Will this shit ever evolve beyond homemade RC cars built with shit from Home Depot, with glorified gardening implements attached to them?
Will this shit ever evolve beyond homemade RC cars built with shit from Home Depot...
I feel like they'd have to make that an event. Teams are given weeks but the teams are given PhD people or whatever. Idk, you should probably get to work on that, faggot.
Waiting for the webm with the anime voices.
Make them man sized, fill arena with prisoners, last one alive gets pardoned
Solves overcrowded prison system
Removes blacks and mexicans from the genepool
Entertainment for the whole family
Nigga its already here
The Japanese humanoid version is fucking toy sized, though. Not that I don't love Japan and would watch a Japanese robot combat show over an American one every time, but watching a couple Robosapiens from Toys R Us bonk each other artistically is ZzZzzZZzzZZZzZzz...
you're talking about a show where 90% of the content is the token reality show arm crossing poses and the freakshow WWE performances put on by the teams before the rounds begin.
But it gives MyFreeCams/Chaturbate models something to do to make them look smert.
Forgot the pic.