Face of a Cuck

>Christina had dated around a lot. She talks about one such partner who couldn’t even pronounce the word “psychology”. Stefan was a welcome change. Christina made it clear to Stef that she wasn’t looking for a player. She was looking to settle down and possibly have kids. Stefan respected this honesty, and they haven’t spent a day apart since.


Stef is obviously a massive cuck. He went bald early and that fucked him up when it came to pussy. That's partly the reason he gets so angry and will talk 10 minutes about immigration before steering it into a rant about women for 50 minutes.

What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle?

Is he red pilled?

Fuck off shill.

Well he lived what he warns against. What better person to warn others?

>mfw "lot" is in italics on his website when it says "Christina had dated around a LOT"

Baldness is a sign of high DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, a much more potent form of testosterone responsible for penile development. In short, Stefan has high testosterone, is raising his own kid, is making huge amounts of money, is aggressive and speaking redpill for a living aswell as having a probable large penis. You're wrong Sadiq.


Same with CK. Bald dudes with massive jawlines are the least probable guys to be cucks, that's just nature. Maybe it's just easy to joke about when it seems far fetched to you.

This is the best summary of him and his work that I have ever seen.

Stefan is a cuck though. Maybe he is defying the odds, but he is a massive cuck and it is eating him up.

t.:stefie molineux

High Estrogen/progesterone detected.
Seriously calm your ovaries guys, I can smell the femininity through my monitor.

Not an argument.

Stefan is a cuck and he knows it. That is why spends so much time obsessing over "sexual market value". He hates his lot in life, but respects the free market.

Stefan has so much money he can literally steal your wife and fuck her in your bedroom. Check his Bitcoin adress. This is an argument, your useless post wasn't.

not an argument

...not an argument either, faggot lol.

Every fucking thread.

I like bill and all, but come on man

Stop advertising.

Actually, what he means by 'not an argument' was that it wasn't a very sound argument. A sound argument has irrefutable premises that lead to a conclusion. The post before him had no semblance of sound to it therefore it was 'not an argument'.

Based Bill


there was a time, in the beginning, where he was at peace with himself

>Stefan promotes himself by declaring himself to be a beta bux cuckold

FYI being a cuck is not a badge of honor outside of Sweden.


>t. George Costanza-tier bald man

>Tyrone erupted in Christina's abused, diseased snatch, leaving a foul creampie of epic proportions. He dismissively stood up and slapped her ass with his syphilitic dick, lurching toward the door bobbing his head like a chicken, grabbing a KFC chicken leg from her minifridge on his way out.
>"Wait. Tyrone, y, you love me, right?"
>"Nah bitch, u is nuffin 2 me."
>"B, but I skipped psychology class for you."
>"DAAAAMN BITCH, y u so clingy n' sheeit? U is all up in muh grill, grill. 'Sides, wut chu need wit dat saicolugee shit fo neway?"
>Before she could answer, Tyrone was out the door, dragging his dick down the hallway leaving a slimy trail. Chrinstina looked in the mirror. What man would still find her gaping vagoo acceptable? She had only one choice, to find a man who was so far up his own ass that he would never notice the telltale signs of her past as a serial BBC whore. She met Stephan, the perfect mark, and they haven't spent a day apart since.

Hi Stephan

Why don't you get a life and stop shitposting for attention, Damon/Ashley?

defoo.org = damondox.com

crawl back under your rock trolls, you aren't going to ruin Stefan's reputation with your inane shitposting.

>tells someone to get a life
>knows the first names of site owners who criticize a youtube personality

Autism speaks.

>knows the first names of site owners who criticize a youtube personality

I know their names because they were caught trying to get people arrested at an event I was at in New Hampshire. I only learned the extent of their depravity once their identities became public.

They've ruined a lot of people's lives for no reason.

>Tells me to get a life
>Knows the first names of site owners who criticized his favorite youtube personality
>Responds to autism accusation by giving the biography of those site owners

Yeah OK Damon/Ashley, get fucked, you never fit in anywhere.

Are Damon/Ashley like your version of the Jews?

>implying the jews aren't a massive problem


Are Damon and Ashley part of the Jewish conspiracy?