The Leftists are eating each other. And it's glorious

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This is the logical end of leftist identity politics I suppose

>The Leftists are eating each other
Project 21 is conservative pham, hence why they have the gall to call transgenderism a mental illness and Obama bi-racial.

Not really. Today politics for a lot especially on the left is just a fashion statement. Everything they do and say ultimately boils down to
>Look at me, see what a good person i am!
>Look and see all the things i am doing for my causes!

I think politics have always been this way, it's a claw for social status and the swing of a two party system often leaves people a little blind to this somehow since they pay attention more to the swing than direct effect on society. Social media has only made this way more apparent than ever before.

We're right now last seasons fashion statement, politically incorrect. Tomorrow we will be in season again.

>assuming self-respecting leftists adhere to such social constructs

Can we skip the pleasantries and start kicking ass?

Just as soon as you reboot yourself, rubiobot.

big surprise, an entire group comprised of sub-groups all competing for who is the most victimized is undergoing a civil war

Foamboi, if you would have talked like that during the primaries you would have been the nominee

Try slappin em with those dumbo ears rubot

The left always eat themselves. They are like those families who present themselves to the world as if they are prefect and whenever they go out, they act like everything is fine and their life is grand, but the moment they have some privacy, the conflict, the tension, the drama, the dysfunction, that just comes up boiling to the surface.

Since pol raided tumblr, I've been on and off advocating that we troll them through exploiting these internal conflicts. It is more effect then be out right enemy because, in doing so, we sort of help unite them by giving them common cause..

its like watching an indian chick try to out victim a black chick

Let us dispel with this fiction once and for all that I am Marco Rubio. I am exactly nothing like Marco Rubio. The above poster made a systematic effort to lead you to believe that I am Marco Rubio. That is why he created that image, and passed the captcha, and uploaded it. Let me tell you, he and I are nothing a like. I am 6ft 4, he is 4ft 6, I am white, he is cuban. This notion that I am Marco Rubio is completely false.

1. This is a historical feature of left-wing politics, which are (in)famous for schisms that lead them vulnerable to right-wing forces.

2. Left-wing identity politics increasingly depends on scapegoating straight white males and the Republican Party as the ultimate target of their wrath in order to maintain unity. This will work for now but in the long run the strategy will lose it's effectiveness

3. Internal cohesion becomes harder and harder to maintain as the natural contradictions of their coalition becomes steadily more apparent. A tendency to obsess over "inequality" and "oppression" will, over time expose the natural hypocrisies of several sub-groups:

-Muslims and their well-documented....problems...with sexual liberation and "gender equality"

-Upper-middle class white women claiming to be "oppressed" and "marginalized" while enjoying privileged lifestyles unparalleled in human history

- Rampant sexism and old-school macho masculinity in many black and Hispanic communities, which are significantly more socially conservative than whites, as well as generally being much colder to LGBT individuals and causes.

- Political movements based around explicit notions of racial identity and solidarity amongst in-group members will eventually lead to bitter conflicts between non-white racial groups, particularly as the white proportion of the population declines.


Divide and conquer.

It's a very lethal tactic.

What I think we should do?

Let's be on the blacks side because they are not only vocal, but violent and threatening unlike the LGBT activists.

More people will feel pressured by them.
Also, more people are finding people of LGBT laughable due to all these new sexualities. Not to mention conservatives already dislike them because they are usually religious.

Oops, I meant more vocal. LGBT degenerates are obviously annoyingly vocal.

100% this.

The one thing you are missing is this pact they have amongst themselves. I walked into a group of dreamers talking to BLM supporters in an american university. the dreamer beaner (fat mexican chick with a hairy upper lip, 5'0, just wow) asked the black chick to help support her protest and be there because she was there for them. Identity and affinity politics is so fragile. No one adopts each other's issues, it is all about trading support for support.

Intersectional feminism is the way these divergent groups can interact with each other. It's really a form of etiquette so you can beg for support while not stepping on each others' toes. Also, the scapegoat has to be someone who can't possibly be in the in-group.


Pretend to be black, asian, indian and muslim and shill.

Or, go right now to bernie's reddit and try to stoke whatever flames to encourage a riot come their convention. The left is so SO SO FRAGILE. Berniebots will give trump a win by sabotaging hillary.


Sorry niggers. You're never going to as celebrated as white gay men. You just don't have the money and power.

>what you need to know about trump and bernie supports:

1. Bernie supporters are not libertarians/anti-globalist. Though they are populist, they are a different sort a populism than the sanity trump is articulating. The majority of them were closet progressives, those with socialist leanings that subscribe to a black and white world view where they see people like you, people like white males, have been fucking the country for too long and not 'woke' to what their ideology says is wrong about the world. So before dreaming about Trump winning bernie supporters over, and considering how red pill’d you folks are, imagine how difficult it would be for anyone to try to convince you that their bizzzaro-redpill is the real one. It isn't going to happen; they won't convert.

2. bernie supporters are a segment of the population within the left that, across generations, have always straddle and struggle between wanting to work within the system (reform) and wanting working against it (revolution). Bernie, for many of them, especially for the biggest kool-aid drinkers, is their last hope of 'revolution' through the system. When Hillary takes the nomination, these people are going to find themselves beyond disenfranchised the moment they are forced to accept that Hillary is the democratic nominee. The left in this day and age, beyond the resurgence of social justice to police cultural products (they settled for memes, words and language because they accepted that they can't challenge capitalism), these folks have less and less ways to actually reform the system in a hijacking way. Unions are weak, they can’t use them as a means to hijack labour relations, and trying to organize illiterate communities who are on drugs and engage in criminality opportunistically is a dead end. Bernie is their last hope to believe they can 'work' within the democratic party.

so, given claims 1 and 2, what is up with trump's stance not attacking bernie?

Gore and Nader 2000.


they're not eating each other retard.

society is moving on without conservatives. these groups are now the new left and the new right, the entire political spectrum has shifted left. you are being left behind with your old and expired ideology. the world is moving forward without you.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>the world is moving forward
towards a cliff

Now does the LGBT community go after the blacks?

Blacks are super anti-gay as a community. It's the biggest reason Hillary and Obama's were both previously against gay marriage.

So, this shouldn't surprise anyone. The left is far from a monolithic entity.

Blacks were a big part of prop 8 being passed in California. For some reason blacks are quite homophobic compared to the average Democratic voter.

Who else hopes the leftists kill each other?


jew buzzword

>and it's glorious
Fuck your gay buzzfeed shit

Its Rubio

Something is weird with blacks

Mexicans too, but I don't know what happened. Maybe just the loudest are being heard.

>Mexico leader Pena Nieto proposes legalising same-sex marriage

Am I the only one who's noticed how much relentless in-fighting there is in the extreme left? Seriously, everyone there has different ideas about gender, race, sexuality, what ever the hell, and NO ONE but their own individual is allowed to be right; they are too busy calling eachother sexist and racist that they don't even see they are fighting amongst eachother. They'll eventually tear themselves apart; there are "small fats" and "big fats" now and they hate eachother.



Meanwhile in Canada....