When did the American educational system get infiltrated by socialists?

It's obvious that it must have happened in the last 20 years or so. The Bernie phenomenon has no other explanation.

There's a whole youth out there claiming the problem of the world is "inequality", they think the Silicon Valley being extraordinarily rich is somehow at the expense of some forgotten African tribe being poor; millions of young Americans who were raised being taught that America is evil and just as bad as Soviet Union, who don't see the United States as a symbol of liberty, which is what it is; who today sympathize with Palestinian terrorists over Israelites.

This isn't an accident. It didn't just "happen". Seems like a carefully crafted plan by socialists/hippies in the 70s, which is now giving fruition.

Other urls found in this thread:


it has been cucked since at least the 60s, I think by literal communists fleeing their communist shitholes to come to america during the cold war

>Leftist cuck grows up in safe space where arbitrary metrics prove your worth
>Go to school again to a teaching degree - extending their liberal brainwashing
>Go on to teach kids where the teachers are the boss so they're infallible; being around people less intelligent then you makes you more brazen
>Survive off of tax payers so it goes without saying they want a bigger government

This. McCarthy wasn't exactly wrong when he said commie scum had infiltrated the US.

The Department of Education was a mistake.

The Prussians did it.

the infiltration in my country is beyond saving and I know exactly how it works. But I thought America didn't suffer with this same shit, until this Bernie campaign.
I used to link American education with appraisal of the nuclear family, the love for the nation, and faith. But this mass of young people hate America and everything it tries to represent, exactly how the Soviets wanted.

>tfw the Soviets have the last laugh
Leftists are actively attempting to destroy society and I fear they may succeed.

Dammit! I came to this thread just to post that pic

>socialists/hippies in the 70s
They were the ones who fought the most for free speech on campuses.

I had literally one leftie teacher all the way through grade/high school. Or at least only one who was vocal about the ideas. Graduated 2006, grew up in the Midwest.

>Sympathize with Israelites

Who could be behind this post?

They fought for free speech for themselves. The very same socialists/hippies in the 70s that fought for free speech taught later generations about "hate speech" and all that nonsense.


No it started in the 1930's

by the 1960's it was almost completely taken over

today they run it but the good ones just lay low and subvert from within

Communism is an entire ideology where the idea is that both the poor and your typical middle classer has his life ruined by his dickass boss, and that the "intelligentsia" (which humanities professors and other riffraff think of themselves as) should rule society.

So they think "hey yeah, I'm a smart guy, I should run things, I should be a card-carrying party member". But then they think "hey that's kinda selfish" but then they remember" but I'm not doing it for me! I'm doing to help poor oppressed Jamal! I'm such a humanitarian!"

Colleges never stood a chance desu.

>The Bernie phenomenon has no other explanation.

Are you retarded?

Real wages have been stagnant since the late 70s, most good blue collar jobs have been shipped overseas, even if you're middle class you can't afford a house in a decent part of most large cities, healthcare is still a joke you can't afford, unless you're rich or poor w medicaid, I risk jail just for growing a harmless plant in my own backyard, while oil companies, arms dealers, banks take tax money our of my pocket and give their executives million dollar bonuses. The oligarchs are more blatant everyday.

Bernie comes along and says let's change this, and you think people follow him because they're "indoctrinated?"

I ask again, are you a retard?

I actually know the answer to this, at least in america but i doubt pol is interested in it. It doesn't involve the usual suspects and if pol understood what is up, folks on pol, with our grand ability to shitpost, can actually do something to stop it.

How new are you? This thread is pathetic


you guys know it was inevitable

public education and the distribution of "knowledge" disseminating to the poor

if, knowledge is power and it trickled downed to the poorest individual


Anti communist propaganda died when the USSR died. X was the last generation taught the evils of communism. We thought we won the war when it had barely begun. Linking communism mainly to the USSR was a huge mistake.

Spot on.

Socialism is the quintessential ideology of bureaucrats and "intellectuals".

hello berniebot, what else should be free? transportation, electricity, food, clothes, toothpaste, toilet papers? these are all more important than your sociology degree.

The problem with your country isn't socialism. Socialism is an excuse and a promise, to trick people. I study political science, in my school we were forced to study third world political systems. Mexico, Zimbabwe and Brazil were grouped into political systems where politicians engaged in rent seeking behaviour. Mexico, Zimbabwe and Brazil are marginal democracies (russia belongs in this picture, a shit ton of countries have these features). The democratic party is trying to literally engage in the politics the third world does to win elections. It's so fucked.

