Why do people oppose common sense gun laws?

Why do people oppose common sense gun laws?

>inb4 muh second ammendment

that was written in the fucking 1700s on horseback with fucking featherpens. they were talking about muskets and a well regulated militia. obviously they didnt foresee 2016 having automatic and nuclear weapons. where do you draw the line in the whole bearing arms thing? should you be allowed to carry grenades? should people be allowed to have nukes?

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i'm just here for the white booty

I'm just here for the inevitable pic of her with her Asian bf

I'm going to need a name on that pic.

Because it isn't common sense

>I'm going to call my opinion "common sense" so if you disagree with me it seems like you have no common sense


i agree.
This is also why I think that freedoms should only apply to landowning christian white men.

Everyone else should be a slave or a wife.

That's what they meant in the 1700s anyway.

I would rape her

The second anendment allowed people to have warships with cannons, there were many precedents.
Those same cannons are illegal under your communist mandates.

So by your logic, the First Amendment should not apply to radio, television, or the Internet because the Founding Fathers did not foresee those either.

If its different, please tell me how, without resorting to "guns kill people" Protip: You can't

News flash... you CAN carry a grenade. You can also own a fully functioning tank complete with all ammo (the only regulated thing not available would be its guidance system)

I should be able to own anything the government can own. Why you ask? Because a well regulated militia wasnt meant to keep the indians and British in check. It was meant to keep the government in check.

Do not forget that Jefferson said that any country who does not have a regular uprising and revolution will slowly rot under its own weight. You were MEANT to take up arms against an oppressive government that does not represent you and your interests. Its your duty as an American citizen

>they didnt foresee 2016 having automatic

Machine guns had been around 57 years when the revolutionary war started.

10/10 b8 friend-o.
>that was written in the fucking 1700s on horseback with fucking featherpens
so was the 1st Amendment. do you think freedom of speech only applies to pen and paper?
> they were talking about muskets and a well regulated militia.
they were talking about arms. if they only meant the militia to have muskets they would have said muskets.
>pic related
counts as arms
>where do you draw the line in the whole bearing arms thing? should you be allowed to carry grenades? should people be allowed to have nukes?
explosives are not "Arms" they are "ordinance" even though the Founding Fathers were supportive of citizens having their own warships. explosives are indiscriminate and unpredictable

The model is the Glorious Revolution. The moron who brought that on himself used the phrase "common sense" in his attempt to disarm the English public through formalizing militias.

We the people are the rightful creator of laws. We the people know that to allow the government exclusive use of weapons, we lose that power to create laws. Or to do anything else. The citizens are the masters, and as such the citizenry will decide whether the GOVERNMENT should be allowed guns.


>founding fathers

There was a rifle that shot 16 balls in 6 seconds in 1777. It was too expensive for our military. Every person was encouraged then and now to have equal fire power to their gov.



her name is stpeach, she streams on twitch tv. she dated an asian guy for years, but he beat her because her chat made fun of his penis or something and they broke up

Hello, a friendly reminder from a Brit.
Would you like to be like us?

And cannons and puckle-guns and all manner of future weaponry in the private ownership of the individual.
Destructive Devices, only require a $200 tax stamp per device.
Tools of state.

Notice buzzword
define common sense

Not to mention privately owned fucking warships

Obviously this is a troll

we already have common sense gun laws. Have you ever tried to buy one?

>posting a racemixer who belongs in the gas chambers

>Right to bear arms doesn't apply to automatics!
>Freedom of speech applies to TV, radio, and internet!

Left Logic


Ordinance equals weapons equals arms by definition.



there is no such thing

you give finger and he takes the whole hand

Plenty of techonolgical innovations even in those days, heck the common man could and still can own artillery pieces.

The Puckle Gun was in production as early as 1718. Repeating arms had been around since the mid 1500's. Its not that machine guns didnt exist, but more to the point, why buy a Puckle Gun when for the same price a 24LB cannon can kill 3 times the people... AND I can buy 2 of them.

