Any other white men not attracted to white women anymore?

Any other white men not attracted to white women anymore?

I can't be the only one, bros.

Other urls found in this thread: latina ass fucked POV&oq=Perfect latina ass fucked POV&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l2&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=Perfect latina ass fucked POV&safe=off&tbm=vid

I am still physically attracted to them, but not mentally. I haven't completely written then off but I view them with great distrust.

The 4 foot spic you posted will shit out 3 kids before 22 years old, take all your shit and leave you penniless.

I literally only came to the class I'm sitting in right now to see this qt hispanic girl that I'm infatuated with.

Never really liked blondes, but now I am considering other races in my fantasies. In the end, it doesn't matter what attracts me. The result is the same.

gas thyself race traitor scum

Every once in a blue moon I see one with a face pretty enough to not need much makeup and wearing a nice colorful flowing dress, like a step back in time.

This occurrence is so rare that I'm left too speechless to be the kind of suitor to suit her.

I've had asian fever since HS, and recently got Bean fever when i visited Tijuana and spent like 3 months fucking 10/10 hookers.

White women are the most attractive on the planet. That Beaner Gomez you posted is not white.

I've got desert fever like a motherfucker.

What is the slur for a white guy who likes Latinas?

I'm a black guy and all I date are white girls. I used to not like them. But Sup Forums kept saying white women are top tier. I guess I just got brainwashed because that's all I date


Seriously I don't know

spot the butthurt white woman everybody

>hurr durr you can't keep up with muh feminism or something you shitlord!

top kek

you want a 50+ year marriage? Get with a colored chick, red pilled bros

Mexican here, I see white women more as status symbols, something you gotta have when you are moving up in life.

I mean there are still human, and I've meet genuine girls but it's in the decline thanks to feminism, to the point where I rather date my own women who can actually take-up a female role, rather than make me check my privilege.

Sometimes I wonder if these type of shitposters have ever seriously dated latinas and/or mulattoes.

NYC resident who has done both due to being surrounded by them and, really, their attitudes and outbursts will take years off your life. Even if the sex is alright, their body is nice, etc. they will give shit and good luck getting them to agree to abortion if accident occurs.

Funny, when I lived in Mexico we would have some white tourists/investors and always get their way with the prettiest women in town.

So when we knew gringos where intown sales of flowers and teddy bears whent up kek.

>good luck getting them to agree to abortion

>woman not wanting to murder her child is a bad thing

go to your local Catholic church, that's where you'll find some quality chicas with good morals instilled into them from an early age

I love women of all flavors. A little variety never hurt anybody.

Totally bruh

My girl is a mixed as fuck brown lil' thang

She's an amazing cook, she has unconditional love for me, she wants to have a variety of kids with me, and she's only happy when I'm happy

>white women unequivocally BTFO

Intelligent? Why the fuck would I date a white girl who is glued to her phone, can't cook, and doesn't clean?

And I don't give a freakin FUCK if that makes me a "race-mixer" because Latinas are hands-down queens of fertility and sex.

Only shitskins and cucks settle for white women, bro


My sexual preference is something very close to this.

I started going for hispanic & arab chicks toward the end of my dating career; ended up marrying a macedonian chick. Haven't fucked a regular white chick in like 17 years.

I'm a white nationalist that shamefully jerks off to sexy latinas. latina ass fucked POV&oq=Perfect latina ass fucked POV&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l2&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=Perfect latina ass fucked POV&safe=off&tbm=vid

Click the first link

every white male on Earth should experience this.

My girl isn't a latina but she has the same body, and I experience it every night. Skin contrast is otherworldly


Since I moved to Malaysia two years ago I haven't seen or interacted with many white women. The few I've seen are tourist degenerates. You know the kind, they come to Asia and suddenly don't need a bra or personal hygiene anymore.

I can't stand white women. Their coochies stink the worst and they act retarded.

Always liked black girls but find myself attracted to mixed ones more and more.

I pretty much hate all women at this point.

My girlfriend is 25% black. Cute as a mother fucker bro

>tfw planning to race mix with a white girl
sorry in advancement for the elliot rodgers i spawn

i like latinas and arabs better

I'm a half Breed because my father fell for this exact trap she left him immediately to cuck a different white man to make my younger sister and I had to grow up surrounded by degenerate Puerto Ricans one day I will kill my father

>one day I will kill my father
>because of my mother's actions
You're a special kind of stupid.

They're never weird if they have an Asian dad.

Wanted to come to this thread and declare OP a faggot but suddenly I recognised myself in this post.
That is exactly how I feel, I like cute face, nice booty and tits but personality wise I dont want to do anything with a chick.
Constant moodswings, any argument gets derailed with flood of meaningless shit that is not relevant to discussion at hand, any attempt to give an advice gets you a scoff and how you dont understand.
That is apart from "his height starts at 5" golddigging, "if he love you he will forgive", you need to be a man to want all this peace of walking self-opinionated lard and rest of stricte womyn like behaviours.

There were a few chicks I really liked personality-wise long ago but nowadays IDGAF, they can chose whatever alfa they want I am not it, lowtest and what not.
Not even feeling like I am missing anything here.

>puerto ricans

there's your problem, island spics are worst spics

Then they either get super fat or with the rare minority look about decent only in their 30's

Hispanic women are fools gold. They're hot when they're in their late teen and early 20's, but they almost all become lardasses by the time they're 30.

White girls look ugly as fuck in my state.