Tfw I got drunk last Friday and burnt coal

>tfw I got drunk last Friday and burnt coal

My question to you Sup Forums - can I still get a quality white man? Does one drunk stupid act of passion mean I can never have a quality white man To share my life with?

Off-topic: the bbc meme is real and it was every bit as good as I dreamed it'd be

Kill yourself.

Nope, you just made your self worthless, now make sure jamal sticks around otherwise you will die alone with a flock of niglets from 3 different nigs.

You done goofed

Yet another instance of the white race getting cuck'd thoroughly

Funny how stormtards claim they're 'turning the tide', yet, dozens of threads are posted on a daily basis exemplifying how whites are getting cuck'd at huge rates.

>go to party
>get drunk
>fuck a nigger

Kill yourself traitor.

>Toll paid
But does that mean she can now return to normal life?

>ITT: Sup Forums takes the bait

>one mistake once means you're damaged goods forever

Sup Forumstard logic everyone

Lulz, exgelend pol-bait!

>That nose
>That flag

Why do you want a goy, my dear chosen one?

And it's late, shouldn't you already be inside your oven?

Don't be a bad jew or I will call the Holy Inquisition

cuck logic everyone

maybe if you kill yourself you can get yourself a necrophiliac

that's about it

If she understands the gravity of her mistake, maybe nothing is certain. $20 bucks says she does it again until she finds one that kills her.

>Be shit.
>Want quality.


>Everyone falling for this bait

I hope no one responded to this post seriously

You should consider throwing yourself off a tall building.

You're worthless now.

Get in the chamber.

No, a very stupid mistake means you have serious judgement issues and poor taste in company.

You know what they say, once you go black, you lose all respect and are considered a whore.