Can we please get a jellybeanasmr fap thread started? I need her nudes super badly

Can we please get a jellybeanasmr fap thread started? I need her nudes super badly.

Other urls found in this thread:!6wgRyRQJ!bHx2PqwiC6Zk1OTm1ajY9g

It's outrageous to me that the people that run a certain asmr chan board and the related vola are banning posting the video and nudes. WTF kind of white knight faggotry is that? Where does she get the sort of power to convince those angsty edgy autists to not be able to post her stuff?

Is her ASMR even real ASMR, or is it typical rushed, low quality shit just so she can promote her Patreon?
Fucking 99% of ASMR YouTubers are just whores that don't want to be on Chaturbate.

Can you explain?

There is an /asmr/ board on another chan site. She did a video of her dancing around in a skimpy bikini where she gets in doggy position and stuff (you can even see the brown area around her asshole). This board which is usually autist edgelords is not allowing that video or any nudes of her to be posted on there or on volafile.

She's not even that cute. There are much better looking ASMR girls.

Damn can you find that vid?

There are only screencaps of it. I haven't seen any of the nudes or screencaps because they ban people who ask for them or post them. Fucking ridiculous. That's why I was asking earlier how she had any power to get people on an anarchistic board to not allow her whorish content to be posted.

I saw it before /asmr/ took it down. Not worth it. She's so trashy it's not even funny.

She thicc as fuck and has nice tits.