Muh asians are heartless monsters who hate animals meme

>muh asians are heartless monsters who hate animals meme

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Jeb told them to do it

Because tutles are smart enough to use tunnels.

I'm no physicists but I know if you stand too close to trains the vacuum a passing train makes is enough to move a grown adult a few inches.

Wouldn't those turtles just get sucked up underneath the train?...

it literally shows them using the tunnels

This is complete horse shit.

How the fuck would a turtle cause delays?

also what this guy said

So this is where that 100 million campaign fund went?

And that's part of the reason they are Honorary Aryans.

even palestinians are smart enough to use tunnels

Actually they would be fine since the air in the tunnel will act as a cushion. Think of a golf ball and the dimples on it.


>1 japanese company put in a tube under a tack
>all asians love animals


They use them because they just fall into them, not because they know the concept of train tracks and tunnels underneath them.

Fucking Jesus Christ, off yourself you moron.

You're mistaking a common chinese meme for all Asians buddy.

Great, when are they going to start building whale and dolphin tunnels so they can escape fishermen?
How about a dog tunnel as well while they are at it.

>eats the whales that guide them to larger pools of fish
>eats the dog that could guide them to animals for eating
>*bites a tiger cock*
>*washes it down with deer semen*
>"Errry white man naturrah viyagrah heuheuheuehu"

It more literally shows turtles IN said tunnel, with a bystander, and mind you one of those turtles are upside down.

I don't think a few turtle tunnels are enough to fix the whaling problem.

thats the chinese

The Japanese are white.

Japanese are not the same thing as Chinese

This is an interesting question.
Would also like to know if they move or not.

pretty sure asians eat turtle soup you dumb nigger

>Implying turtles have enough intelligence to know that's their designated railroad crossing path

That tunnel clearly leads into a concrete brick

how the fuck are they supposed to get out?

>spending money on turtles instead of elderly pensioners

It's just for those turtles that happen to cross at that particular spot. 10 ft in either direction and they're road kill

im Palestinian but that made me laugh

They seem to have taken a cue from our wasteful government. How clever.

Wouldn't the air in the tunnel just get sucked up too?

Trains are incredibly heavy and move at really fast speeds. If a grown man is able to get sucked in if they stand too close, why wouldn't a turtle (Who is probably 1/100 the weight of a man) which is just a few inches UNDER the train?

Becase japs are the only bro tier asians.

The key words here are train delays. This is more about efficiency than altruism.

Why would the Chinese be trying to save turtles when they barely go out of their way to save humans?

Turtles are a sacred animal to them

they have a bunch of shrines to turtles.

they don't give a shit about animals that aren't sacred.

Japs aren't asians, they are slanted whites.

Not really wasteful in the sense that according to the meme, it prevents delays.

Oh you thought they were somehow going to escape the pot?

did jeb go to japan or something?

Saving a couple of turtles doesn't make up for using nukes in WW2

Freight train conductor here. You're wrong.

At 60 mph a passing train generates a strong breeze but nowhere near enough to move an adult.

What? The japs didnt use nukes you dumb fuck


Yeah. There's probably many animals that get run over by trains, but turtle shells probably mess things up.

Japanese only act cruelly toward whales.
It's the Chinese that are barbaric towards all forms of life.

It doesn't matter how they get out, what matters is their master turtle plan

Nips>Gooks=Slants>>>>>>>>Chinks in regards to animal welfare and treatment of other people.

Prove me wrong, oh wait you can't.

More like a couple of feet from the train, or the actual "box" moving the air, because of the wheels holding it up. By your logic all the gravel would be sucked up too.

Japanese trains move at about 300 mph though.

I'm pretty sure a turtle would just get pinched in half/flung off a track if it were to get hit by one.
Those things weight thousands and thousands of pounds.

Human bones don't derail trains, neither do cows or deer. I don't think a turtle will either.
a few swings at one with a hammer pops them open easy..

