Wisconsin restaurant defends "English only" rule

>The League of United Latin American Citizen (LULAC) called Wednesday for Leon's Frozen Custard to undergo an investigation by the United States Equal Opportunity Commission.

>The request came after residents took to social media to decry the iconic Milwaukee shop's policy that disallows employees and customers from speaking languages aside from English.


Fucking Yanks.

Someone didn't read the post

He meant only use of the English language allowed. Not that only English people could be patrons.

Lots of German immigrants went there in the 19th century and have integrated well

>And customers.
Does that mean that when someone starts speaking some shitty language like Ebonics, German or American they get kicked out?

>require english
>in english country

>outrage from cucks and Jew controlled media
>vast majority of nation doesn't give a fuck


Ebonics is nigger speak. German is angry manlet speak. American is half way to Ebonics.
Where is the bait?

>defends "English only" rule
this is why we have lost. a sane country wouldn't be defending it they would be demanding it.

American English > British english

too bad he cucked out and dropped the rule
what a fucking faggot

So by that logic Ebonics > English?
Remember not to jaywalk to the other sidewalk on your way back from the 9/11.

>hiring spics

ajj lmoa i hope he gets ultra kiked

he should be hiring qt white girls

>shitty language
This is the bait and you know it. Yes I prefer British spelling and I use that but who cares? We both speak the greatest language on this planet why criticise each other for regional differences?

I work in California. Most of the time when I hear my coworkers talking in spanish, they are talking shit about other people. They also hurl vulgar language and get away with it. You cuss someone out in english and you are written up.

Over here in England we hate regional dialects such as Cockney (now extinct due to PakiEuro invasion of London), Scottish and just simply how the Irish speak.
Hating American is even easier since it uses negrofied words for so many things.

A perfect example of Divide and conquer at work right here boys.

>dropping an unnecessary letter is now considered 'negrofication'.

Mikwaukee fag here. Leon's has the best Frozen Custard in the world. For plebs, frozen custard is like a superior version of ice cream.

Leon's is located near the Mexican hell hole part of town. It's patrons are probably at least 50% Latino. I'm surprised he has this rule.

Fuck the 14th Amendment
and Fuck the Supreme Court for exploiting it

If you just spoke British English then it wouldn't be a problem.
>Calling trousers 'pants'.
>All the different fucked up food names (Biscuits are cookies, chips are French fries, crisps are potato chips).
>Car boot is a car trunk.
N I G G E R S.

Good news coming from my state here

Oshkosh reporting in

>being this mad for no reason

British English doesn't exist, it's called English not British. We speak the same language stop pretending theres a special snowflake difference.

I was asking a simple question mate. Here's another one: Why is it illegal in the USA to cross the road?

why are you so upset?

How in the fuck is it a boot? Early motor vehicles didn't have a compartment. People strapped travel trunks to the ass of the car. We now call it a trunk.

Sidewalk clarifies, so context is less of a necessity.

pants I have no fucking idea why. Does it matter?


What do you call sidewalks?

Also freeway versus motorway, chew on that one

>what are dialects

Why aren't you beating your wife, Abdul?

It isn't. I do it all the time, 0 arrests

>Hating American is even easier since it uses negrofied words for so many things.
Americans literally took the french out of your cuck language. They are more English than you'll ever be

Sorry you got the wrong number, Abdul is in the USA now and he is beating his wife as usual.
Pavement = Sidewalk.
Freeway makes no sense. How the fuck are you free on a road with a strict speed limit and with few exit points?
Watch out we've got a badass over here.

It's still English what i speak, not "british" English. The Scottish also speak "English", same for the Welsh and Irish.

Pavement = either asphalt or an area paved with it.
And I believe it's because freeway versus tollway.

>What do you call sidewalks?
I believe they call them walky-ways, as in.

"I was jaunting down the walky-way near the buildy-wuildy site, when I heard a cacophony coming from a breezy spanner."

Americans and Brits call asphalt "ass fault" in Canada we say "ash fault"

You seem to have an unusually high susceptibility to Sup Forums memes. You should take a walk outside.


>muslim population in the uk
>4.5%, the second largest religion
>muslim population in the USA
>less than 1%

I lived in Wisconsin for 3 years before I moved to DC. I have lived in 4 different states, and wisconsin was BY FAR the worst of them.

Fuck that place.

Say that to my face user.