Dunno what school you attend canadabro, maybe a community college? But no one in the political science programs think that we. We are all taught about the dangers of good-intentions. Communism isn't blinded supported also. In my political development course, three reigning concepts were: resource curse, curse of charity, and the curse of rent-seeking. China, and 3 other asian countries are the ONLY countries in our human history, besides already industrialized nations, to achieve industrialization and development. Not even russia, with its communist history, was able to lift that many poor people up. Commuism, socialism surprisingly doesn't have much weight in all academic fields except black/aboriginal studies.

Yes and no. Kids thought dumb thoughts in the 30s and 60s. They grow out if it.
It helps if there's a war or if they have to get a job.

As soon as our institutions start to exist we become unworthy of them: the strength, resilience and hardship that breathed life into them become unecessary. The decaying was in motion since day one and to think it was planned all along is false.

When a house is rotting from inside out, all kind of rodents will find their way in.

>live in the bubble of academia
>act like it

when the student loan crisis hits they will lose their bubble

show me where i said anything should be free. do u even reading comprehension?

Subversion of Western/American values began in the 60's and has been developing and growing in dominance ever since. Socialist/Leftist views now dominate the vast majority of educational institutions in the West which leads on to other institutions such as the media and politics.

Limp wristed SJWs are the offspring of hippies

Socialism isn't the ideology of bureaucrats or 'intellectuals'. It is seriously the pathetic ideologies used by power hungry politicians to whip up a disgruntled demographic. Distribution of wealth is class warfare, it destroys the very social contract of society. No one in the past 60 years who studied political science in the west takes socialism seriously. Everyone who studies it seriously looks at how the social contract is maintained, and what are the risks to its existence and collapse.

Brazil is fucked because Brazilians are corrupt. Socialism is an opiate for the poor to feed into their hopes while giving excuses to those who take up its flag that an evil 'outsider' (american,capitalism, the 'elites') as someone who is sabottaging his effort to help them while he syphons off funds or direct state resources to particular favela and not others.

Hippies from the 70s got into important positions in academics. I just graduated college and can't tell you how many department heads were faggot (literally) SJW's.

It's all good though because you're going to start seeing a lot of those private colleges shut down in the next few years due to bankruptcy.

two words

Frankfurt School

pol is full of memes and no real understanding of political science :(

I think it's more that the socialist system is just very appealing at a basic and personal level, while the capitalist way is not. Many socialist ideas are very simple to understand as an appealing and immediate impact on yourself, while also shifting any shortcomings to others.

If you're a college aged kid, free schooling, loan forgiveness, free medical, and basic income etc etc are immediate and easy to understand benefits that apply to you. The trade offs are vague and nebulous, mostly applying to other people, or don't translate into an immediate day to day impact for you.

Left leaning politics are often romanticized as well, giving it's adherents an appealing identity to adopt, which is something young people especially are usually searching for.

>never read any of the works

Frankfurt school advocated to a return of traditional genuine culture. They were worried about the normativeness of capitalism in cultural consumption. They aren't the ones who empowered the gimmiedats you americans face. I wish you guys took the real red pill. If you can see what I am seeing, seeing how the dems to win votes are basically have been doing what mexican, brazilian and Zimbabwean political parties have done to maintain power, it would wake you up.

politicians wouldn't be able to so easily fool the people with such tactics if there wasn't cultural (symbolical) domination in the educational system.

basically the democrats reward the people who support them with handouts at the expense of the actual producers?

The poor people in your country aren't even educated. The promise of gimmiedats is all they need, plus someone to blame. The supporters of bernie, believe it or not, they are a vocal bullying minority. These folks have always existed in the fringes of a university campus.

Brazilio, I don't think you understand how things work. Cultural domination is a tricky hypothesis. Even marxists, who constantly cry that capitalism is dominating, are willing to acknowledge this.

I'm starting to appreciate the courses I took now. I can see the world better then a lot of because of it. I guess the effort to pass and learn the materially critically was worth it.

Health care is expensive because of the government.
Corporations are a product of government regualtion.


>I actually know the answer to this, at least in america but i doubt pol is interested in it.
Tell us

I think the following quote is pretty telling.

“The problem is that these students are the next generation of the faculty members and they will bring with them this thinking and herein lays the problem,”


Hippies were closer to anarchists than communists. They disliked big government

Worse, they have to play this weird dance between the productive classes of society and the segments they mobilize for the vote. They can't do anything really to enact change because doing so would give you Zimbabwe's white farmer flight. Also the cost to enact the sort of change they promise tends to be unrealistically high, which continually gives them a mandate. These political systems, the marginal democracies with rent-seeking (1 party dominating) qualities, always needs a bad guy to keep the con going.