We are talking about people who were jerking off to the Kentucky Long Rifle because they could now accurately target officers. If you handed Washington an M4 or AK101 he would nut in his britches and instantly declare every citizen should have 3

Unless you know what a mag flip, a dust cover, a barrel shroud, and a gas pushrod are, you should have no say in the control of firearms.

not in a military sense

>Freedom of speech only applies lefty approved speech, everything else is hate speech and your not free to speak it

Left Logic

Fix'd that for you.

OP here. Its common sense because it has been shown to work in various other countries like australia.

Shit thread, but nice pic. Would love to wreck that little slut's ass all night long.

Its a twitch slut, nothing of value

>be Aus
>walk outside
>get stabbed

Daily reminder that there was a national gun registry from 1792 until the civil war.

For every piece of info you can come up with that shows gun control works, I can show you 2 that says extremely high gun ownership rates means extremely low rates of homicide and personal crimes.

However Jefferson also has another quote

Those who give up freedom for security deserve neither.

In short, you do not give up your freedoms, even for a perceived "greater good". America was founded on the rights and freedoms of the individual, not society as a whole


Do you seriously think that once we make some little changes to the gun laws and add some regulation that we are going to continue moving further and further onto more regulations and eventually make all weapons, even shit like hunting knives illegal? Please stop giving conspiracy theories and give a decent logical argument.

thats funny because firearms didnt have mandatory serial numbers until the 60s

>common sense gun laws
>Majority of Americans oppose.
find a new buzz word

And they are losing their country to chinese, getting home invaded by abbos, and their government abuses the heck out of australians.



You're a cuck and/or a bad troll.

Before the civil war, making a firearm that worked was pretty difficult so they didn't really need serial numbers.


That is EXACTLY what happens.

Look no further than the UK and their safety tip kitchen knives.

There is no such thing as a slippery slope. Its a fucking cliff 3 feet past the weeds

>Why do people oppose common sense laws against murdering babies?

>Why do people oppose common sense laws for the protection of families and marriage?

>Why do people oppose common sense laws defining bathrooms by anatomical sex?

Just because you call something "common sense" doesn't actually make your argument valid, OP.


thats exactly what happene to the uk you retard

we had organized firearm manufacturing before the civil war

These leftists want to kill the 1st as well, remember. Trying to use logic against a Jewish puppet is dangerous. They're immune to such attacks.

Common sense. Written by people who have never purchased or owned guns. By people who don't even know the parts and functions of guns. Hard to be common sense when you're scared of how something looks...


>>inb4 muh second ammendment
Muh second amendment.

>that was written in the fucking 1700s
Being old means it no longer applies?

>on horseback with fucking featherpens. they were talking about muskets and a well regulated militia. obviously they didnt foresee 2016 having automatic and nuclear weapons.
Then they would have said that in the document. But they didn't. They specifically left it open to interpretation. Only a fool would believe weapon technology wouldn't advance, and a bigger fool would believe that just because it's not advanced, it's no longer useful. Muskets--and bows and arrow--are still lethal weapons

>where do you draw the line in the whole bearing arms thing?
That is up to the Supreme Court, which has consistently broadened the meaning over time. An individual right to bear arms was only affirmed by the Court in 2008? And that only in 2010 they ruled that the second amendment applies to State governments as well, not just the Federal government?

>should you be allowed to carry grenades? should people be allowed to have nukes?
"In Caetano v. Massachusetts (2016), the Supreme Court reiterated its earlier rulings that "the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding" and that its protection is not limited to "only those weapons useful in warfare".[15]"

>inb4 muh second ammendment
There is no inb4 2nd Admt. That is the reason. We have the natural, God-given right to possess any and all arms. The 2nd Amendment defends that right, and any laws which infringe upon it are unconstitutional. Period.

The problem is blacks, not guns

We really need to stop responding to these bait threads. They drop obvious bait that is guaranteed to get replies until it autosages and they barely have to lift a finger to keep them going. OP will never leave a valid counter argument. Common sense to a anti is the police control all the guns by taking yours away.


