Be friends with German immigrant woman in college

>be friends with German immigrant woman in college
>Move in with each other
>begin the fucking
>begin the loving
>Almost immediately she has to go to a family reunion in Germany
>femaon leaves computer behind for user's convenience
>Suddenly gmail email notifications pop up for
>salt in the oil tank
>clothes in the front yard
>mac in the trash
>false police reports about stolen merch to cover tracks
>realize how badly I've fucked up and incriminated myself
>offer to pick her up from the airport
>pick her up
>mysteriously her car goes to shit
>offer to drive 6 hours round trip to pick up WP uncle that knows the situation and to help "fix" the car
>attempt to fix car
>car is fucked
>try and resolve for legal fears through relationship reconciliation
>femanon leaves phone out
>see tinder shit
>throw her out of the house
>days later
>brigns man hating lesbian friend over to collect her things
>get locked out of house by lesbian and now exgirlfriend bitch
>Kick in the window air unit
>crawl through window hole
>lesbian friend is out of the house at the moment
>lock front door as retaliation
> banging and kicking--embarassment
>open door
>little lesbian pushes user
>push back
>les pushes back
>user pushes back
>les: "I'm calling the cops!"
>user: "No your're not!"
>throws phone to smash
>leave scene
>return after several days
>coast is clear
>weeks later receive domestic violence warrant x2 and property destruction warrants
>Context: be behavioral therapist
>now suffering court ordered batterer's intervention counseling by subordinate peers.

Pic related.

What are the credentials of a behavioral therapist?

Stop giving shit and stop being pussy, next time something like that happen, kill them, hide body.

Bach + working on masters + various certifications

Jealous people need to be killed. I hope OP gets raped in prison like the little insecure beta faggot he is.

>no license
>not even masters
I think I have a lead on the problem. What certs?

"need to be killed"

Say that after you've had a girlfriend, you waifu humping, pillow jizzed faggot.

Also, you're an idiot for not seeing the humor in the story. Get raped.

I didn't say I didn't have a masters, you asked what the requirements were: the requirements are exactly as I said.

Regardless now,


and other shit like CPR and stuff.

Ty OP....this made me kek genuinely lel

Thanks! It was supposed to be funny!

My god.