In brazil, politicians and political parties would pander to one favela and not the other. They would reward the favela by giving them electricity or build sewage system or whatever. infrastructural upgrades, stuff government should provide if government wasn't badly run. they did this for votes.

There are quite a few notable politicians in America who have communist ties. Bernie for example visited the USSR for his honeymoon. Obama on his trip to Cuba asked to have his picture taken with Che Guevara in the background. We have a lot of undercover communists here in the US. Much of it is a result of some of our most prestigious universities having literal USSR infiltrates as their professors. These people have grown up now and are in legitimate positions of power.

>Corporations are a product of government regualtion.

>It's another Yuri circle jerk thread

We get it. There's a vast socialist conspiracy to convince American youth to support globalist capitalism. Stop making the same threads over and over again.

>Frankfurt school advocated to a return of traditional genuine culture.

>Health care is expensive because of the government.
What are you talking about old chum?
European countries all have governments and yet healthcare costs a fraction of the USA.

American education is a socialist system so since the very start

Academic history would say this utterly false.

The methods taught in academia to criticized capitalism or any system can be used to criticized socialism or bernie's patheticism. what you aren't accounting for is how the democrats make a concerted effort to target minority working class when they realized that the white working class was turning against them due to union failures.

Read some of it. You will see. Don't read the wiki on it. Read the actual books. They are a little dense, but read it.

another falsefood. american education system is protestant from the very start.

The biggest problem with education is the assumption that men and women are equal

I remember a teacher I had in high school Mr. Judd. He taught history, philosophy, and Vietnam war history class. He would always troll kids who would wear Ché shirts or Russian sickles all that kind of shit. He was one of the main red pill inspirations that molded me into the man I am now. Saw him at this bar not too long ago and talked to him had a few with him he's still based and trying to reeeeeaacccchhhh these keeeds but it's fucking insane now.

>let me tell you about American universities


People don't realize how popular Communism was in the USA and all over the world in the early 20th century. It seems distant and absurd to think of serious communists in America, but communism was really the "cutting-edge ideology for intellectuals" at the time. The narrative of the Red Scare as overblown is false.

Traditional Marxist-Leninist communism was especially popular in the West before the crimes of Stalin became known. After that point, the "old left" took a blow to its credibility and some became the "New Left" or more like Maoists and some went more new-age and hippy-like, but they all remained leftist in some way or other.

No it wasn't, it was needed under dormant commerce clause powers to make certain that all children we educated reasonably. The problem is a state like Nevada would do a great job but Louisana would do a terrible one and it would hinder economic development. Enumerated powers are there for a reason.

nah you don't get it.

the version of history we're taught influences very much on politics. And the version of history they teach to kids favor the Worker's Party narrative much before they took power, it was a long process where they converted teachers, journalists, professors, artists, all up to this point. Only gimmiedats is impossible for someone to take power. They had the support of the intellectuals, almost all of them. Two years ago, before the crisis broke out, the party released a resolution where it stated that they need to take the next step in order to achieve, and I quote, "hegemony", through "political reform and democratization of the media" (read: nationalization, censorship) and a "cultural revolution". I can send you the document if you want.

If anything American healthcare will be more expensive because of health insurance.
It's the same problem as with giving out student loans like candy.

Go back to /leftypol/ you fucking commie faggot

Early 20th century. All of the commie philosophy from the 19th century finally got in as American universities wanted to be more 'intellectual' like the European universities.

All down hill from there. This shit doesn't happen over night. The cancer has been growing for a century here.

Academic history IS false.

The reason the white working class turned against them is because their stupid communist fantasyland policies don't fucking work. Take a look at Shillary right now. She thinks she can eliminate ALL coal jobs if she becomes president. How can you eliminate an entire industry that has been around worldwide for hundreds of years within four or eight fucking years? These people are fucking insane.

He was EXACTLY right. Had a teacher once that told us he was right. I think it was the one who was angry that his family's position as the premier irish catholic political family got taken by the Kennedys. That was an interesting rant.

Come to think of it, I had a lot of teachers in high school that seemed to be trying to subtly redpill us. I didn't fully appreciate it at the time, but still felt like I as being told some sort of secret, somehow.

I am just saying it is clear you are ignorant of your own country's intellectual history. I mean, should I congratulate you on that?

All governments that are in the marginally democratic class uses the media as an apparatus for support. The delusion here is that even though the media channels are owned and on message, that doesn't change the tricky arrangement they built on rent-seeking. People can feel alienated by the media. The defacto mechanism of continuation and sliding to one particular arrangement is the relationship (which is what the gov does) people have to their government.

