>pedo is white
every single fucking time
>pedo is white
every single fucking time
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Maybe because only white people have teaching jobs, numbnuts.
Was it a nigger boy?
Because reporting member of minority would be racist, go read up some story what muslims consider halal with little boys.
that kid is a playa
I'm glad you posted this thread because it gives me the opportunity to finally refute this tired talking point.
If you look at victimization statistics, you will find that whites rank at the bottom of child molesting statistics.
The reason so many whites appear in the media as molesters and kiddy diddlers is that whites tend to have functional communities where a concerned adult is tipped off to the abuse. This doesn't happen among niggers and spics.
Take a gander sometime at the prevalence of child rape in spic barrios. That shit will blow your hair back.
So actually, seeing more whites brought to justice for child abuse is actually evidence of healthy communities doing what they do best: outing perverts in their midst and punishing them.
No...Its not news when some nigger nigs
I wish I was 'raped' by her when I was 16, or any age.
Student is White: Niiiiiiice
Student is Black: Fucking women always get off easy we need to put this woman away for a good long time, equality now!
>tfw there are 14 year old chads getting more pussy than you are
She's not a Pedo, Statuary rape is stupid.
one of my teachers had massive boobs & would literally go out of her way to sit directly in front of my desk while spreading her legs
i mean yeah she was like 38
but best teacher ever
>Man fucks undersaged student
>Held without bond no matter if the sex was consensual
>Never sees the light of day again
>Woman fucks underage student
>Doesn't matter if it was full on rape
>No bond needed
>Out on the streets
I really wish the law wouldn't treat women like they were idiot fucking children with no control over their actions when they do evil shit.
Those Fucking capibarra piss me off. I don't know why.
The only black guy in my neighborhood (upper middle class) when I was growing up was a child molester.
Not only was her a molester, but he forced his own granddaughter to fellate him while his son was at work. There were no other molesters in the neighborhood, and certainly no other incestuous molesters.
So my personal sample size of 160 white households and 1 black shows me that blacks are at least 160x more likely to rape kids.
Best part? His son raped a girl later on that year.
You need a college education to be a teacher
>tfw a capibarra gets more pussy than you
We had a teacher that did this in California. She didnt wear panties either. And there were rumors her chad bf was fucking her in her office during lunch hours because he'd visit with the door locked. She was 5'1 slim brunette with blue eyes. Maybe a 6 or 7/10.
kek even 40 year old married women cant resist the 15 year old bbc
Thats probably exactly it. Fucking hate those smug faggots.
Do not miscategorize negroes as part of humanity
Maybe because only white people have jobs
They usually don't report on crimes committed by non-whites.
The middle east has a thriving child-sex slavery industry (hell, it's even legal in their religion to marry a toddler). Don't even get me started on Africa. The Orthodox jews are notorious for this as well.
The mudraces are a thousand times worse on pedophilia.
Because in white countries pedophilia is illegal.
Black countries have child marriages. Middle-East has child marriages.
Swiftly refuted.
OP, you need to watch Precious again.
Talmudic Judaism and traditional Islam do not consider sex with children to be neither abnormal nor immoral. Doing so with Gentiles (to the Talmudic Jews) is encouraged because Gentiles are just cattle, not people.
are these things good pets
Can't believe nobody commented on this yet
So this little fucking chad fucks his teachers god knows how often and probably tells one of his friends who then probably gets jealous and the thing spreads like wildfire
After word got out, teacher gets in trouble and the little shit plays the victim card (whether or not he did doesn't matter anyway)
He then proceeds to fuck his teacher and somehow managed to fucking fuck it up again and has no free sexual lessons anymore because he's a massive retard
What the fuck how does this even happen?
would you, pol?
Of course they are white.
Niggers don't go to school.
they arent agresive
but cause a lot of mess
Must've been one hell of a fugging to pay bail to get one last taste.
these "female teacher fucks student" stories seem to be more and more commonplace these days
It's not evil though. It's a woman fucking a teenage boy. Shit like this should be encouraged.
Whites are the ones who find it distasteful.
All others don't think twice about banging kids.
Post-puberty boy CANNOT be victim in sexual relationship with older woman.
I was fapping to milfs since i was 10.
I completely agree m8. Unless it was some ugly landwhale that literally raped him. I wanted to fuck almost every teacher I had since the end of elementary school.
>I wanted to fuck almost every teacher I had since the end of elementary school
hahahaha same here
I think you'll find that most pedos are Hispanic
Check out crime listings near you to see your local pedos
Near me it's literally 10 to 1 Mexicans
Maybe it was true love, faggot
They're bringing dubs.
