Those who live in legal states and have marijuana stores... Question if you know the answer

Those who live in legal states and have marijuana stores... Question if you know the answer.

How is the business there for marijuana store owners? What's the income per year for an owner of a shop there?

Thinking of whether I should open a marijuana shop in my city once it becomes legal... So need advice on already established shops in legal states.

From what I can tell it's a high-risk high yield business much like any other business. I'm from Oregon. The one thing you do have to keep in mind though as you should wait until your state has the regulations and protocols in place because a lot of business owners here lost a lot of money because they continually change the rules

Also keep in mind that you want make a lot of money on anything medical but recreational you might make a decent amount. It also depends on if you have the supply.

Wont make a lot on medical

Explain the changing rules and losing money part... What happened?

Also I'm thinking of location first and foremost. Near a college, and in a hipster neighborhood where a lot of weed users tend to be. Lots of foot traffic too.

>$220 for an oz

that is price gauging if i ever saw it, grow a fucking plant.

Yes receea is what I meant by this whole post... Like the shops in Colorado

Another problem is federal law. Your state might legalize it, but the government can still fuck you. They can come in and seize everything for any reason.


So for a month or so Edibles weren't legal because they were considered extracts so business is literally had to just throw away their entire Supply as well as oil. It's more or less the fine print of the laws like I said you really have to kind of wait until they have them in place.

Some people just don't have the morica to grow a plant. Not only that... But many times weed is needed, it's needed on the spot... Like on a Saturday night or something. No one has space or time to grow a plant.

If that's the case.. Why don't people just make coffee at home? Why do they go to Starbucks?

It sounds like you have a wonderful location in mind for all the right reasons. One thing to consider though is if you're growing for yourself the transportation is regulated. You can only move a certain amount at a time so if your farm is out of the city keep in mind the price of gas and such.


>No one has space or time to grow a plant.

it's a fucking weed, it grows without attention and a small closet is enough to keep you in a few pounds a year.

anything more than that and you are smoking it just to smoke it.

Well you don't know anything. Quality weed is maintained daily and takes a full-time job.

You clearly have never had a "full-time job". Unless it was some dead end job where nobody gives a fuck what you do.
A full time job is one where you work for 6-7+ hours a day most days of the week. Occasioanlly watering and cutting a plant does not require this amount of time. If you're doing it right you will have a meter that says when water is needed and doesn't take much to have a setup to auto-water. Then every week or so you can check if any cutting needed. This would take at most 5 minutes.

Yup. If you want to have repeated customer and have weed like pic related... It takes a lot of time and effort and care.

If you want to have nigger rotten weed... Then yeah grow at home.

Lol ok. Keep growing that mexiweed ill keep growing my dank weed.


Do you sit there and fucking watch it grow? What the fuck are you even talking about?

Maintaining chemical balances making sure plant matter looks good now I'm not talking about just one or two plans I'm talking about like a full grow requires a full-time job. Once you get a plant that's over 6 feet tall it takes you an hour or so go through it and look at it make sure everything's good every single day. That's the difference between shit weed and quality weed

Colorado native here.

Don't get into the marijuana business. It's full of retards and really shady characters.

A ton of idiot pot heads came here thinking they would find the good life only to end up slaving away in some shop where there are no OSHA or EPA health and safety regulations in effect. The employers don't keep good books and lots of employees have no good recourse if their is a dispute about pay.

If you think you're going to bust into the market with your own operation think again. The market is flooded with idiots and really shady really criminal people are getting involved.

Maybe the market will be better some day, but now is not a good time.

it will could cost you a couple hundred thousand dollars to get everything started. it varies from state to state

Also, its a lot more work than you think with less pay-off than you think and people always trying to screw you over.