Are we responsible for climate change?

Are we responsible for climate change?

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No, it's part of a cyclic natural rhythm
What caused the ice age?

what this user said but we are affecting its speed
it's happening slightly faster than it would have if humans didn't exist but at the same time a volcano going off or asteroid could have same effect we have done.

it is a good idea to invest in clean energy but doing so won't stop climate change.

Yes. This isn't controversial at all, everyone in the relevant fields knows it. What's about to happen is completely incomparable to anything natural that have ever happened.

She said: "Baby, I am not afraid to die."
Push me to the edge
All my friends are dead
Push me to the edge

yes, are you retarded?

Not entirely. Just enough to suicide.



>Everyone in the field
>all of whom are paid by the government
>the same government that wants to regulate this shit
>the regulation of which benefits their crony pals in big industry, including oil.

Mmmk user, keep taking the blue pill.

pretending to science
without relevant degree or education

>only certified experts need comment, all else can shut it.

Hegel would be proud of you, user.

>isn't controversial at all
neither are your moronathon moronics

For the recent fast acceleration of warming and crazy weather, yes.

Without industrialization we would be on a normal course of much more gradual change.

No, everyone thinks it, not just people paid by the government. You really think it's plausible that millions of scientists across every country in the world lacks enough integrity to lie to everyone?

>Are we responsible for climate change?

"Manmade climate change" is BULLSHIT which leads to an economic bubble based on trading 'carbon credits'. It's a fucking control mechanism. OH, DO AS WE SAY OR SUFFER FROM CLIIIIIMAAAATE CHAAAANGE!!

I call utter total fucking bullshit.

you don't know shit
learn humility
read experts on both sides:

>No, but we are helping.

The real reason it's an unknown energy that it's hitting directly to the Earth from far away of our solar system. Some aliens civilization had contacted us to tell us this but the government don't want to create mass panic.

Pollution is one thing, and can be prevented.

The scam and cash cow that's come from "man-made climate change" is something completely different.

This is a highly deceptive page, it makes it seem that there are approximately equal basis for each view, but this is far, FAR from reality. The VAST majority of scientists believe in man-made global warming. Just look at the first two entries there. One is NASA, a huge, reputable, experienced organization with nearly 20 000 employees.

The other is.. this thing, a tiny group of like 30 people (seemingly all of them old meaning they won't see the worst of climate change anyway), who receives funding from conservative think tanks.

Yeah.. Their opinions clearly weigh the same...

There's two groups on this issue. One has the vast majority of climate scientists on it, and the other has mostly non scientist laymen making proclamations about things they don't understand.

Nearly every fucking time I hear someone deny climate change it's accompanied by a fundamental misunderstanding of the science.

There are legit scientists in the denier camp, but it's very very few in comparison to the other camp.

but joe rogan told me humans didnt evolve to eat wheat, and he has a podcast.

>This is a highly deceptive
nice try faggot

>the vast majority of climate scientists
you don't understand the debate.
the "vast majority" of scientists don't agree on whether humanity it the principal cause of detrimental climate change.

Herd mentality, and yes.

>but some /btard is credible
correlation is not causation
that's what the vast majority of scientists know


Also the ol' "Fellew da monee" argument is retarded too. Siesemology is entirely funded by government but no body questions the existence of fault lines or the measured value of earth quakes. The difference between climate science and siesmic science is that climate science tells us we need to change our ways and people don't want to hear that.

I think with deforestation and the pollution being emitted everywhere is speeding up the process by 100 years or so... but inevitably this is the Earth's cycle... this is how it's been since Earth was Earth... we've just accellerated the process a little bit by fucking shit up.
Overpopulation is the problem.
So much demand for more building space to house all these people, it leads to trees being fucked off and it fucks up the natural cycle.

Fuck it though.
I do my part... I don't litter, I plant shit, I use my bike to get everywhere rather than drive (plus I never use public transport).
I'm doing my bit in my own little way, not gonna do shit in the end but it doesn't hurt being a little bit more careful about what you're doing to the environment.

Yes. Even internal research by oil giants like Exxon going all the way back to the 70s predicts global warming. But then their public stance is to say it's BS because it profits them to do so.

So much this. There should be an asterisk next to the "vast majority" claim because it is a survey, and those that dissent didn't complete it for fear of losing government funding and their cushy state uni. paychecks.

Nope. 95-97% of published research indicates our contributions are measurably effecting our climate.

I know what you're going to say "fellew der money" but that's a bullshit argument. The government funds all sorts of science that you accept as true.

Liberal cucks are responsible for it with their demand for more iPhones and Teslas. Their sheep like behavior makes them blind to the fact the manufacturing processes for both those things causes more harm than some Mexicans 90's Honda civic.

"fellew der money1eleventy"

Bullshit argument. You believe in plenty of government funded scientific conclusions. You're just exercising your fear of change in regards to this one.

And the measurements are all within the MoE, and therefore statistically insignificant. Ya know, because the whole thing is built on statistical models.

All of which have been massively wrong to date.

Learn to math.

Prove me wrong.

not to mention iphones are made in factories where the workers/slaves kill themselves because the conditions are so poor and theyre not able to leave.


The important part of your questionis who do you mean by we? Humanity entirely? The USA? China?

> China and other rapidly developing nations.

Can we stop it?

> Unlikely

You say it's invalid, but the the vast vast majority of climate scientists say it is.

I can't. I can't prove to you the time of day if you don't want to believe it. Common sense tells us there are consequences for our pollution. It's ludicrous to believe otherwise.

Ones based on a global trend and the other on the fly changes which we are still working to predictively model ahead of time.

Yes, because we use it as a weapon to manipulate other humans.

Regular citizens of the world? Nope

>thinks he's not being manipulated they the conspiracy theorists.