>Japanese only act cruelly toward whales

They're bro-tierō

sort of related because it's originally a Buzzfeed article:

It seems like it's also a practical concern. And I don't know the full story, but:

> Five tunnels have been built near switch points in the area. The ditches are checked monthly, and turtles caught in the structures are taken to the aquarium.

If they only check it monthly, how can they catch any live ones?

People who think the japs are cruel to animals like chinese (and to a lesser extent koreans, although they've improved) are retarded. That comes overwhelmingly from whaling, which is mainly an institutional thing that the japanese government has gone out of their way to cover up over the years. The average japanese is not cruel to animals.

>japanese are the same as soulless mainlanders

300 mph would probably create some serious wind.

He just said trains in general so I figured he meant our shitty old claptraps.

the emphisis isn't on turtles it's on being on time something most english speakers know nothing about
>they took our jerbs

fuck forgot the link:

>turtle delay

This is a thing? That's kind of adorable.

What if it turns out that dolphins are actually Jewish, and Japan has been slaughtering them without telling anyone all this time because they know that if they reveal their findings the Jews.S.A. will threaten to bomb them again?

>South Park is always right even more often than Sup Forums

japanese hate whales u faggot not turtles

chinks are the ones that eat anything.

This pic always bugged me. The angle he's swinging at in relation to the guy's head means it isn't going to slice at the neck. It would just go straight into the cranium.

How did this end up? Anybody know?

Not ones running on those old as fuck tracks, retard. This is clearly for cargo freight trains.

Japan, you are our greatest ally and top tier funposters.

What other breed of Asian do you approve of? Which do you hate most? Power rankings would be appreciated.

Japanese are quite literally barbarians. They're rapists and thieves, culture-stealing parasites whose warlike tendencies and love of atrocities puts even the Muslims to shame. KILL EVERY JAP BEFORE THEY KILL YOU

South park is made by two kikes. Fuck the retards that watch that jewish bile.

They're just afraid that Gamera will get pissed at the killing of his relatives


The Japanese were actually the first society in East Asia to pass laws regarding animal treatment, explicitly ban dog consumption, and for a time vegetarianism was even state mandated. They've always been pretty compassionate towards animals, I can't help but wonder if it didn't have to do with Shinto and later Buddhist influences in daily life.

Why do you give a fuck about whales and dolphins? Do you know the slightest thing about those animals?

Dolphins in particular are heartless monster.

>whales that guide them to larger pools of fish
t. doesn't know anything about the fishing industry

South Koreans are bro tier
Far southeast asians (phillipines, etc) can go fuck themselves

the japanese were always great people

Hi Matt and/or Trey.

Nice shilling, but you're shows been shit for at least almost a decade now and everyone here knows it.

Social security is sustainable, 33% of Japan will be dead in 25 years. Too little people paying into the system and far too many to collect.

They're obviously trapping the turtles for food, just an fyi.

>Why are japanese so bro tier pham? They're not cruel like the other gooks


Go back to China Peng.

Chink detected.


actually, Japanese are an exception to the rule

slow and steady

Slippery tracks.

>humans don't have the physical capability to adjust their arms and wrists to change the trajectory when swinging at objects
>baseball doesn't exist and it would blow my retarded mind if I saw it

except for when they murdered thousands of Chinese in Nanking

also, WW2 pow camps

>killing turtles before you can eat them




please stop comparing chinese and turtles it's offensive

These are tortoises, not turtles

>Nanking was bad meme
The commies killed 100 millions people, no one ever talk about it

ifunny pisses me off so much. Not even reddit or 9fag is as cancerous as to slap their logo onto obvious Sup Forums screencaps.

I'm literally white

don't know what trains you're standing near. Only train with that kind of power is the Trump Train.


Still not as ridiculous as the Netherlands

They bring it down from overhand to an arc. They've been perfecting the art of beheading gaijin for centuries.

>Im a diaspora sandnigger who lost his land because of sandniggers

Get out of my country

Does that mean I'm 100% white now?

How the fuck did they even make this?

Same reason liberals prefer animals over humans.

what do you do while driving?

I'm not going to bash, that looks really cool.



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