>12.6% of the USA population.
I'll be the first to admit we have a lot of shitskin Eastern Europeans over here but even counting them as niggers doesn't add up to your infestation.

hes from California senpai

>Schneider acknowledged the policy Wednesday and said that it doesn't come from a place of discrimination or racism. Instead, he said it's a matter of business and speeding up sales.

Guy's apparently run the place this way for at least a decade without issue, now suddenly professional victims are calling on him to make changes he doesnt want or need to make for his personal business. These fuckers arent going to suddenly become loyal ass customers should he do anything so why should he even bother with them? Fuck do I ever feel bad for business owners when this kind of bullshit is present.

Kenosha here. Ids good news.

Niggers don't reproduce ad infinitum and try to destroy western civilization. Get some perspective lmao

At my office we have a lot of Hispanic customers. I am fluent from having spent a year in Costa Rica but I always refuse to speak it back. I say I'm sorry, I don't speak it and if they keep talking in Spanish I keep responding with "How can I help you? Excuse me? How can I help you sir?" This shit is all over the phone too and nothing is recorded. I've probably lost us some good customers but I have values to uphold.

Yeah it sucks when a business has to suffer just so someone can get in the news for things blown out of proportion.

Leon's butter pecan custard is the tits. Fuck those beaners if they don't speak freedom.

Mexicans do though.
Protip: The Muslim birth rate in the UK drops with each generation. Third+ generation produce vastly less than Whites.
Of course I doubt we are going to stop importing fresh Muslims any time soon.

Nah he is a wisconsin son now. He converted for the women.

7th post best post.

You can't get customer job anywhere here if you don't speak perfect Finnish, what is the problem

But we're building a wall and deporting whole families. What are you doing, besides electing a muslim mayor?

yeah man every other sentence out of their mouths is pinche this or puto la verga wey that

Yeah, come to PA, it's basically 85% German heritage.

Fetal alcohol syndrome.

I want professional victims to be publicly immolated.
Besides these idiots there's a Jew in a wheelchair who attacks communities with disabled access suits, and a group of nuns who harass companies for not being diverse enough based on how white the names on the board sound.

>Implying Trump wont sell you out and turn into a cuckservative the moment he enters office.
Yeah we had Cameron who was supposed to save us from the Commies in Europe. Now he is heading the remain campaign.

>Literal projection: the post

Two of the biggest mistakes of our nation's early history were not making English our official language and including the first half of the second amendment.

So I get only providing service in English, but if two people are having a conversation at a table between themselves does it really matter what language they're speaking?

You are the one citing a possible future event as if it was currently happening.

Well if the policy is applied to everyone equally, then what's the problem?

If I said laws against murder because I'm a man (conditionally applied laws) then is that okay?

This is standard practice here in Aus, speak Australian at work or get out.

Nice quads.

But the fact that Americans even want the wall puts us in a much better position than you. You can't even convince fellow Brits to leave the EU while the front runner of thus year's largest party wants to dissolve NATO

Mate we are having the vote next month. What if I said: You can't even convince fellow Americans to vote Trump.
It's still a future event. We'll see what happens when it happens.

>Largest party.
Nice joke mate.


I'm talking about America

How are these changes not superior?

Well it makes sense from your side. I doubt it will stop 'co-operation' though. We've been conducting war efforts with non-Nato members for years.
Because niggers.
>Wearing pants on the outside.
Oh wait, superman too.

It's the trump phenomenon. Person does something that is only outrageous to jews and SJWs. The Jews and SJWs, living in their media bubble echo chamber, start lampooning the person over and over again. But they don't realize that their attack is flawed because most people agree with the person, and the plan totally backfires. Just like with trump and the wall, for example.

It's simple. It means you just don't get served and the staff will not make any effort to try to communicate with you.

I'll give you a counterexample. At the hospital I work at, we have a ton of vibrancy and all sorts of mystery meat foreigners who don't speak english. We are under obligation to make arrangements for translators, no matter how special snowflake their cambodian oogabooga language may be. We HAVE to accommodate them instead of telling them to fuck off unless they speak english. All this guy has to do is simply not accommodate other languages.

senpai ur opinion lit af tbqh, L

Based sideways France reporting in

Thanks for proving the inferiority of the American language.

> Rocket Salad

Nothing wrong with the first half, just idiots today can't into English and understand independent clauses.