Egyptian media is controlled by the government, so is their internet. Yet the Egyptian uprising occurred. I think you need to read some stuart hall and play with some thought experiments. The moment brazil experience prolong economic decline, the nation will hit the shitter. you guys epitomize a gimmiedats political system.

Academic history is the history of the academy. It's a history about its changes and what happened. It's intellectual history. The fact you don't know this shouldn't be surprising to me.

she is throwing one demographic under the bus to win another. In any political system, there are winners and losers. Democrats do not support white poor people.

Paddy is right. Literal Commies infiltrated between the 30s and 60s as part of the USSR's programs and ambitions.

I posted on impulse. I thought you meant the commies taking over. But still. Academia has it's negatives even before all this commie shit existed. Don't tell me intellectual history is pure because even that history has its fair share of subversion and deception.

>It's obvious that it must have happened in the last 20 years or so.
Negative, it was there from the inception.

Pure, subversion, deception....

you still don't get it. history isn't some just oral retelling of a source you are supposed to accept as fact. that's highschool child tier shit.

Mann, Sears Harper. The boogie man of the home schooling movement. Americans as a society no longer have a common criteria of what good or succesful means.

On that note, it's my understanding that homeschooling is illegal in many western European countries. Any eurofags awake to confirm or deny this?

>last 20 years

I imagine it happened because non-intensive sciences (Any "science" that wasn't a STEM) were basically highly up to subjective interpretation. These social sciences, particularly sociology and low-level psychology allowed to and for extraneous ideas such as most SJW shit you see today. Since major academia ignored this crap and disregarded it as false, unproveable and non-science as a whole these dumb shitters (the SJW) basically circle jerked over it. They formed their own schools and communities of thought then pressed black and white arguments with "If you don't agree with me you're racist" and since no one wants to be labelled a racist, they go with it.

So you get a hivemind community that effectively says "I'm right because I found stuff that says I'm right!" instead of traditional science with "How does this happen? lets investigate... Form conclusions based on findings". This allows for a ridiculous amount of user input, subjectivity and control and anything that isn't in line is just twisted into a massive fucking confirmation bias. Imagine the Frankfurt school and all its bullshit that just revolves around one gigantic confirmation bias and anything that goes opposite is actually a result of their theory as well so it magically agrees.

Also then mix in the general evaluation of "fairness" and how "being fair" is not the same as "being equal"

But people buy into this shit readily because they know stupid and simple thoughts of "I like equality and if I don't therefore I'm anti-this, that anything" So they buy into it super easy. Back to the black-and-white arguments they promote shit like "if you disagree with me you're something negative" and this follows suit. Since students are feeding off an institution, a school is just a big factory of like minded individuals. Sociology especially is at the core "the study of people" however when you start "studying" people to such levels of human intellectualism some how a leap of faith is made to where "humans operate in X, Y, Z ways because I said so" This is why every psychology paper and sociology paper can't fucking pass any peer review because peers can't reproduce your results. Sure they can reproduce the data, but they can't reproduce your subjective ass results. This is why you get so much bullshit in today's society about public opinion in general. That going against the grain is "good" except "when I don't like it"

Patents. Full stop.

Intellectual property law is choking the life out of the economy with bullshit government-granted monopolies which are then leveraged into ridiculous rents.


>When did the American educational system get infiltrated by socialists?
When did the free education for all get invaded by socialism?
Gee OP, when did your brain get invaded by dumb?

no idea

I heard this too. Homeschooling in certain parts of europe is illegal because somehow people don't have the liberty to choose a school or curriculum its all decided by the state

It's been a long process. Read this book. Even just the prologue is informative. It's free on archive.com.

LOL another armchair historian.

sociology, psychology, social sciences, the usual suspects who don't use interpretistic methods.

bro, it was the humanities where SJWs fester.

go on...

Mon frère, est-il interdit d'enseigner les enfants chez-vous ou il n"est pas nécessaire de les emmener à l'ecole?

>bro, it was the humanities where SJWs fester.
sociology usually falls under humanities in colleges. So yes an SJW will take basic sociology.

this book has been totally debunked.

This faggot... Had a professor in uni constantly sucking Foucault's dick


Also sauce on that information?


No, sociology never falls within the humanities. They always fell within the social sciences. Social sciences aren't humanities. Maybe in community college where they teach it as social studies and remove the distinction between commentary on society, and the study of culture/society, but in universities with research programs in these fields. they aren't under the humanities. Humanities is its own tradition.

