Do Trannies have a mental illness or is it just natural to want to switch genders? Possibly some people are just born with different minds in the wrong bodies. While we are at it what is with gays, are they born gay or what? And how does an 8 year old boy know if he wants to take it in the pooper before puberty?
Is transgenderism a mental illness?
>someone wanting to slice their cock off
>not mentally ill
pick only one
it is a mental illness, but that's not to say they shouldn't receive treatment and respect
now gimme that sauce
It's like thinking you are ugly because your nose is too big, so you resort to plastic surgery, even though changes here are much more invasive. It's definitely unhealthy, though, as it is underlined by a rejection of what one is. Whether it is a mental illness or not should depend on the degree of rejection of oneself.
mmm daddy
It is literally an illness as defined by ICD-10 CM and DSM-5.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, yes. However. The treatment is wrong. Instead of surgery its should be death.
nah, they are totally mentally stable
but is giving into their delusions really the treatment they need ?
obviously yes,
It is in the Body Dysmorphic family of mental disorders
there are people that think they should be quadriplegic, we dont paralyze them as treatment.
This transgender shit is absurd.
nothing wrong with their brain at all
It's a mental illness.
When a bi polar cuts themselves everyone recognises they are crazy. When a dude cuts his dick off it "perfectly normal"
Narcissistic disorder like it always was, like homosexuality is-- particularly among otherwise physically normal males.
Sup Forums likes to talk about redpills, but when it comes to the whole "transgender" issue, the vast majority of posters here don't have a clue.
To understand the disease, we have to understand the cause: John Fucking Money
Up until John Money came along, gender had always had its meaning in a purely linguistic sense
>gender is a specific form of noun-class system in which the division of noun classes forms an agreement system with another aspect of the language, such as adjectives, articles, pronouns, or verbs
Money coined the contemporary usage of the term “gender” in 1955. It since took off as a concept, and here's an example of where we are now:
>debate continues as to what extent gender and its roles are socially constructed (i.e. non-biologically influenced), and to what extent "socially constructed" may be considered synonymous with "arbitrary" or "malleable". Therefore, a concise authoritative definition of gender roles or gender itself is elusive.
Wow, it's fucking nothing. Gender cannot be defined because "Gender identity" is a collectivist rebranding of "individual identity." Money more or less admits as much in a 1957 paper
>“The salient variable in the establishment of a person’s gender role and orientation is neither hereditary nor environmental, in any purist sense of those terms, but is his own decipherment and interpretation of a plurality of signs, some of which may be considered hereditary or constitutional, others environmental”
Orwell warned us about this shit. Every single time you use the word gender as dichotomous with objective, real, biological sex, you are enabling the continued takeover of our language; engaging in textbook doublespeak.
This post doesn't even cover the case of David Reimer, one of the first (suicide) victims of Money's "Gender ideology" that he tried to cover-up for 30 years. only being exposed in 1997.
Every time you see the word gender, I want you to think of John Fucking Money.
Child sexual abuse is the source of all of it.
Getting an organ of your body cut off voluntarily.
Yes its an illness
not a fan of transnigs but any stroll over to people of walmart shows there are far more unstable normal people
Gender identity disorders are not genetic (unless one has some sort of endocrine disorder and is clearly a borderline case). Most of them are not inborn but are psychological malfunctions at ego-formation just before toddlerhood and so are too deep-seated to fix with therapy..
It is a MORAL problem, nothing more.
those asians
Well one thing is for certain, as long as we can establish that it's a mental illness we can stop it.
And what technology does it appear that we need to make this possible?
Mind Control?
What kind of society you want senpai? Just kike my shit up!
>other gooks and chinks taking pictures
I cringe every damn time when peopl do that. Fucoking idiots.
can we just auto-ban trans-related threads?
You have a hide feature in your client.
Working in healthcare I've seen some tranies and it seems like their twisted mindsets go beyond being the opposite gender. Most of them were extremely religious and extremely self centered. They were also extremely rude to people or extremely sensible. Some years ago, a tranny who was recovering from a car crash stabbed another patient over him sneezing too much. Of course people in hospitals are all in a very sensible mindset but trannies sure have a lot going on in their heads.
Lemme get some sauce on this shit.
>"should we call police?"
>"i dont know if it against raw."