Jesus would never allow that to happen. P e r i o d .

*by the conspiracy theorists*

This is the basis for many people's belief.

Well it's a good thing we killed him over 2 thousand years ago then. oh, wait.

yeah, cause you know 8billion people all converting oxygen to carbon dioxide is completely inconsequential to a closed system.

>they bitch about chemicals and industry but the fact of the matter is (and why nothing really is being done) is there's too many people and no one wants to shoulder the responsibility of kill 90% of them.

The Earth has cycles it goes through. Hot, Cold, Hot cold etc. We are NOT the cause of the cycle but we ARE definitely are affecting it.



Back to the vast majority bit, eh.


Math says it's not, because it has literally been wrong on every single prediction it has made. Rising water, polar bears, tropical cyclones, ice caps...literally all of it. None of it happened.

>The entire world and all centralised and decentralised scientific communities are controlled by the government
And he's taking the blue pill? Kek

No the planet has been doing this shit for years before us humans arrived but u do think we are responsible for accelerating it

You're parroting someone else's propaganda. Here's something to think about: predictions are not the same as observations. The observational research say that there is a relationship to our carbon emissions and the RATE OF CHANGE of the climate.


Ya don't you believe in Scientology we arrived here

It is natural though

>This video proves global warming is a lie
>Focuses entirely on weather data from the US during the 30s

Didn't watch the others but I'm fairly certain they're also nonsense

It's been estimated that where I live, which is cold and has a very short growth season, will become more temperate and with a longer growth season.
Climate change will fuck some people and hugely benefit others. The smart thing to do is figure out who wins, and join that team.
Protip: if the community is under sea level, do not join.

I feel like this question is retarded though climates change anyway and we have also changed the climate, maybe I'm missing something here being on the fence but you all sound retarded

Change occurs naturally but not all change is natural.


To expand...

Tsunamis occur naturally, but if you set off a nuke in the right place it will cause an unnaturally occurring tsunami.

It's not as simple to spot the above example but the relationship is well understood among the vast majority of climate scientists.

>doing so won't stop climate change
Actually you don't know that changing our pollution behavior won't make a life saving difference because you assume none of the effects compound when systems interact.

Both, it's a natural cycle that human activity is speeding up.

Anybody saying anything else is preaching narrative or retarded.

I'd say we're speeding it up more than a little, but yeah you're correct.

This is correct.

Not only is it speeding it up, but the peak will be higher. Shit is gunna get bad for anybody that isn't rich in the next 100 years.

>Implying Republicans don't have smartphones

It's true libs waste more on tech though


It's cool to see so many people actually understand what's going on :)

not an authority
none of you fuckwits could grasp any one of the learned opinions on the subject in either camp
/btards know your limits

I asked this question 2 hours ago and still no-one has answered so i'll ask again WHAT CAUSED THE ICE AGE?

Answers on a postcard

Tl;dr move to Canada

not here they don't

Humans are one of the factors that play a part in today's climate change.
Not the only factor, obviously, but clearly one of the factors.
It's also the only factor that we can manipulate, so if we can lessen our impact for the better of the species survival, why not?

Propably first cause was a period of time with reduced solar activity. Can't tell if it was a year, decade or thousands of years. This led to the relative expansion of solar caps. This in turn increased albedo, which further reduced the temperatures, in a negative feedback loop, until it reached a new equilibrium, with extensively expanded ice caps and a new weather system.

Because it won't make a flying fuck of change apart from make a few people richer to the cost of anyone else, but you're just too fucking stupid to see it

You sound like you think you're really smart.

That's propaganda.

Yup. So what? Both China and India have populations of well over a BILLION each. Jesus, Brazil has a population of over 200 million. They are not lowering their standard of living. Everyone in the world wants a car, internet, tv, laptop, a vacation, food, babies. Have you been to India? I have and it's a fucking shithole...literally. People pissing and shitting everywhere....the beach, the rivers, on the streets. Rolling black / brown outs. Pollution and smog on everything. So stop bitching and moaning - it's happening and we need to adapt to whatever changes are coming. A couple of fucking countries in Western Europe and North America are not going to impact what's already taking place and the rest of world will not stop producing and using whatever resources are around.

what we never talk about is - regardless if we believe it or not, should we have a backup plan?

seriously, even if you don't believe it, why not at least let the research get funded to prepare a back up plan to geoengineer a solution

Learned opinions...
Either camp...
Are you an autism?

We'd be smart to do whatever we can. If we sit on our asses and do nothing we are punishing our children for our offense at the prospect of change.

Moving the goal post.

Jesus, the propaganda is the bullshit that people are being fed by the clowns looking to make money from it.
Years ago it was global warming, oh global warming is going to kill us all, give us lots of money to research it, oh and we'd better tax the public harder to stop global warming from killing us.
That would have been fine had the global temperature not have been falling, so it all goes quiet for a while then - climate change, climate change is going to kill us all so give us lots of money to research it, oh and tax the public even harder to prevent climate change.
Any questions?

Which one?

Siesmology is wholly by government. The government wants us to believe all the shaking last Thursday was an "earthquake" and not rumblings of a kraken sized monster in our hollow earth.


*wholly funded*


Doing something is better than doing nothing.
If humans are effecting the climate in any way that is detrimental, eliminating that cause should be helpful in some way.

This is a childish argument.

You're dumber than a nigger? ouch...

Climate change is responsible for us. Hashtag Sup Forumsthoughts

That sounded funnier in your head didn't it

Anyone who thinks climate change isn't man made is either dumb as shit or trolling.

Man made?
Do you mean caused by mankind or is there a climate change factory I'm not aware of

These guys get distinction by disagreeing with the herd.