May God's love be with us tomorrow :^)

May God's love be with us tomorrow :^)

What does strangers thinks about Le Pen ? Let me know, anons

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C'est une socialiste et une femme.

I'm 99% sure she's not going to win, so I'll go ahead and ask you just how bad Macron is

post the pic, i want to see it one last time

won't get posted after tomorrow

Way better than that other somali-loving, algerian-penis-slurping bitchboy.

sold her soul to satan

Ah effectivement, maintenant que tu le dis
Yeah, but idk, Trump got elected, so yeah. Maybe ? We'll see tomorrow anyway. I'll know if I'm leaving France :)

You're fucking right


vas-tu déménager ici ?

stupid reactionary nationalist

Issou je meurs


Retourne d'où tu viens, migrant.

People said Trump and Brexit would not happen, a year ago I would say she has no chance but today I am not so sure.

What a good time to be german :)

Yeah I kinda think like this too, if Trump is president of the USA, why not Le Pen ?

Its gonna be 60-40 at best, she has no way of making it

The savior of Europe and the last chance for France

Frenchies are cucks. Trump was losing by ~5-10pts in the polls. She's losing by 30

I would vote for her.

>a woman


The hysterical bitch had more votes than the orange.

Anything less than 60% would be considered loss for Macron. He needs to crush her decisively.

I obviously want her to win, but it seems impossible.

I want Le Pen to win just to see the big happening after break up of EU and NATO. Everything will be up in the air again and we can form new alliances like In the 19th century

>The hysterical bitch had more votes than the orange.
The orange has already achieved power though.

id vote for her yeah but id not be getting my hopes up
good luck

This time around you can take Sweden and leave Norway be.

Memes aside, what does Le Pen stand for?

Left-wing economics and protectionism. She is basically trump on trade issues

Economic left, social reactionnary
Anti EU
Interventionist State
More handouts to french citizens, less/none to immigrants

>More handouts to french citizens, less/none to immigrants
Sir, I am so hungry. Could you spare some food?

Macron doesn't have established party and he's going to need a majority in National Assembly to implement his programme and avoid awkward cohabitation.

That's why he has to capture a momentum that will carry on into the legislative election in June.

That last point sounds great until you realize that most of the immigrants already have French citizenship. Which means it's just empty rhetoric and symbolic gestures

All your men are cucks

>he thinks le meme candidate will save his country

Hell probably have to settle with an alliance with the LR except if they manage to have an absolute majority without Macron's party. So in this scenario, hell to make some concession that would lead to a more conservative foreign policy.

I hope she wins so she can make France great again and America and France can again lead the world in freedom and enlightenment ideas

Le pen 2 coins system seems proper thought

>France is going to get its pseudo-elite co-opted revolution after the US gets our organic-patriot driven revolution.

En Marche didn't unveil candidates in all districts yet, so I'm not sure how reliable this is, but it looks good for him so far.

I guess he can get moderates from PS and LR to work with him.

She was complete shit at debating it thursday night though, she couldnt answer the questions regarding the position of a french business trading with other European countries.

Who the fuck is May God and can he fuck off?

Switzerland wants LePen to win!

implying trudeau will accept white fr*gs lol

She told me she intends to swap France with Switzerland in the EU. We'll take the banks.

come and try

Lol that's egypt.

good job ousting yourself as a retard.

Trump is rather incompetent as well and yet he made America great again.

He cant even beat Obamacare.

he did jack shit though

She wants to reinstate military service, so we'll have a whole army of angsty teenagers ready to storm into Zurich.

I came just 4 months ago cuck. Thanks for the reduced tuition fees, I love paying less than ethnic Canadians.

That sounds great. I'll be eagerly waiting for your Musulmans to mow down.

Vapid whore who sold out her own father for political power, has never worked a job in her entire life and just lifed on politician salary, but pretends to be a representative of the "common people".

She has never done or even tried doing anything for france and she won't do anything even when elected, killing nationalism in france just so she can upstage daddy.

He's Reagan 2.0. He'll do nothing of importance except jack up military spending and cut taxes on the rich, but his election coincides with an economic recovery after years of poor growth so he'll go down as a good president, provided he doesn't do something insanely stupid first.

top kek, your shithole of a country is about to elect a rothschild banker and be cucked forever

The only way to prove France (or any European country) is progressive and tolerant is to become a German puppet. Didn't you know that?

