Feels Thread

Feels Thread

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This is for you.

Holy shit she attends the university of Guelph? The first purveyors of scientific medicine in renaissance Europe? I feel angry


Always in the mood for feels

If this were to happen in real life, the red haired guy would be telling it as a crazy story to his friends in a few weeks.

The blonde whore would definitey be a mess for months tho.



How sad. I just wanna love her and make her feel wanted and needed till she goes. Would snuggle.




O rly?

>The smile



Get ready to feel like shit.

Jokes on you I already feel like shit

Attention whoring thread

the university of guelph is in ontario canada. also it just looks like she wants the D before she becomes D.

its like the ultimate version of hit it and quit it

I feel at home here though...

One request: Show tits now. Then we are dating.

The person who took that screenshot is a toronto fag


Oh my God I matched this chick! BRB finding screenshots

>The blonde whore would definitey be a mess for months tho.

She would convince herself that it was all his own fault in within a couple of weeks and be fucking someone new to leech off. Don't be so naive.

Fuck I moved all my screenshots off my phone but I definitely remember her, she had some other pics of solid cosplays.

This isn't YlYl
Look at the thot and autists shadows. It looks like Shadow blonde is sucking Edgy shadows dick

le sad greentext
>be apergers kid
>have kinda friends but as a kid no one really knew what"friebds" were, no strict definitions
>people just liked to be around othe rpeople
>as grow up friendships grow strong between everyone else
>be alone
>play video games all day while other people go out and hang out, experience life
>drift apart from everyone
>this goes on for YOUR WHOLE FUCKING LIFE
>go from lots of "friends" in elementary to small group of friebds ib middle school to a couple maybe friends in high school
>cant make new friends
>too hard, fail, be awkwars
>continue to just ignore thr world and play vidya to escape
>years more pass
>realize life is shit
>look around and see happy people
>know you can never be one of them
>an hero soons

>literally best gf ever
>cooks, cleans, doesn't get mad when you leave your socks on your cats because it's amusing
>open to any sexual act
>go to south korea and get plastic surgery
>becomes normie and leaves you for chad

At least its only 20 to 4:20

sounds similar to me, but I'm thinking, do adults really have friends?

yo dont worry, most people look happy on the outside but really hate their lives. you dont need friends to have a good time. enjoy life any way u can


the only thing I know that brings me joy has been vidya, my life. I had autistic obsession and also good escapism. Now not even vidya makes me happy. nothing does. I get drunk and remember when I was very young and still felt real happiness. I can't function in society without great anxiety and being awkward/never fitting in. this world is not a place for me user

dont even have to have aspergers to be that anti-social. I ended up giving up on all my family and america in general. I pursued my dream and moved to jp.

do you have a job? if not maybe try that out. i know lots of people who are satisfied with life because of the job they work.

either yes, which is something I will not be able to have anyways, or no. I assume answer is yes but its a different kind of friend. unless you have a genuine real friend you grew up with and experienced life with, all adult friends are just superficial to pass the time so you dont want to kill yourself

Wow...the story of my life in two pics...the difference is that I didn't have the balls to kill myself...


I work summer job. it is something I dont enjoy but it breaks the monotony of my days so it isnt terrible. I leave the house. otherwise I am college student. I do not enjoy my major or classes. I have not found any majors or direction I want to go in where I feel "fufilled" or want to go. I think that is people deluding themselves, same as love perhaps. or it is just because I cant understand those feelings as real

I honestly just feel so lost.
I have a job and I'm going to college but I feel like I have no purpose in my life, or more accurately nothing to work for. No family, no friends, no great cause. I know from experience that when you have someone, it doesn't matter what you're doing, you're doing it for them.
I'm by myself and now furthering my career sound like a chore than a new life opportunity

Holy shit, are you me but part time?!


my advice would be to continue and get your degree. at least try to get a career and see if you enjoy it. even if you fail you could at least know u didnt give up

I love when people have a sense of humor about their own shitty situation. Mad respect.

what major? placing bets on cs

fucking feels

lol, if you fall for this I got a great deal on a bridge for you

the world is a lonely and cold place. I dont know if i am anti-social because I am just like that, or if it is because I am too awkward to interact with people normally so to avoid that I do not interact with people. I think its the latter because I get lonely, but Ive come to accept love and friends just arent possible for me. congrats on yourself and having a passion to follow. i dont know your life but if your parents arent shit send postcards

I ask because I'm 28 now with no friends at all. stopped having any about 3 years ago. At first I cared, and thought I should have some/try to have some. but for about 2 years now it hasn't even bothered me at all. Helps that i've been working 50 some hours a week. guess it's just normal now or something for me


I'm on the same road. All I know is that I can't really go wrong with math. Honestly, it's my ego keeping me going. I'm sure having thousands in my account someday will prove my ego wrong

Idk, I've been here forever but im just looking for feels/baww pics right now. I'll post my greentext upon request. I just want to feel something like that I used to again.

Jesus christ user wtf. I was not ready for this at all.


only one of many examples, France will be Muslim in a few decades, Germany nonwhite majority in a generation.

I hate college. I am only here because parents want me to get degree (they think good grades in high school = so much wow potential, be rich!). All I want to do is have an apartment cave and be able to live there alone all day. no work or school, neet-life meme. however I don't want to be dissapointment degenerate so not there yet. parents also the anchor that prevents an hero. maybe soon I will be able to make peace with bringing them that . but yes, I will finish degree.

I applied for cs but did not get in. very competitive. doing chemical engineering now because fuck it

was this meant to be satirical?
cause i laughed..


