Drug thread.
Whats everyone partaking in tonight? Hard for me, pic related is whats left from a ball i got a few hours earlier. Feelig pretty good, just wanna talk.
Anyone like the growlers, the allahlas, or japanese motors?
Drug thread
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Oxy. I got a fucking problem and need to stop but it's pretty difficult. How you doing op?
Im doing good man. Yeah definitely cut back on those before trouble starts. I only do this about once a month or 2. What are you doing, video games, music, chillen?
Been sober about 15 months, do miss cocaine occasionally. Come down sucks though, I always did it with opiates which I intend to stay off of so outta the question. Also in AA now. You got bout a g there op?
Yeah defintely trying. Dowm from twice a day to 4 times a week. And just listening to some tunes wbu?
Yup about a g, maybe a tad more. I think i might be done for the night though.Well thats good man, and im just watching some animu. I smoke this shit, and just have to fucking talk non stop
havent smoked pot since the 21st of august, just drank some DXM though since it doesnt show up in tests. not as powerful as triple C's though kinda disappointed
Hahaha I'm the complete opposite with Oxy man I just stop talking completely. I don't really got friends/family so It works out pretty good.
also its given me these insane water like shits like holy fuck how do niggers do this
Im the same with the no friends/family part. Which makes it that much worse when i want to blabber on and on. Oddly enough hard is the only drug ive ever done, and.still occasionaly do. I would be interested in a statistic for that.
Hey op r u still here? Let me see the stem? I used to smoke half a ball and come down with a couple grams of synthetic weed maybe once a week or so. But I've been sober since January.
Isnt that cough medicine? I dont know how you could keep all that down, whats it feel like? Also, doin anything fun?
Also Japanese motors is great. You should check out together pangea.
Gotchu. Its just a tire pressure gauge. On the somewhat rare occasion i do this, i get a ball, and do giant hits so glass always cracks on me
Can you still smoke resin with that? Resin hits were always the biggest rush to me.
Man dxm has destroyed me before. When I was younger we would steal 2 or 3 bottles of dxm syrup from the dollar store and trip balls for hours.
Oh awesome you like them too? I love the sound of the whole genre, even dr dog and best coast im liking a lot. Can you link one of there best songs for me please?
Man I've done a lot of stuff. Mostly cause my dealer is such a good dude. But yeah that's fair not many. Idk man you seem like a good dude. I used to have family but they passed away. Friends said I became hard to be around after that. So now i just work and do oxy hahaha.
Oh fuck yeah you can. Im an electrician, so i use 18 guage wire for the chore. The push hits are insane.
A bar
Some blow
A few Adderall
3 beers
And some good bud
Why can't real life be like this? I mean fuck, who really wants to get up and go to school to be in debt then to work at a job you probably won't like. Goddamn it. Life needs to just lighten up a little.
the growlers new shit sux
yes, well, in my case mucus relief or something. same thing, dextromethorphan. i just chugged about 175ml of the shit. bottle says 20ml is 20mg of DXM so 175mg of DXM which isnt that much. i reccomend triple c's for the real robo effect. and no not really, just listened to music, smoked cigs and blew up my toliet, about to go blow it up again man
My favorite by them, also check out sick shit.
I hear ya man, and you sound like a good guy yourself. Im in the same boat with working all the time, currently about 70 hours a week.
get you some ibogaine instant clean out its just not legal in the U.S. it guckung works man instant relief no more withdrawal
Yeah I do about the same. I actually really love working cause it keeps me occupied. And i like what I do i guess so it helps. I feel like the work load and drug use is wearing me down though.
Do you cook? I've always considered getting into it.
Man I heard about that but I'm lowkey worried withdrawal will kill me. I've been using twice a day or more for a few years now.
for everybody in this post that is struggling with opioid or other l addictions look up ibogaine it will save your life
no withdrawals brother thats the best part it
You sure about that bruv? Little hard to believe. Might save my life hahaha
chilling with what I have left
Damn havnt done mush in a while. Really love it tho.