wtf is this shit
Guy who gives me a baseball bat, the more distance between me and him the better, since my weapon is longer.
Bat will provide force. Even if you get a stab in, the other guy might not feel it until later. You feel a bat and it will knock you down.
This desu, I just have to keep him at a distance so I can get past him and run away in the opposite direction of the point of no return line.
I'll take the knife route, when he swings the bat I dodge in and slash at him.
>inb4 I was attacking
all along
I would take the knife versus the baseball bat.
Hell, I don't even know if I would use the knife. I would probably pocket it and go back to being bare handed so I could grab the bat. Baseball bats aren't that good of a weapon. If a person is able to get close to you too fast then you can't swing it and hurt them. You will swing it and hit them with the skinny bit a little bit past your hands.
I'd just rush the guy with the bat and try to get a grip on it myself. I've seen people do that in fights on YouTube, manage to wrestle baseball bats away from someone else.
I think I prefer a bat
The knife obviously. A bat is completely useless if your attacker isn't a pussy and gets right up on you.
Knifes are top tier weaponry. Better than guns in a lot of situations. A bat is a very small step up from bare hands.
That was pretty much my thinking too.
A baseball bat is only a dangerous weapon if the person can swing it and hit the other person with the "sweet spot". If the person is too close or too far away the weapon is useless.
I'd much rather have the range of motion. Also I'm likely a pussy ass bitch in an actual fight so I don't think I could actually stab someone.
>implying I would engage in combat with my opponents with such uncouth, barbaric weaponry
>implying I don't carry my nodachi (picrel) at all times
Even if you don't hit with the sweet spot it'll still cause damage. And hitting with the sweet spot is easy if you've ever swung a bat before
Having played a lot of Mount&Blade, rest assured a bat is the best option.
Alternatively, if my character's race is Jew, I'd grab the knife and lure the guy with the bat into a narrow corridor.
>take knife
>slit wrists
You best hope your first shot lands a perfect sweet spot because there is no way in hell I'd be attacking someone with a knife using only a baseball bat.
I don't have in mind to get into fights, but couldn't you charge the guy with a baseball bat if he gave you a knife and just go to town on him close quarters until he falls down?
all you retards that would take the knife over the bat are gonna end up with your head smashed open.
You only have to dodge one swing, or just not take the swing in the head.
You could easily take a swing in your off shoulder, and just start stabbing.
oh is that all? well by that logic you only have to dodge the knife.
seriously tho how the fuck you gonna just truck a bat swing off the shoulder or any part of your body, weapons like that were made specifically to crush and ignore all defences.
if the knife was a machete or something bigger then sure I'd go with that, but its what, a 6 inch blade? im assuming for the sake of argument that both people are equally adept with weapons? otherwise whoever actually knows what they're doing will win regardless of what they have.
You've clearly never been in a fight.
You can easily take a solid swing to an upper arm and not die or be knocked out. Sure, your arm might be broken, but immediately afterwards you have the chance to put something sharp into his squishy parts at least 3 times before they can really react.
It's over at the point. Your arm or wherever you took that bat is pretty fucked up, but they are on their way to dying unless they get immediate medical attention.
Again, if you have a knife and you can basically hug them, you win.
>take knife
>slice bat so muc it dissolves into individual molecuels
>teleport behind u
>cut ur head in one swift stroke
>implying the guy with the bat can't do all of that too
look I know you're some street mexican or nigger that thinks a knife is top shit but clearly you've never fought someone that wasn't a pussy.
>weapons like that were made specifically to crush and ignore all defences
It's not a fucking +3 flanged mace, it's a baseball bat. A fucking baseball bat. It was specifically made to hit and miss all baseballs.
Unless you hit him square in the side of the head, and fucking hard for that matter, you're going to be grabbed and stabbed to death.
obviously its not a mace, but you could relate it to a club. either way I suggest you and the other jackass go test your theories and get a friend to crank you across the body with a wooden louisville slugger. please post results.
And who says you have to swing a bar? You can use it to heave it straight into their stomach, double them over, then then swing on their face like a driver club. Plus you can use the bat as somewhat of a shield.
Obviously, you have more reach with the bar, and you have more options.
Take the knife. You can close the distance quickly, and even if you get hit once you'll probably be fine.
Played baseball in high school so im gonna go to the X
What kind of knife is it?
>a deep stab at the heart or kidneys won't be felt
Top kek
Uh, okay. I would entreat you to get stabbed a dozen times and post results but you'd be dead.
The point is that, real life not being a video game, the bat depends on blowing your opponent the fuck out in one swing. To do that you need to hit him in the right spot, at the right angle, with the right force, whereas the guy with the knife literally just needs to get close to you where the bat becomes useless and shiv you to death. Fuck you need to hit him at all, you're only getting one swing if the guy isn't a pussy and actually rushes you.
You avoid the swing or, failing that, sacrifice your arm to take the hit and then it's down to whether or not the guy can suddenly deal with you while you're rapidly shoving a piece of metal into all his important bits.
pay attention to the dotted lines. you're closer to the knife guy when he gives you the weapon
It's a trap
bats are quite unwieldy
the knifer just has to grapple him and withstand the possibility of getting hit once and he wins
you baffoon, a knife doesnt mean much when someone has adrenaline coursing through their blood
a bat will knock someone out cold