Literally or figuratively? I don't find his work useful because he is too fixated on how political forms emerge through discursive means, and he does a horrible job in actually going deep.

Did you reply to the wrong user?

>No, sociology never falls within the humanities.
Then why can I go to a public college and take sociology as a humanity credit?

It all went downhill after teachers were forbidden from slapping their students. I know my children can be monsters so i want their teachers to smack them in class. Teach them some respect

Yes. Jews and traitors, like usual.

From Culture of Critique:

>Chapters 2–4 reviewed several strands of theory and research by Jewish social scientists that appear to have been influenced by specifically Jewish political interests. This theme is continued in the present chapter with a review of The Authoritarian Personality. This classic work in social psychology was sponsored by the Department of Scientific Research of the American Jewish Committee (hereafter, AJCommittee) in a series entitled Studies in Prejudice. Studies in Prejudice was closely connected with the so-called Frankfurt School of predominantly Jewish intellectuals associated with the Institute for Social Research originating during the Weimar period in Germany. The first generation of the Frankfurt School were all Jews by ethnic background and the Institute of Social Research itself was funded by a Jewish millionaire, Felix Weil (Wiggershaus 1994, 13). Weil’s efforts as a “patron of the left” were extraordinarily successful: By the early 1930s the University of Frankfurt had became a bastion of the academic left and “the place where all the thinking of interest in the area of social theory was concentrated” (Wiggershaus 1994, 112). During this period sociology was referred to as a “Jewish science,” and the Nazis came to view Frankfurt itself as a “New Jerusalem on the Franconian Jordan” (Wiggershaus 1994, 112–113).

>The Nazis perceived the Institute of Social Research as a communist organization
and closed it within six weeks of Hitler’s ascent to power because it
had “encouraged activities hostile to the state” (in Wiggershaus 1994, 128).
Even after the emigration of the Institute to the United States, it was widely
perceived as a communist front organization with a dogmatic and biased
Marxist perspective. . .

You can read the chapter here kevinmacdonald.net/chap5.pdf

I would suggest these too. They largely corroborate MacDonald's history of academia, but with different focuses. I'd definitely start with MacDonald because he covers more and goes back farther.

These came out in the 1990s, when things seem to be reaching a turning point and were becoming more noticeable.

Second part of the infograph.

Studying history currently and getting my masters in education. I plan on becoming a high school teacher and beginning the long, difficult process of reversing demoralization. It'll take decades, but we'll get past this.

L'école est obligatoire jusqu'à 16 ans. Et on y apprend à être de gauche ; les universités publiques sont parasités par des professeurs encartés, certains programmes du collège ressemblent à s'y méprendre des tracts du SFIO ou de la CGT, le récit national est complètement délaissé... Récemment le gouvernement a même introduit de la propagande LGBT dans les programmes scolaires du primaire.

He's was a Russian who came up with a more socialist take on education in the early 20th century but it didn't make its way into America until the cold war.

My guess is it was the soviets that brought it to the west in order to subvert the children.

That's a BS. I really hope you are lying because social science is distinct. Humanities do not teach you methodology, social sciences do. The distinction is necessary to acknowledge to even make those courses at all rewarding.

oops, I wanted also to reply to this fuck Academia had its science wars in the 80s. It was between humanity departments and the science departments. Those pop books are recounts of some aspects of those conflicts. The root of the science wars was funding and relevance. I know of those books, I am very familiar with the politics at the time. Academia is academia, to state that it is all controlling or the defacto source of influence ignores where the left power actually resides. These books saw spat and called it a cultural changing tide. Total bs.

Today's theories on education find their roots in cognitive science and psychology. Common core, the shit what they did to maths, that's wasn't a conspiracy. Math at the university level isn't the plug-and-chug shit they teach you in highschool.

Don't forget that subversion was the societs main activities in infiltrated foreign countries, not espionage.

>didn't make its way to cold war.

so right after WWII?

>That's a BS. I really hope you are lying because social science is distinct.
I'm not lying, I had 3 humanity credits to fill for a 4 year state university and filled all of them with varying levels of sociology courses. My first being Sociology, then Sociology II and then a more specific course called "Sociological Psychology" which was effectively intro to psychology/applied psychology

At least in america this is what I took. Don't know how its different for europe or canada

Vygotsky was an educational psychologist.

The infographic you are refrences does not properly account for inflation AND does not include non-cash benefits like healthcare, sickdays, flextime, etc.

Yeah. It slowly started to enter the school systems in the 60s and 70s.