Redditugees welcome

When will we admit that we all use reddit?

we constantly post things from r/the_donald and /r/theredpill, why won't we admit that reddit is an integral part of the alt right's movement and is our ally rather than our enemy

I have never used that website, it is a nightmare to navigate and all the good comments that are worth discussing apparently get all downvoted and hidden because it goes against the narrative.


>When will we admit that we all use reddit?

we don't

>Storming the Normandy beaches when it was under German control meant that the United States was allied with Germany.

Only page I browse is /r/sandersforpresident to mine salt.

The website is a disgusting eye sore and I hate the people there more than Sup Forums

The wall across the Sup Forums border just for 10 feet higher, skrillex

>When will we admit that we all use reddit?
When the newcucks who perpetuate this contrived "rivalry" leave. Which is effectively never.

What, have people on plebbit actually said this?

You're delusional if you don't think any of /r/the_donalds 70,000 members or /r/4chans 350,000 members don't exclusively browse Sup Forums

OP has negative karma www

I don't "use" it more get banned from every sub-reddit I've ever posted in. Was shadow banned for a while. Don't log into reddit that much unless something I see here encouraged a response from me.


110% this

I'll admit Sup Forums

I came from the UK subreddit because I had enough of that place being a socialist run shit hole where you risk being banned forever if you arent as communist as them. And back then I was center left, then I found here and people supported UKIP who I sort of liked and felt sorry for because of how harshly they were treated.

Now Im a full blown Sup Forumsack.

No, his point is that Reddit isn't on our side. Think of it like r/the_Donald = South Africa and Reddit as a whole = Africa. Just because we have something in common doesn't mean the entirety isn't retarded and we want nothing to do with it.

I browse it when I'm bored, but I would never post or in any way interact with that shitty community. /r/the_donald is just as retarded as the rest of reddit.

I not only don't use reddit... I don't even know how Reddit looks like.

I regularly reference Sup Forums and drop links in my subreddits.

We desperately need new blood.

I'll admit that I use it
Mainly because I don't care what people think about me on AN ANONYMOUS FUCKING IMAGEBOARD

we will build a fire wall, and it is gonna be 45ft tall.

i've literally never used it though, only once a long time ago to shitpost about a game

I rarely even click on it to look at links online either

Leave us alone fags.

Make an /r/pol then

Been on Sup Forums since 2005 and have never had a reddit account.
Get the fuck out you pathetic filth.

>Trying to take blood from Dracula.

First post best post.

>When will we admit that we all use reddit?

Maybe if we actually all start using reddit. Sorry you're a degenerae, friendo.

This site became reddit years ago.

Unlike the liberal media who repeats the same nonsense over and over to stupid people "refugees welcome!"

This is pol - We won't fall for your propaganda.

Now fuck off to Reddit.

I have no clue how it even works.
I remember when it started being popular, and i was a Sup Forums user.. i just thought it was a gay ripoff of Sup Forums and never went there

Been here 8 years and only time i've been to Reddit is when i've been linked from Google or Release-Watcher etc

I use it maybe twice a year to find boxing streams. Reddit is cancer.

>Sup Forums is a hivemind collective

I don't use reddit.

They better be prepared to take a hard redpill.

You should have posted this shit thread on Sup Forums, they really are all redditors there (for you).

BTW, if you're screencapping this for r/Sup Forums, please include this comment.

I never use it, the only time I made an account was to try to troll Kike Shapiro during an AMA. Got banned and now I don't remember what my account was called

Im pretty sure op said we ALL use it, which isn't true, and you are delusional to think so.