>"take more pictura"
sauce pls
In the future we are going to have to start issuing more than one license to people with split personality disorders and they will be celebrated.
Won't pulling shit like that get you executed in China? Or is that Canada?
What is this picture even from?
I didnt understand what was the point you were trying to subtely make in this post
I'm pretty sure the problem with crazy motherfuckers running around stabbing other patients is just a Mexico thing.
Why is the body wrong and not the mind? We know more about biology and the body than about the mind.
Why do people blow up transgenderism when they make up less than 3% of the USA's population? Probably even less because this 3% applies to all lgbt.
Informative post? The fuck?
Thanks though
Gender dysphoria is as much as a mental illness as those people who believe they are cats, dragons, or absolutely want to become blind or wheelchair bound.
They should receive treatment, a real treatment to cure their brains, not to give them hormones and butcher their bodies.
I can only assume it's:
>Stop saying "gender" and trannies will disappear.
TL;DR tbqh
Sorry goys, I guess it was from some reddit thread originally and the thread is gone. I had her name once but forgot. JUST
Take a look at it like this and see if it is a mental illness:
Jim has a body type that has always been a bit on the lean side. He's never bulked up and he's just sort of stuck to his lean frame. He is not ashamed of it nor does it depress him or cause him anxiety. He does, however, have a penchant to drift towards cooking and cleaning, and caretaking as a career.
Jim would be seen, at most, as an effeminate male. He shows interests in what women commonly do. He does not express interest or has any qualms about it, nor does he express a need to have a vagina or tits.
Jane is the polar opposite. She is a tall female, stocky, and enjoys playing sports and hunting. She even has a workshop in which she creates furniture and works on cars. She is considered a masculine female, or tomboy. She is comfortable with this and doesn't care about looking "girly" nor does she want a dick or muscles.
This destroys the idea that transgenders are normal people because they are not. Jim and Jane above are normal people who partake in activities that are typically seen in other genders, sure, but they do not have a desire to change their bodies and harm themselves in anyway to achieve "happiness".
Now if Jim or Jane wanted tits and wear skirts and dresses out in public, or wanted Schwarzenegger in his prime muscles and a beard, respectively, and it affected their ability to have a normal life or ended up depressing them to the point of thinking about suicide they would be crazy as all fuck and putting them on HRT and puberty blockers if they are under 18 is fucking bullshit. They need counseling.
That one was in the Netherlands
There are not many trannies in Mexico
>I had her name once but forgot
>oh so brave!!!!
so was it a trap or not?
it's more objective to believe in God than believe in a woman trapped in a man's body...
If I believe that I'm superman people will consider me insane, crazy... but for some strange reason if I say that I'm a woman despite my man body it's right, despite biology says all the opposite thing
We know it's a mental illness.
The fact that there is no available treatment to make them adhere to your specific vision of reality is not a conspiracy, unless you think that nobody giving a damn what you think is a suitable "treatment" is a Jewish conspiracy.
Good job man, bringing most of that together.
I actually disagree with you a little. What we now call extra genders have existed for millenia, he didn't really invent them. He did popularize the notion and misuse it quite avidly however.
In a normal, healthy human society you do have a minority of individuals who aren't comfortable with their traditional roles. In the circumpolar shamanistic tradition, for instance, shamans self-selected by wearing dresses and doing female work, starting around 10-12 years old. If they stuck with it, they were thought of as third-sex, and were exempted from the expectation of a boy to grow up to be a hunter and a father. This allowed them time and space to do other things.
SJWs wont be satisfied with just letting the handful of people that really want to do this without prompting live in peace, however. They're busy trying to convince as many people as possible to do it, and attacking anyone that chooses otherwise. They're dangerously insane.
Also 'gender reassignment surgery' is a joke. It's butchery. Maybe one day medicine will be able to do reassign gender but right now all they can do is mutilate people and that shit is wrong.
I believe it is s mental illness however I too am mentally ill so gas us all its better for the normies tbqh
Looks a lot like Lana Rain. Not a trap though
Transgenderism is a form of homophilia. Homophilia is caused by an androgen disorder.
The proper medical treatment for this disease is androgen medication for males and anti-androgen medication for females.
I think we can fix the whole pronoun thing if we make it clear that pronouns should refer to biological sex and the appearance associated with biological sex, and not what is in someone's head, which you can't possibly know
Nah, not Lana Rain, she haves different facial features
>Homophilia is caused by an androgen disorder.
