wtf I hate Haiti now
Wtf I hate Haiti now
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Fucking niggers wasting all that chocolate milk.
Just that dirt spillage? That happens with all river deltas, check out the Nile, the Mississippi, the Amazon ...
poop? erosion becuz deforestation? what be?
That's a lot of nigger poo
they killed the white men first. then they burnt the white kids in front of their mothers. then they go to the mothers and say: "you wanna live, you marry a negro"
(haitian genocide on whites)
Fuck niggers.
>only now hating Haiti
How new are you, literally the niggest nation, more so than most of Africa
That happens at the mouth of every river faggot.
i always thought it was in africa until i saw it on a map
Shit comes out of every river like this?
its called enrichment
mo nutrients fo dem microorganisms n sheeit
>(((Dirk Moses))) and (((Dan Stone))) write that it served as a form of revenge by an oppressed group that exacted out against those who had previously dominated them.
Lol, of course some Jews called it justified
No wonder why there was a klan and niggers got lynched. thanks user, i had never heard of this before.
Don't worry, the sea creatures will clean it up actually liked Haiti before?
Might as well do a Haiti minidump...
Haiti should be used for nuclear bomb testing.
>liking Haiti
Possibly the single most worthless country on earth right now. I agree with
wtf that is far worst than any favela in this country
All I can think of is a white guy running through that jumping from roof to roof while being chased by terrorists or gang members.
Bad idea, most of these houses don't have roofs, just a tarp or metal sheets
mirror's edge 2 should have been like that
Haiti is the India of the Caribbean.
You can hate yourself if you want to.
This, fuckin Haiti is a fuckin trash can, when the earthquake hit I fucking laughed because it's such a murder/rape/aids infested shithole that is full of the chaff of the world.
yes, yes it shoud
It's not shit, it's fucking mud
>people sometimes get sucked into the drains obscured by floodwaters.
Of course you would never hear about this in a history class but you would would hear bout MUH HOLOCAUST 6 GORILLION JEW LAMPSHADES EBIL NAZIS
fuckin a
>Marie Noel, 40, sells the cookies in a market to provide for her seven children. Her family also eats them.
>kill all whites
>country becomes ruled and only inhabited by niggers
>almost immediately turns into the shittiest country in the Western Hemisphere for the next 200 years
>underrated post
it's ok hat, I didn't forget you. Here's a nice ass for your effort.
This is the future of white America. FUCK YOU CRACKERS
Post your face when you realized there are actually white women who watched nigs murder their children brutally then married those same murderers
What's shocking is that they actually figured out how to cut down a tree
What do you think they did with the wood? Probably tried to eat it
I just read that! I can't believe my eyes.
They exported it, it was the only thing they could produce because they're so stupid.
>ultimate redpill on niggers
shit just went full minecraft.
>squad leader went to haiti with the 82nd
>said he watched haitian police roll up to a near riot, gun everyone the fuck down, hop out their trucks, loot the dead, hop in the trucks and drive away
>Reportedly, he ordered also the unwilling to take part in the killings, especially men of mixed race, so that the blame should not be placed solely on the black population
Remember the haitian earthquake where their mud huts were destroyed and the US was cucked by the blacks here into donating like 300 billion dollars to rebuild it and the haitian government just stole it all for themselves?
why you do this :(
Just look at all of that shit in their river.
They literally eat mud cakes.
We have to let niggers go extinct.
Funny how history has a way of repeating itself
reported and saged
based as fuck
Fuck off dude
kill yourself
So Dominican invasion of Haiti approved?
nah Dominican really hate Haiti
what a fit crotch, i bet it feels like banging a bag of bones.
I'm glad they're all dying of cholera
Little nigga didn't know how to open the can
Watching wyclef cry for help and being ignored
Kys, Stupid negro
Women are natural traitors who will always side with the conqueror, pretty sure something similar happened in Europe under the Nazis
Weren't Dominicans mass deporting Haitians back to their shithole the other days?
Let's somehow let a nuclear armed B-52 end up in Dominican hands and see what they do with it.
Should of gone maccas drivethrough, $3 cheese burger meal or $10 ten pack of nuggets
Yes, by the truckloads
kill yourself degenerate weeb
My family is from there. I want to ask a serious question for the 3rd world emigrants of Sup Forums. Do you think your mother country will ever get better, or have you cut ties with it?
I'm using 3rd world loosely, but anybody that left a really bad place for better opportunities can answer.
For me, everytime I hear about Haiti in the news it makes me more and more disappointed. Imagine how most of you feel about the disappointment with liberal degeneracy. Now imagine being born black. NOW imagine being from one of textbook examples of a dindu nation. I have pride because it is my blood, but I often wonder if my homeland is just a lost cause now.
I love the US, but dam it hurts seeing my homeland destroy itself.
>Spent 9 hours today in rivers measuring erosion
>Taking soil samples to compare them to river deltas
>Trying to make life better for everyone, make America great again
>Get home, decide to load up Sup Forums and see what sort of shit is going on
>See this thread
>Oh, something about clear cutting Haiti perhaps?
>Excessive erosion?
Holy fucking christ, for a BRIEF MOMENT, I thought someone might have made a relevant fucking thread for me to post in.
the clear cutting causes excess turbidity in the water though, doesn't it? more soil is eroded in the runoff, causing buildup at the delta, and choking any estuary that was there
What rivers/region do you mainly take data from?
How the fuck else do you expect them to keep up with current demands for mud cookies.
Go back there and improve it. Florida is full up you guys. Take some more with you. Thanks.
Beta Black uprising when? frog.jpg
The same thing that happened to haiti is currently is in the process of happening in south africa will anyone here take up arms and fight for the lives of your white brethren.
Police brutality on a whole notha level m8
This gave me a lil chub 2bh
is that chocolate milk? is this a new meme?
I bet scooby eats a mean ass.