Are we responsible for climate change?

Are we responsible for climate change?

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No, it's part of a cyclic natural rhythm
What caused the ice age?

what this user said but we are affecting its speed
it's happening slightly faster than it would have if humans didn't exist but at the same time a volcano going off or asteroid could have same effect we have done.

it is a good idea to invest in clean energy but doing so won't stop climate change.

Yes. This isn't controversial at all, everyone in the relevant fields knows it. What's about to happen is completely incomparable to anything natural that have ever happened.

She said: "Baby, I am not afraid to die."
Push me to the edge
All my friends are dead
Push me to the edge

yes, are you retarded?

Not entirely. Just enough to suicide.



>Everyone in the field
>all of whom are paid by the government
>the same government that wants to regulate this shit
>the regulation of which benefits their crony pals in big industry, including oil.

Mmmk user, keep taking the blue pill.