snuffed out last century. Instead we got sick of war and kind of never did anything about it.
Das Kapital.
It's amazing that people still buy into marxism.
Has to be that one butthurt mapuche indio that has internet.
>trump employs the worker to work in a cookies actors based in the state, a job that he brought back from overseas
>given the immigrant is a legal one, he is encouraged to buy and sell the cookies to make a profit and become a business owner
>all of this generates income for America, thanks to trump
>UK version
>a chav, a Muslim and an Englisman are sitting at the table
>the Muslim declares the cookies haram so a new tray is brought out
>chav tokes up and eats 5 cookies before passing out
>Muslim invites his 6 wives and chidlren who eat 14 cookies
>Englishman beheaded
>Muslim imports his cousin to eat final cookie
>split 5 ways between siblings
Split 4 ways, assuming an equal share between the two surviving sons and two daughters
>And by that time, he was already a billionaire regardless
ORLY? You do realise that, by his own admission, his assessment of his net worth fluctuates daily according to how he feels? I'm not sure I'm happy to believe that he was already a billionaire in '99.
>Third, this idea implies a fundamental lack of understanding of how money works in general
As a straightforward argument of fact, yes it does. But that's clearly not the point I'm making. If you start with $5, and make $100, you can justifiably claim to be a business genius. If, on the other hand, you start with $100 and end up with $150, at best you aren't a complete failure. Trump's whole self-marketing revolves around his business acumen: 'the art of the deal'. I just don't think the reality lives up to the hype.
You're right, why don't we just print infinite money so everyone can be wealthy
Shouldnt it say illegal immigrants?
I doubt Trump has nothing against legal immigration
>races dont exist
You can determine the race of a skeleton.
The same people who sell you that shit brag they are the purist race on earth