You can tell a loser wrote this. In reality the guy would be over it almost immediately and the girl would be fucking him silly just to have an emotional crutch. Then she starts nagging him about how he should love her "that much", so he dumps her. He finds someone new due to his crazy story, and she continues shacking up with randoms. Dead guy is mourned by his family and thought of as a weak idiot by everyone else, except b which thinks he's a joke and also a hero.

Old as fuck or have had your heart destroyed

Or very observant autist(it's b after all)


the french fuckers deserve that shit, the niggs are getting them back for centuries off oppression

i hate college too but yeah you graduating would mean alot to your parents i think.

They told me yall was dead, but I prayed to jesus and he gave my the strangth to keep on believin you were alive baby girl. Come home to us.

Oh baby your momma's going to be so overwhelmingly disappointed to see you but us kind we gotta stick together now.

t. 9gag army

I dont have your answers user. I dont really know shit about life but to be fair no one does. others have more experience though. I dont know if adults have more family relations or any friends. tv shows often depict adult friends. tv is not realistic though. good to hear you are going well though even with no friends

>She would convince herself that it was all his own fault in within a couple of weeks and be fucking someone new to leech off. Don't be so naive.

She would use set up a Patreon and use this for victim bucks.


What does it feel like to have feelings for people? I'm asking about all kinds of relationships. Honestly, I lack attachment. I was never abused or forced to suck in my emotions resulting in not expressing them. It's like they never developed. What is it like to genuinely love?

ego is like the main reason humans want to exist. they want to prove they are special, worthy of existing at the very least, worthy of other goals more often. without an ego you have nihilism towards yourself. you have to find your own purposes in life for the sake of others rather than your self (making parents not very sad from anhero, making parents feel happy they didnt waste their lives bringing a pathetic failure into the world, etc.) we all have goals user, or else we would have an heroed by now. good luck with yours

I cri ereytim


Not the other user...

but I'm you except I use music and books as a form of escapism. My job forces me to deal with people on a daily basis but I'd rather be alone. However, I come off as a very outgoing and amicable guy. Fuck man, that couldn't be any more false.

Also I enjoy drinking alone.

We're all good brother

Well girl after reading your description that makes two of us.

why are you asking us

good thread, good anons. very comfy. thanks for the feels talks. another day another dollar. Im going to sleep and leaving. best of luck to you all


It's absolute euphoria, and then it's nothing but pain. It always ends at some point. Then you end up searching for another to regain that feeling you lost, then it ends, etc etc. It's a vicious cycle.

Eventually I'm sure it stops, I'm only 25 so I do believe at some point I'll find that one person that won't fuck me over in some way, but for now it's a struggle until it works out.

Let me describe the "love" of a relationship with a significant other to you. It's much easier to explain since so many things about it have been said.
>you walk up to a vending machine and get a cookie
>this motherfucking cookie is the best goddamn cookie you've ever had
>you press the button for another
>you do it so often, the cookie never gets any less good
>one time you press the button then nothing comes out
>you keep pressing it, and then a pile of shit hits your hand
>You don't think, you just want that cookie
>About 2 or 3 more times, you keep getting shit
>then another cookie comes
>it's even fucking better since it's been a while since you've had it
>you press the button again
>you press it again

That's significant other love.

Sometimes I feel like my parents are secretly disappointed in me.
I'm 20 and going to my local college until I save up enough at my job to go to another larger university in another semester or two, and thus,
I still live with my parents.
Whenever I talk to them, they sound like they're pitying my life or don't know how to approach me.
I know I shouldn't be living with them at this point in my life as I'm just another mouth to feed and I feel guilty just living there.
I'm pretty sure its because I've never invited a friend over in my entire life nor have I even brought home a girlfriend.
I feel worthless to them and I don't know how not to disappoint them.

hey toaster Steve went to that school


Here's the love of friends.
>you meet one, two, maybe 3 people
>you all share something in common
>mostly, you've just been together
>been through some hardknock life bullshit
>emotions, bullying, and whatnot
>you bond through other's pain, sharing laughs about shit that you all laughed at once
>sharing the tears when it comes to another bro's sadness
>shit, even chicks can be bros man
>it's not a fucking choice, a bro is a commitment
>ride or die
>these are the people that are gonna see you get married, settledown, get a job, have kids, grown old, and die
>and they'll be right by your side the entire way there

I believe you. I don't know why but I do

Maybe they feel that way but if you complete your plan they should be exceedingly proud of you. If not you have shitty parents. Sorry bro

Here's the love of family. Disclaimer: My family is shit. Not even gonna sugar coat it. It's bad, so this might not be so cheery.
>your family is kinda like a last defense thing
>sure, your mom and your dad might help you out every now and again with something
>helped you with your homework when you were younger
>set your morals straight
>you generally feel no real loving connection though
>like a forced love
>but you still feel obligation so you don't say anything
>then there comes that one time
>some shit happens, something fucking awful
>someone dies, someone gets hurt, someone robs your house, house fire, etc.
>that's it
>that's when you feel the unity
>the only time that you can feel insync with your mother and father
>on the same page, just enough for them to see you as an equal and you see them as an equal

There's sometimes the cool cousin, uncle, etc. that's more of a bro than a family member too

take the iron pill, your parents especially your dad won't look down on you if you get fit, your raise your test levels, muscles for potential gf, etc. get a manual labor job with the city, or find a job on campus. my community college has a small gym you get access to when you take classes, I'm taking advantage of that I know the "get fit brah" is a joke or pretentious hand waving at this point but me and another of my buddies, whose 350 lbs are on our way. I'm not in as bad a shape but I'm tired of being like I am now



From a feels thread a few nights ago.

who /2am/ here

3am Sup Forumsrother

I actually matched up with her xD

xxx is pretty rad