So does Sup Forums actually like this faggot?
So does Sup Forums actually like this faggot?
>this thread again
No. I enjoyed when he was just found on BBC news channels destroying feminists. Then I watched him debate and the weird lizard thing he did with his tongue turned me off him. Now he's grown in popularity among normies and imfucking despise the cunt.
No. He's useful at times, but he's not one of us. He's an attention whore who race mixes, and he's also a faggot.
nobody here likes him.
He's okay when he isn't trying to speak for fucking everyone
>muzzle down range
>proper trigger desipline
Seems alright with me
I'm pretty sick of his self aggrandizing, but the guy did expose pic related, he brought us Trigglypuff, and he makes feminists ans SJWs lose their shit. He's great when it comes to stuff like that, but the rest is narcissistic faggotry
he is useful to us at this moment
once we defeat the SJWs he will become the libertarian degenerate enemy
then once we defeat his band of evil libertarians christ will reign supreme
it is at this moment of defeat that milo will repent his homosexuality and be saved
but for now
he is useful and a decent guy so be nice to him
I'm Left, and I want to lynch him.
What about the purse though? IMO there is such a thing as being TOO fabulous.
>Race mixing
Pick one
he's into interracial gay sex. he's also jewish.
he found a way to make money by jumping on the "alt right" bandwagon.
at what point do you get laid?
>Not being libertarian
Wow I didn't know I was sharing this board with LITERAL AUTISM.
>christ will reign supreme
sex before marriage is a mortal sin bro
no. he's a gay kike. fuck him
Are you forgetting the part where she has to be willing to fuck you before she marries you?
Here is your evolutionary scale for Sup Forumstard
start off as normie liberal or republican
become libertarian
-recognize cannot correct social ills
become nazi/fascist
-recognize that racism is ultimately evil
become catholic monarchist
you are still just a baby lad
how can you be on Sup Forums and not at least be a nazi?
I'm a racist libertarian. A libertarian society will keep out third-worlders that don't want to work.
I've already had sex before
Ive got a job a decent looks, getting laid is not that hard
Besides the fact that it is a mortal sin that could send you to hell for all eternity
Libertarian basically implies you have no real ethics aside from loving money which is a very jewish thing to do
Milo, you are nothing but an insecure, needy camwhore. You log in here everyday begging for attention. "Am I cool? Do you like me? Am I alt-right? Please, please please like me!!!!"
Don't you have anything better to do like get fucked by a big black cock or something?
Seriously, get therapy for your attention-starved neurosis. Being the pied-piper for a bunch of 12 year olds on a Korean basket-weaving form is just embarrassing for someone of your age.
And stop bleaching your hair trying to look Nordic. You are clearly Greek or something equally haplogroup J.
>the fact that it is a mortal sin that could send you to hell for all eternity
>Libertarian basically implies you have no real ethics aside from loving money which is a very jewish thing to do
Wow you sure got me! How dare I love keeping the money that I earn working for myself!? I'm such a piece of shit!
>wanting to roast in hell for being an unbeliever
This shitposting argument you are having with me right now you should take very seriously
When God judges you upon your death he is going to bring up this thread and when he sees that you have denied him on a mongolian paper folding imageboard he is going to filet your ass
He is a good ally,
why do you need Sup Forums to tell you who to like faggot
Libertarian Ethics
Baby getting murdered inside someones' house
>meh not my business
People smoking meth
>meh not my business
Government collecting money to build a road
My God will personally get on his knees and suck me off for not worshipping your filthy Jewgod.
Yes, we need allies on the right.
>christ will reign supreme
As if Christcucks aren't cancer.
You will be the first to hang on rope day heretic
Repeat after me
gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
He's a cool faggot, but a faggot nonetheless
He triggers leftists so I like him.
He fights for our values, so we'll back him. He has bulletproof plates in front because of his lack of "muh privileges". The minute he turns on us, we'll shoot him in the back like Ben Sharpiro and someone else will take his place.
Max kek. Your god is a tolerant and diverse... You should get a 23andme kit, bet you have some askenazi
Sorry, I don't speak Lunatic-Retardanese.
no man is bigger than the movement. The cuckservatives, Shapiro, Krauthammer.
They have all learned this. If Milo ever needed to learn it her would as well.
we are not a movement of men, we are a movement of Laws .
I think him becoming rich and famous has really upped him being flamboyant. He didn't act this gay when he first joined the scene.
MAGNIFICAT anima mea Dominum, et exsultavit spiritus meus in Deo salvatore meo, quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae. Ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes, quia fecit mihi magna, qui potens est, et sanctum nomen eius, et misericordia eius in progenies et progenies
timentibus eum. Fecit potentiam in brachio suo, dispersit superbos mente cordis sui; deposuit potentes de sede et exaltavit humiles; esurientes implevit bonis et divites dimisit inanes. Suscepit Israel puerum suum, recordatus misericordiae, sicut locutus est ad patres nostros, Abraham et semini eius in saecula.
We we will inherit the earth. Who will be left when the Socialists, Pagans, and Heretics, are either converted or dead.
He shitting babies?
hes doing more to further our cause than 99.9% of all Sup Forums users, the only thing is that hes still a homo that talks about black cock all the time and a Jew so just like Shapiro we can't completely trust him not to turn on us eventually.
Just let him do his thing, he needs to stop talking about Sup Forums in his articles though
> we are not a movement of men, we are a movement of Laws
Wow, well put.
absolutely Milo is a fucking ally through and through
>who race mixes
Are you stupid?
he was cool for bout week or 2. he's too much of a character and tries too hard. if he toned it down a bit and stopped trying to offend people on purpose then maybe he could be a cool lad
Italian belongs on:
That's the one thing I don't like, mentioning Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums
I think he's fantastic, and I think he should become a freeper, which means post over at freeRepublic dotte comm
I also sub to his YouTube channel.
Good trigger discipline.
He's fun to watch and serves the purpose he intends to and admits full well to. Be so ridiculous that the other side gets mad as fuck and forces the debate to open.
>Pic related