That ain't even our first Rothschild banker in the 5th republic.

Why couldn't you vote for Don Fillon? It could have been so perfect.
Instead you let yourself get caught in the obvious trap of the populists on both sides and now we are all fucked.

>Why couldn't you vote for Don Fillon? It could have been so perfect.

The man was running while it had been revealed he paid his wife and son a million euros for non-existent labour.

Also, he doesn't have a nice smile.

>Why couldn't you vote for Don Fillon?
Because this dude is sitting in a prison cell 2 years from now.

More like: Why didn't you choose Juppé?

A crook willing to say anything to get elected
A bit like the man he served, you know, Sarkozy? A neocon to the heart

How is that a argument against his much better policies and more reasonable stance?

And Le Pen did practically the same thing with her EPM position, and Macron wants to enslave all of europes finances under one authority, and he's going to succeed too because all of the EU members are too scared and happy france is pushing EU reform they'll give him anything to support him domestically.

Fuck, if you didn't like Fillon for supporting his family, then you could have still picked Melenchon. Still much better than what we got now.

Her father was an honest man, she's just a phony.

>A crook willing to say anything to get elected
Are we really going to pretend this isn't true for all the major candidates?

Juppé literally went to jail before.

I'm saying why they didn't vote for him, not what I would have done. Macron is literally the worst-case scenario in my view, since if he wins the EU grows stronger and France becomes a puppet. Embezzlement of funds, publicly, tends to scare away voters.

>if you didn't like Fillon for supporting his family
This is a really nice way to put it.

This is a Pen wants Frexit right?
What would happen to the EU without the UK and France?

If she looses it means France betrayed us and is really dead.

Who cares, there was a time before EU and I can remember it wasn't bad.


>This is a Pen wants Frexit right?
She has been extremly shifty on the matter. Right now her position is to have negotiations with the EU and then maybe a referendum.

>What would happen to the EU without the UK and France?
The UK is pretty much irrelevant here, but without France the EU would undergo a radical transformation with absolutely impossible to predict results. Germany would rule utterly supreme over the remaining members (and many would stay for the perks that would still exist), and we'd be likely seeing a minor shedding of a few more members in the process of a radically accelerated unification process.

Well for most yeah, but leftist wanting to put your country in the deepest shit imaginable will actually go through with their words
t. Nicolas "Diversity and metism is our future and if the people don't accept it the government will have to step in to make them accept it" Sarkozy

Is she a cute GILF like Stein?

>What would happen to the EU without the UK and France?
southerners are fucked because france is protecting them from the northeners/eastern europeans right now, maybe they would leave and germany would probably have to found a new eu based mainly on benelux/scandinavia/eastern europe

>if you didnt like fellon for openly stealing taxpayer money
FTFY, cuck.

>Macron is literally the worst-case scenario in my view, since if he wins the EU grows stronger and France becomes a puppet.
Thats a very shortsighted perspective. France wouldn't be "a puppet" in a stronger EU, because the people that call the shots in the Eu are the national goverments, and even in a more integrated EU it would still be french people in important positions.
He could make the EU more vulnerable to be undermined by foreign global interests, and he likely will, but thats something that would come from france, not "france being a puppet".

What people fail to realise in this comparison though, is that Le Pens ideas are dumb.
She would make frances economy crash and burn because she has no idea what she's doing, and a economically weakened france is much more vulnerable to foreign comercial interest than a economically strong france even in the EU. Foreign companies and finances will buy out the pieces of the wreck of the french economy and there is nothing they could do about it, mass immigration would still continue because even if Le Pen would do anything to curb it (which I doubt) she'd be out on her ass in five years and followed by someone who can sell the need for "fresh workforces to fight the demographic problems" even harder and swarm you in immigrants even worse.

>What people fail to realise in this comparison though, is that Le Pens ideas are dumb.

Most people don't fail to realize this. You might spend too much time on internet echo chambers.


The "in this comparison" part was kinda important, and since I'm talking ina internet echo chamber, that is kind of relevant.
If I were talking to french people in france, it'd be a different thing.

