I am going to check myself in to jail at 4 pm today

I am going to check myself in to jail at 4 pm today
for my sentencing condition : AMA

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what'd u do

good for you faggot

i got convicted of a sex abuse crime i did not do.

how did that happen? deets of charge

Prove it.

Sure Tyrone

in america all you need is probable cause
and i had limited options so i pled guilty to make the change of prison time a 0% instead of a 50-60%

You leave op alone
He a good boy
He dindu nufin

i really didn't but they think i did
and that is all that matters
should have heard my prosecutor in the court room the other day
made me out to be some kinda emotionless baby raping machine that cruises the afternoons for victims. (ill be seeing him in hell)