Why are whites the only race that don't want children ?

The blacks have plenty of kids. The Arabs/MiddleEasterners pump them out. The Indians do. The Mexicans/hispanics do. The East Asians maybe don't have HUGE families but they still do tend to have one or two kids during their lifetime.

Whites on the other hand seem to be the only race that flatly makes a stand and says 'No kids for me' and they openly admit they prefer their holidays and car payments and mortgages and the kid-free life.

I rarely see any of the other races coming straight out and saying 'I'm never having kids'. I only see whites doing this.

Don't you believe that overpopulation is a scam? What's with whites hating the concept of having children?

Whites give a shit and know they shouldn't bring more innocents into this fucked up world. Other races don't give a fuck and view kids as tools to get more gibsmedat

>Media brainwashing
>Whites are more K selected, therefore a particular environment's carrying capacity is lower.

All my jobs the past decade have ended in employer insolvency and bounced paychecks.

The most recent one happened because a family law court cleaned out every bank account it could find, meaning employees didn't get paid and clients lost all the fees they paid. Entire firm vaporized.

white women*

Responsibility overload?

I was friendly with a refugee from east Africa. He thought it was weird I didn't have kids. He was living on the dole while assimilating to the USA and still had 6 kids. Middle / Upper Middle class has a degree of responsibly ingrained in to them, plus fuck kids they bitch about everything and are a pain in the ass.

because of economics.

children are expensive if you're educated and make a middle-class salary. other than deductions on your taxes, you're paying out the ass to give your children a middle-class lifestyle--with the hopes that they'll succeed. fewer children = less of a financial burden on achieving the lifestyle.

others are educated and make a good salary, but they work way too many hours whereby there is little time for family--or even relationships.

the poor (which includes so many blacks) have more time on their hands (and little else available for entertainment other than fucking) and more social services offered to them. i've noticed that first generation hispanic immigrants tend to have many children, while their offspring and their offspring's offspring (if educated and middle class) are having fewer children--if any.

Quality over quantity.

Whites care about success. It's hard to amass life savings when you have a kid. Nigs are fine with popping out 7 kids because the government will take care of them.

>Implying east Asians are capable of attracting a mate


Tell that to Hitler and Stalin.

Because we're the only ones who actually have to pay for our kids

I told my girlfriend straight out that I want minimum 5 kids.

She was from a large family so she said ok.

>Why are whites the only race that don't want children ?

Generations of women's liberation, consumerism, propaganda, liberalism and, of course, the birth control pill.

God damn niggers

We have evolved.

Into idiots that are bound to go extinct. I say we take the rest of the world down with us.

The system is stacked against white people, every other race can have the taxpayer raise their kids but white people are completely on their own financially. There's also other factors like women being less desirable because of feminism, courts favoring the wives over the husbands in divorces and rampant false rape claims where the accused are guilty until proven innocent basically killing the dating scene.

How many do you have?

It isn't "whites" who aren't reproducing.

Whites are the only sapient species in the planet.

You will never meet a dog making plans for the future either.

Stop it with the self-hate, leafy. Don't forget to pay that rent to Mr. Wong.

because we are all paying crippling taxes so the mudslimes and niggers can have kids.

Blacks don't want kids, they are just too dumb to figure out how to prevent them

>The blacks have plenty of kids.

Blacks in the US have small birthrates and are not really a threat


Because whites have to actually pay for their own children.

The more societal wealth the less children people have. This is a pretty solid constant in every society.

more african americans are aborted than born. You were saying?

>tfw you realize that income inequality, carbon emissions, starvation, disease, and shortages of natural resources are directly the result of useless brown people breeding when they can't support themselves to begin with

if by "brown people" you mean "the chinese" then sure

People from developing or industrial societies have more kids
developed and post industrial societies have less

Was gonna say this.
It costs a lot of money to raise kids nowadays and if you're not in welfare you're gonna have a bad time of it.

white people create civilized societies with low crime rate
mammals stop bearing children when the mortality rate is low since there is a better chance for the offsprings to survive

thats going to change though thanks to globalism

I'm willing to bet if you examined what areas of the world have massive birth rates
and compare it with areas of the world that have virtually no contraceptive

You would see a correlation.

>The blacks have plenty of kids.

Black birth rates are below replacement level, and they were lower than whites in 2014.

only two, arguably three, of those countries in the top ten aren't completely failed nations.

Nobody wants kids. Especially not niggers. Theyre just too dumb to rubber up.

Hopefully not any yet

i think the only states there i'd consider completely failed are pakistan, nigeria and maybe brazil

the rest are pretty stable

r/k selection

Whites are responsible.
Niggers spics sand niggers are not.