Germans and the EU regime will become powerful enough to encourage some weaker members to pretty much unite with Germany. The Netherlands, Belgium, Czechia, and Austria would be almost certain to unite with Germany to form a quasi-superstate. Sweden, Germany, and Slovakia would likely unite with them as well. France, Italy, Poland, and the UK would be alienated further from Germany and a serious conflict might even arise.

>The Netherlands, Belgium, Czechia
Please stop talking about things you know absolutely nothing about burger, the cringe is too much for us.

>Italy on the other side
Finally it all works out


Marine will lead our Army to victory.

>France, Italy, Poland, and the UK
I buy France and the UK. Maybe even Poland. But not Italy.
It'd be the HRE all over again, Italy and Germany will finally be together again at long last.

Sounds about right. Portugal might join the Allies as well, Id say.

>France wouldn't be "a puppet" in a stronger EU, because the people that call the shots in the Eu are the national goverments

A stronger EU is to the detriment of a national government because it's the bureaucrat so fhte European council that call the shots, not individual EU governments. All EU strength comes at the expense of national sovereignty.

>He could make the EU more vulnerable to be undermined by foreign global interests

The EU is already a thoroughly bought out institution, if you wanna lessen the foreign interests having control over it, you need to weaken it.

>She would make frances economy crash and burn because she has no idea what she's doing, and a economically weakened france is much more vulnerable to foreign comercial interest than a economically strong france even in the EU

The EU response to the recession of 2007 was to implement austerity. Anyone with basic economic knowledge will know that when you have a recessionary output gap, raising taxes and cutting government expenditures will worsen the recession, not aid recovery (the EU does this for a reason that is in only eurocratic interests). macron may make some needed reforms, but without a proper stimulus package it won't help France.

> even harder and swarm you in immigrants even worse

Macron is literally the worst-case scenario with regards to this.

If you seriously believe that you don't know shit about Europe. We invaded and occupied literally all of those countries during the world wars and it is very easy to tap into that ressentiment if anyone ever tried to form some kind of "Greater Germany"

>Jean Marie le pen
>Jean-Frédéric Poisson
>Philippe de Villiers
>Henry de Lesquen
>Robert Menard


>because it's the bureaucrat so fhte European council that call the shots, not individual EU governments
What the hell are you talking about? The EU institutions have zero legislative and barely any executive power.

He won't win because he has the media in his back pocket.

Emails revealed Macron's campaign was purchasing quasi-legal designer drugs that are used at gay clubs. Still unreported by the media in general.

Oh yeah, and the emails revealed that Macron is going to institute teaching Arabic in French schools.

So there you go, that's how bad Macron is.

> because it's the bureaucrat so fhte European council that call the shots, not individual EU governments
Nice Sup Forumsmeme you circlejerking loser. You people have no idea about anything how the EU works. The EU bueraucrats have no power at all, the biggest issue the EU has is that it literally can't do anything without okay by the 27 members.
>The EU response to the recession of 2007 was to implement austerity. Anyone with basic economic knowledge will know that when you have a recessionary output gap, raising taxes and cutting government expenditures will worsen the recession, not aid recovery (the EU does this for a reason that is in only eurocratic interests). macron may make some needed reforms, but without a proper stimulus package it won't help France.
Oh boy we have a armchair economist at our hands, how adorable.
Okay, first of all, Macron is actually against austerity. Second of all, taxes weren't raised as a matter of course in most EU countries at the time, and goverment spending was only reduced AFTER the financial crisis had been going down to reduce the massively increased national debt that had come from the icnreased spending of the crisis.
"Austerity" became a thing in response to the euro crisis not the 2007 recession, and it was because the eurp crisis was in huge part because of too much national debt.

Will macron put her to his harem when he beats her? He has right to do imo.

Fucking shit-eating germans causing another war as usual...

Woohoo super bad. I'm pissing my pants right now...
Great controversy.

>is going to institute teaching Arabic in French schools
Wait, how is that a problem? Is that illegal in france or something? I know you guys are super uptight about forcing french on the minority regions in france, but that seems extreme.
But I can't believe you have restrictions on secondary/tertiary languages being taught.