Sure, but like I said, they were difficult to make. They were also relatively expensive for the average person. You could easily keep track of how many were made who owned them.

He's tried and failed several times. Kindly fuck off.

extremely underrated


>Why do people oppose common sense gun laws?

Nobody does, that is a meme. The problem is all the common sense regs were already on the books when the school shooting epidemic started. Laws can't change human nature or turn the clock back on existing technology. Most proposed regulations would be extreme measures against the rights of citizens that not only stigmatize the mentally ill from pursuing treatment, but would not have stopped any of the shootings in question. It is the consummate example of "feel-good" legislation.


Brazil has severes gun restriction laws. Need to say anything else?

>gun control won't be a slippery slope!
>Lol pls ignore every western European country and Australia ;)
>Lol the niggers that commit almost all US gun crime will totally obey the law, the only reason they're violent stupid shit stains is guns!

t. American who sold a rifle to a stranger in a parking lot 1 hour ago

>do you seriously think bringing up something that has already happened multiple times in every leftist-infected nation wanting to ban weapons really is going to happen again?
>it's 2016 I can't even

Look, kid... you're trying. Check back with Reddit, study those Sup Forums invasion guides you faggots keep writing, and keep trying. One day you might even be as good as Canada!

yes to everything but nukes because the American people are supposed to be able to effectively rebel against their government..

They actually had rifles hand guns that could fire many rounders per minute. One company even wrote a letter to the president asking if he could have a cannon on his ship to fend off raiders and it was ok'd because the second amendment applied to ALL firearms, everything the army could have, the people could have

There are no common sense gun laws.

Girandoni Air Rifle, pic related, was made prior to the constitution, and used by the Austrian army.Lewis and Clark used it on their expedition.

It can fire 30 bullets in rapid succession, there's no smoke, and no powder.

Most guns these days, owned by civilians (Handguns/hunting rifles/shotguns) hold 30 or less bullets.

They knew what guns were like and where they were going.

And by law, all men 17 to 45 are in a militia.

A line has already been drawn. The thing is they want to bring the line back further and further.

Wasn't the idea that an armed population couldn't be oppressed by government or invading country's?


Why draw the line at nukes? The government has them. They could be necessary in overthrowing tyranny. Nuclear arms are arms.

pffft casual.

Come on ameritards
ban guns
see how it went for LatinAmerica

>from a Brit.
>Would you like to be like us?
hey guys, you wanna burn your country to the ground?

Ittl never happen pedro. Just stay on your side of the wall.

>a "common sense" gun law written by someone with no firearms knowledge to make retarded soccermoms cunts tingle and billionaire sociopaths more secure in their towers
>"grassroots" gun control movements funded by billion dollar corporations
>You're "protectin da chillin" by banning guns but it should celebrated when they decide to be the other sex and sterilize themselves.


>Why do people oppose common sense gun laws?
Because they aren't "common sense"
> they were talking about muskets and a well regulated militia
>I can't read
Privately owned warships were not uncommon and that was the most powerful weapon of war of the era
There was also multi shot muskets capable of shooting 15+ rounds without reload and some of the founders were huge fans of this technology.

If you went back and took an AR -15 and the ability to produce them in large numbers as well as the ammo for them (technology from the late 50s btw) they would yell "take our fucking money" and proceed to encourage that every American own one.

>Those same cannons are illegal under your communist mandates.
We can own artillery fully armed tanks mortars rocket launchers and grenade launchers.
One just has to comply with the NFA process

whered u get these pics

>one year and thousands of dollars
Land of the free...



She is lisa vannatte aka stpeachy.

Don't mention it.

y-yes pls

You can't amend over the Bill of Rights. First 10 rights are immortal.

agree with most of this

unfortunately this is america and the average person is retarded. you can imagine my pain having moved to texas a couple years ago from california. everyone here is a gun nut. i traveled through kentucky and tennessee and some other conservative southern states and a lot of the towns were filled with people with confederate flags on their cars and trump stickers. i would have confronted them but these are the kinds of people with guns so i didnt want to get shot.