Is it?
>The proper medical treatment for this disease is androgen medication for males and anti-androgen medication for females.
Are there any cases where this has worked
Guys, this user is right, it is Lana Rain. She is a cam whore
Though I haven't found where the image is originally from
Probably, but you would be called a bigot
it looks nothing like her
Think for a second what someone believes when they think they were born in the wrong body. It doesn't make sense.
You can order food and get the WRONG order, but your life isn't an order somebody makes. You're either born male or female, it's out of anyone's hands.
It's not like someone made a mistake deciding your gender, you're YOU. You can't be born as a wrong thing because you are the thing you're born as.
I'm transgendered, and I think gays are obnoxious.
In fact, for all intents and purposes I'm a heterosexual (biological) male.
But that doesn't mean I'm not sympathetic to the fact that most people shit on gay people.
But Lana Rain doesn't hace a femenine dick :'^(
It is a hormonal imbalance. Our bodies produce t and e at different levels throughout our lives, the bodies of children are just figuring it out. Little boys might have more e than t at some point and feel girly. Some girls may have more t than e and feel boyish. Its normal. What isn't normal is having a society that accepts an 8 year olds declaration of sexuality or parents who encourage deviation from the birth gender. Long term hormonal imbalance can damage the brain, resulting in real sexual identity disorder that gender reassignment is used to stave off suicide. It always fails though, because all that does is mutilate the body and eventually the trannies realize they are not actually the opposite sex.
>no benis
Well she wears wigs and shit all the time so. I didn't think it looked like her either but I am pretty sure it is her, I had the link to one of her sites on my history when I looked up her name so that is the name I got before from the site I got the image on
Do you have a femenine dick? ;^)
They aren't mutually exclusive? Mental illnesses are natural mutations.
i'm just gonna leave this here
The body you're in doesn't determine the things you want to do with it.
You have absurd expectations of people who aren't as vulnerable to self-esteem issues about "manhood" as you are.
Gay people are so Aggressive
Yes. Their brains are malfunctioning.
>Possibly some people are just born with different minds in the wrong bodies
thats a meme
wanting to be an other gender is just a fetish
mutilating your organs tho is insane or simply retarded
who wants a non functional hole in their body?
>While we are at it what is with gays, are they born gay or what?
no, thats also a fetish
> And how does an 8 year old boy know if he wants to take it in the pooper before puberty?
he doesnt
Not really.
The majority of people don't even know because I keep that shit at home. My wife is the only one who knows.
Most trannies don't get SRS to begin with, either by choice or it costs too much or its shit.
They just take hormones. Why does genital mutilation get brought up all the time but never the actual transition procedure approved by doctors? Kids don't get srs either
>It is a hormonal imbalance.
Not really. they do blood tests before administrating hormones and there's no uniform "wow you have high E so you must be a tranny". No correlation.
Of course
>fucking a male up the butt is mentally ill because they poop from there
>fucking a female up the butt is perfectly fine
This is what Sup Forums actually believes.
I don't know, you tell me.
No they're not,at least not here,the fags here are all sissies
Go back to reddi t.
That is correct (see pic)
pretty sure that 'go back to reddi t' is now recognized as spam
send help moot
So you are just a crossdresser?
Its a mental illness
Thinking of them as sex objects isn't though, because that's what they are, almost like a fantasy ( pictures, because in person its 100% different, shoulders, pheromone, mouth, elbows, jaw, etc. )
That's why you don't even see them in public that much, because they don't even like to be seen with in public, people avoid them like the plague, and if they were in a relationship, it stays in the bedroom, even ask a tranny, it must be hell. Online you're semi-accepted, and with hugbox websites there are communities that make them feel like they are making the right decisions, its hilarious in some sense.
I didn't get the photo from reddit fag, I got it from here and the image search traced to Reddit
except normal tomboy gets thrown out of restroom and feminine man gets dragged by a truck.
i dont understand your retarded argument
>"because x and y exist, z should not"
Welp time to kill myself, it was fun to shitpost
Btw Lana Rain is the only female chaturbater I am suscribed to, she is almost perfect
>"No man ever searches for the same sauce twice, for it's not the same sauce and he's not the same man."
Yeah that is true, probably I should have said they are more 'sassy'
Where's the bump in the panties