Why don't they buy a team lol?

Why don't they buy a team lol?

That could make nu-males follow sports

Why would they? Apple's annual revenue is more than 25 times higher than that of every PL club put together. What would be the benefit of dominating something so insignificant to them?

Because, despite what the internet tells you, you don't get in to the sports business to make money. The rate of return on investment is poor compared to other investment options. To own a sports team requires you to front a lot of capital up front, and then you wait a long time for the revenues to catch up and get you in the black on the project.

The only reason people buy sports teams is for personal reasons, when you have an eccentric or adventurous billionaire owner who does it because he likes sports and wants to own a team for fun.

Apple Corporation is best served sticking to what they know best, and investing the capital on tech R&D or upgrading factories or opening more stores, not throwing cash away on meme investments.

They're too busy putting their operating system into cheap computer hardware...making it pretty...and selling it for triple what it cost to produce.

If they do, they would probably just sponsor some nerd e-"""""""""sport""""""""" team


Unfortunately, the influx of foreign tycoons (Arabs, Americans, Chinese etc) into European football has changed its essence. Traditionally, club owners were lifelong fans who happened to own the necessary money to invest it in the club of their childhood. Foreigners simply do it because it's hip among the elite.

They should buy Leicester City then at least the lads can go on a bum licking Thailand whore tour without too much worry.

fun = orgies

How much will it be when they're forced to pay tax?

Why doesn't Sup Forums pool it's money together and buy a club?

The easiest way to be a millionaire football owner? Start with a billion pounds and buy a football club

we've tried that already


because theyre 100 billion in debt

with 250 billion in cash because borrowing money is cheaper than paying Amerifat tax

If you really think they have 250mil sitting around in cash then you're a truly special kink of tard.

don't some of their board members own teams?

I don't think an owner would accept student loans, NEET bux, and a fistful of cash

waste of money unless it was some esport shit. Know your demographic.

Most teams don't make money. Some Formula One guys bought an EPL team, and they said it was the biggest waste of money ever.

Some teams in certain sports make money (Knicks even though they are terrible), but some teams in the same league lose money (New Orleans before the league bought them out).

The only league where every team is at least profitable is the NFL. But many teams depend on tax payer backed stadiums. And their ratings are falling. The reason why the NFL formed their cartel decades ago, was that many teams we folding.

The business of sports is an interesting subject, "Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game" is a great read.

Well, you could always buy an MLB team and make bank off revenue sharing with minimum investment like Loria does with the Marlins.

>Most teams don't make money. Some Formula One guys bought an EPL team, and they said it was the biggest waste of money ever.

all of that was just a money laundering scheme that was never caught


250 bil
look at their balance sheet on SECs website you fuckin idiot

They unironically have 250 nil in cash or cash like assets (t-bills, very liquid bonds)

Tech companies hoard cash in lieu paying out dividends for the purposes of acquiring other companies. Don't expect a limey to understand anything about finance outside of islamic banking.

Homos don't care about sports

You do realize that the people that own clubs are doing it because they like it not because of money right?

You lose money most of the time.

Who'd they buy? St. Pauli?

But free advertising is worth it, and you can easily run clubs at a profit and be successful like Spurs

just start one up

the Cupertino Apples

I would watch the shit out of Formula E if it casted shit like Apple motors, Google Cars, Microsoft Team, Sony Engines, etc

If by "buy a team" you mean finance the Raiders/Chargers new stadium then they should absolutely do it.