Let's not forget how the media just like the have a bias of showing when white people murder blacks which makes the general public think whites are killing blacks at an alarming rate when in reality blacks are killing whites like 25x more often. They also like to paint the same picture about white people being child molesters at much higher rates then all other races when in reality the statistics show the oposite is true.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedo.
Most elites, powerful and or smart men are.
I'd fuck her desu senpai
FBI statistics show that whites make up less than 15% of the pedo convictions in the US. The rest are primarily black, middle-eastern, and hispanic.
>that face
It'd like having your house smell like old feces and new feces at the same time no matte how much you try to walk it it will shit in house and they are retarded and will knock shit over on a daily basis but friendly
she's not bad for the age. i'd have let her molest me
This actually 100% true. Incest and sexual crimes is absolutely rampant in black communities.
My wife works with abused children every day and the stories she tells me would make a grizzled war vet cry. Low IQ, no education, no job, toxic culture = unfathomable sexual abuse.
It just doesn't get reported because that just doesn't happen in their communities.
>it's a Sup Forums defends female pedos while in another thread will be calling for "muh day of the rope" for male pedos episode
It's funny how cucked this site is by feminists and you all don't even realize it.
M-m-muh superior race!!!!!
guess she didnt know it was illegal
This is retarded. She fucked THE SAME KID. He obviously wants to. If he was a victim, it would be easy as fuck to NOT FUCK HER AGAIN.
Retarded law for retarded people.
Can anyone offer a rational argument as to how having sexual relations with a male or female that is old enough to produce fertile semen or eggs to be fertilized is a bad thing?
Pedophilia and abuse are extremely common on small societies and with blacks
But because blacks live in shitty hoods and neveer get anywhere in life it is never reported.
It was a girl. The bbc will continue to be all yours.
The greatest advice I ever got as a kid was, "Never kiss and tell". Nobody. And I mean nobody, knows all the shit I've done sexually. And I would keep getting it because I'm that fucking discrete. Motherfuckers need to learn to keep their mouths shut.
But most pedos are Muslims? It's just that most European base countries report and publicize pedophilia.
I don't think you can have jewish slaves anymore
Ficki ficki.
Woman under 15 have high rates of miscarriages/health issues when pregnant, not a good idea
>nigger fucks a child
>nigger fucks his sister
Niggers have, like all crimes, a much higher rate of pedophilia and incest, followed by Hispanics, then whites, then Asians.
Are you that one pedophile guy on Sup Forums?
You're a retard. It's feminism that wants to pretend men and women are exactly alike. They aren't. Male and female teenagers have COMPLETELY different ways of dealing with both sex and authority. On average, one would likely be abuse (or not abuse but still leave significant sequels), the other not.
B-but children are incapable of consent!
fucking kids is part of the white culture, as well fucking your dog, daughter, mom, etc.
you cant blame them
Entire black communities rape their daughters. They don't report rape in black communities, you know that right? That's why she-boons are so fucked in the head. Rape is common there but it's just seen as different.
Blacks are pretty famous for kid fucking. Here, let's look at them. The judge and I quote
"I've yet to meet a 12 year old girl who hasn't been raped".
So what about women that are in their 20s or early 30s mating with teenage boys? What if a husband is found to be sterile and they don't have the money for artificial insemination, or simply don't trust it over the way nature intended humans to be created?
Yeah that's why fucking women were the ones who gave us this awful shit of age 18 consent.
your post is literally nothing but vague meaningless bullshit. No one gives a flying fuck about your ignorant unfounded opinions dipshit.
Its one of the few crimes that's proportional by race. So 70% of pedos are white cause 70% of people are white.
Wrong it's:
NEWS REPORTED pedo is white.
>That fucking apartheid sign as if it's some sort of justification or proof that the Judge is racist
Jesus christ
Agree. My current wife thinks I have been a virgin before we got together, we've known each other for years before we got together.
I've fucked so many girls, but she always knew we kinda will end up together (too much distance to be in a relationship for the longest time between us) so she kept her virginity, things I did the same, jesus I fucked so many women. She'll never know, why would I tell her?
i'm starting to think that the female teachers in texas have a prostitution ring full of boys that they solicit for sex after school. the boys will be said to be overachievers while receiving invaluable teacher's aids during those hours.
>I really wish the law wouldn't treat women like they were idiot fucking children with no control over their actions when they do evil shit.
Women don't have agency, so why treat them as if they do?
what student would want to have sex with a fat negress teacher
Whites and Europeans have always been into kids and homosexuality. Every society that comes in contact with Europeans ends up getting destroyed morally
>Statuary rape is stupid.
Minors can't legally consent.
>whines about "vague meaningless bullshit"
>has done nothing but vaguely moan about feminism and age of consent
Confirmed retard.
ahmed pleez
That's why the law needs to change