can we has infothread?
Can we has infothread?
Antroposophy reporting in
>Thinking all religious beliefs stemmed from animism.
>ignoring spiritualism entirely
>Due to the vague nature of mythology, the origins to many of these faiths are estimates only and should not be counted as fact.
anybody lurking
waddup. bumparino
its an info thread not a religious fag thread post or shut the fuck up
Pretty nifty image tbh.
What's the purpose of thumb positioning on the grip?
Are you trying to get some bongs arrested posting this?
Yeah, I'm here. Nice trips
its information man its cool. for educational purposes only
it applies force directly onto the cutting edge
less likely to injure thumb as well as grip is better
I'll post some of what i have
Have you ever tried this?
>muh silicon valley
thanks man
Is there a list like this that includes NDRI's? Like bupropion for example?
Oh wow, this is a really cool one. Is there a chemistryfag around by chance who can comment on whether or not this is any good?
and he still won, top zozzle
never had to chance
Was it absolutely necessary to bring race into this?
Just curious. I'd wondered before about how secure those locks really were, and figured surely not very.
if any fag here wants a weird tattoo
Whites are the majority and minorities have lower turnout rates.
never really trust any electric type locks too many ways to fuck with it
I don't think this map really has many surprises on it, but what's up with Suriname and French Guiana I wonder? Or is French Guiana just blue because France is blue?
thanks ill add it to my bait folder
>africa in the 16th century being on the level of 100k years ago
>seems about legit
They held the Lisbon referendum in our country (ireland) 4 times.
>cranking the engine manually will start it
What is this, 1921?
Nothing that was built after the '60s will start without turning the ignition key, not even tractors.
Nothing that was built after 1995 will start without the correct uniquely coded key.
You can crank it all you want, all you'll do is drain the battery.
It may even fire for a few seconds without key, but as soon as the system is fully powered and realizes there's no key it'll shut off.
They refused to move forward
This isn't even good bait but I guess retards will go for it anyway.
Marriages to other ethnicities in Germany, women and men.
it does say to do that but its a bit jumbled and i cant be arsed to organise it
Italy is richer than Germany?
Are all Germans fucking retarded or something?
The average German wage is A LOT higher than ours.
How are they squandering all that?
you kiding me poll will eat that shit like fresh fucking cookies
Yeah like I said, retards.
>greece as wealthy as germoney.
Kek I capped this image years ago to use when stealing waifus
fucking retarded and wrong
now days everybody hates Arabs
Crash Bandicoot is still the greatest platformer of all time, Mario.
can't compete with capitalism's 10 million a year tho
Every genius in the world could move to CA and it wouldn't make a dent in the nigger / useless diabetic mexican population.
>TL DR: Your Godfu is shit
lmao. where did you get that? do you make those pictures at your local nazi club?
Nice. Got any more?
Thank you anons. Love the info threads!
Whoa. Anyone tried this? It seems like an exaggerated amount of force but I'm curious.
Hi leddit.
Just watch it slaves.
more like how to make a torch that will explode on your face, also only a retard thinks that a flame thrower works like a propane torch
Faggot. That turd is of no importance outside of his own ego
High taxes for all the gibs.