Would you racemix with humans that collectively have a higher IQ than your race such as asians.
I would, desu. What if it got to a point where your descendants intermarried with whites and asians to where they became a completely new race?
Would you racemix with humans that collectively have a higher IQ than your race such as asians.
I would, desu. What if it got to a point where your descendants intermarried with whites and asians to where they became a completely new race?
So, are you a chink or a gook OP?
Asians are dumber than whites and never made anything useful
Powder but no gun
Lens but no scope
Fuck them and their stupidity
I respect the yellow man, but I don't want to mongrelize with him.
Children of mixed heritage face a tough uphill climb. They suffer from identity issues, decreased satisfaction in adulthood, higher incidence of substance abuse, etc. It's a far better idea to maintain our unique identities and try to live in peace side-by-side.
Those who choose to race-mix are often short-sighted narcissists. Their children become unwitting victims of the spur-of-the-moment passions of their parents.
There is bound to be a partner within your racial group who can bear you children. If/when this is not the case, the answer is not miscegenating and mongrelizing... it is reclaiming your women and your society.
No, I'm white.
Whites have a higher IQ we've just been systematically poisoned and dumbed down by Jews who want us weak and stupid.
Asians don't suffer these same insults.
No, hang yourself
I'll have 15 children with my 180IQ aryan doctor wife
>powder but no gun
Actually no, they did invent the gun.
>lens but no scope
Don't know what you mean by that. You mean telescopes/microscopes?
I suppose you're right.
>free online IQ tests
Don't kid yourself.
Could you give me evidence the Jews are actually doing this though.
>No, hang yourself
B-but why, goyim?
Because Hapas have sky high rates of mental illness.
White-asian racemixing literally just produces psychopaths.
I don't need an IQ test to validate my rhetorical dominance over lesser men. I simply offered it, as it is more than speaking with no support.
I've tested in the 99th percentile for critical thinking in every standardized test I've taken. But, I'm hardly going to waste my time finding and scanning those results to upload them to a Mongolian shit-posting board.
>it is more than speaking with no support
It really isn't, I think a monkey could score that high on one of those tests.
Honestly, I can see whites breeding with asians to avoid being called "racist". Then, when their kids are obviously superior to nigs they will be the new white people, but with less white guilt. Maybe then they would finally put down the nogs once and for all.
Enjoy your army of supreme gentleman
We still don't know how the mind works. You are fucking with forces beyond your comprehension. Stay with your own race.
Lel, Chinamen so smart that's why they act like a colony of ants with no personality.
that guy is fugly
Poisoned water, purposely failed education systems, pesticides and GMOs, dangerous food additives, encouragement of sedentary lifestyles, large increases in radiation exposure, chem trails, dirty vaccines, testing chemicals and viruses on Americans....
Literally all of these things are proven facts. There is undeniable evidence for all times I've listed, by jews controlling media, medicine, and government.
Do not forget, to a Jew, a gentile is an animal, and NOT A HUMAN.
Jews did 9/11. Never forget.
Opinion noted. Are you done, or are you going to keep complaining about a moot point?
I hope you realize that Asians are basically inhuman in terms of compassion
They have almost no moral compass. Cheating is a massive problem with Asian students in our universities, because they literally don't understand that it's wrong (it's commonplace in their home countries).
It's not likely that Asians can have the same sort of high-trust society we have in the US where everyone's kids play together unsupervised and you can count on a stranger to return your wallet.
Not to mention Asians display an extreme lack of creativity and practical sense about the world. White innovations blow Asians out of the water
*tips fedora*
Stats don't work that way.
You don't breed a race user. You breed a woman. A real, individual, woman.
What matters is her real, individual, genetics. Not some racial stereotype or average.
If she's relatively smart in comparison to those she grew up around, then she probably has decent genes for intelligence.
If she has an iq of only 120 and everyone else in her family is higher, her genes probably aren't all that good. She's probably just benefited from the stimulating environment she was raised in.
(Also, consider if you intend for her to actually *mother* the children instead of just producing a pup for adoption, that cultural background might actually be as good or better than the genetic advantage.)
Reality is always a bit grainier than we might like.
*Tips in return, with a gentlemanly smile*
100 times better than being a cuck and having your colony destroyed every 300 years
>Would you racemix with humans that collectively have a higher IQ than your race such as asians.
FIRST: only in some areas. They have AWFUL verbals iqs. Also, the standard devation for asians is smaller than for whites. equal number of asian and white geniuses, tho I agree, average east asian is smarter than the average white.
and no I'm flaming gay and love cock in my butt so no : ) sorry about ur tiny pee pee chinaman
It's not an opinion, it's fact and you're a lot more stupid than you think if you actually though it gave your argument a semblance of support.
You have never flown a plane or looked inside a planes structure, I have. There is no chem trails.
yeah i don't find a race with small benis worth mixing with.
I'm white...
Goddamn, why do people assume I'm a chink when I ask this question. I'm not. Cut it out Sup Forums, this isn't funny anymore!
Not all planes, you moron. Research the topic before you try to project your opinions onto other people.
There is plenty of evidence, and the government has explicitly admitted it has been done.
>Letting jews poison you
You guys are dumb
We were born into it, my friend. When you are lied to from birth, it is hard to see the lies.
No. You are the one projecting your insanity onto other people friendo.
You idiots look at the sky with a 747 passing with the "white chem trails" coming off the wingtips and instantly get tinfoil and refuse to listen to physics.
>Notallplanes meme
>Muh evidence which you don't have but I wont provide.
>muh IQ spergout
Chink or Jew, OP?
I'm not going to spoon feed the willfully ignorant. I'd rather you stay weak, as to not influence more minds with your disillusion.
If you can't figure out what to google, that's on you.
>Would you racemix with humans that collectively have a higher IQ than your race such as asians.
"Asians" don't have higher IQ, analyze them in say China, not transfer students in the US.
Now, would I inseminate a classy jap chick? Eh why not? Its no skin off my back. Would I ever consider choosing azn over white girls? No.
top kek mate. Your whole persona is making you feel better about your own life and superior to other people. "I'd rather you stay weak" "your disillusion" "willfully ignorant" Get a grip burger. You are the delusional one.
Do something with your life, rather than living in fear. Every conspirator I have ever met has been >30 and unemployed. I DONT NEED A JAWB COS THE GUBBEMENT IS EVIL AND I CANT SUPPORT EM! kek