Is it okay to keep encouraging these women with likes and other forms of flattery? Or are we helping create a culture of beta women obsessed with themselves, thus causing them to become mentally ill?
Instagram Models
Imagine being so committed to a diet and exercise lifestyle and getting surgeries to look as good as they do, only to get shat and pissed on by rich Saudi princes. What a shame.
post proof
You could have used the time you spent worrying about this doing something productive
it's creating a generations of women that think they can live an easy life just posting pictures of them selves but they all fail to realize that that they are late to the gold rush and there are a million other girls trying to climb that lader, while the ones that started out early are sitting on top reaping in mad dolla
Will just lead to them whoring them selves for a taste of some of what they think that life is
Supply and demand. They're flooding the market and that can only be a good thing for buyers.
Hey go pay your Greek girlfriends debt. Then go engineer a car that cheats emissions tests. After that sit your smug ass down
Is it really though? The buy side gets fucked when the supply become diluted
>you need an IV to treat depression and anxiety
holy shit that bitch is retarded
Makes for a better story than "I drank way too much and did too many drugs"
>her body and mind were rapidly deteriorating
lol you cant make this shit up, its like "deteriorating" based on what? your "feelings"
fucking joke
i wouldnt doubt this being a stunt for more followers/attention etc
Giving a woman that has no intentions of fucking you attention is pathetic cuckolding behavior
>culture of beta women
nah, they are pretty alpha, they have a harum of betas that give them free money
we are already past the point of no return on narcissistic culture
>i need chads cock right now
>splatter all over my face chad
>what did you do today?
>"well i put on a cute outfit and makeup and took 500 pictures just to choose one where i look cute and i uploaded it to instagram and i got 1,000 likes so far, i feel so good"
this is "normal"
>saggy fat tits
It's simple, you don't give these "models" any likes or attention. Just like tripfags, you ignore them.
Almost as stupid as sitting around spewing hyperbole.
>finally crashing after 4 solid years of drinking, camwhoring and coal burning
rest in piece hoebag
>They call Koreans 3 3 3’s. 3000 pesos, 3 minutes, 3 inch dick.
>That’s right: the girls you see on Instagram with hordes of orbiters proclaiming how they would “suck a fart out of [her] ass” are getting paid to have Arabs squirt diarrhea in their faces. There’s even a colloquial term for these tarts: “Dubai porta potties.”
come on now, you know you'd do it too if you had money to burn.
hell, i know i would.
shit, the FIRST thing i would buy if i hit the lotto tomorrow is a pornstar for a night.
there was an vapid aussie vegan instawhore from the sunny coast who had 500k followers. She gave up on it and confessed this is entirely her day and what her life consisted of. And went on some righteous body image vendetta against Instagram modelling
people naturally seek validation.
i don't see how this is new to you.
>ready to get fucked
an arab shitting?
I guess he calls his fetish...MELTING
>dindus are too dumb to track down and rape her
>going out in public like this
Turns out Germans have more in common with Arabs than we thought.
I think the only annoying thing is they put the most retarded captions about "life lessons" and "live advice" shit. All while having their titties or ass hang out. They do all of this modeling too, but when I look up the shoots to try and fap, the pictures are never posted anywhere.
I don't know it just confuses me, any man who dates them is a cuck. She is not your girl, she is instagrams girl.
She lives in Toronto Ontario and goes to Lawrence park colligate institute. She's in grade 12
>she wore this to school
absolutely degenerate
then she got fucked by bilzerian and all was good
>those tits
It's not just women, you closet homo. It's all social media users.
Whos Dan Blizerian and why should I care?
>how is this not the beginning of a porno
Honestly she peaked at 14 and its been all downhill ever seen. She'll be disgusting by 20.
more at 14
You have to pay for it.
Didnt she cry on some program about how she feels violated everytime someones look at her pics in a lust kind of way?
he has big dad money
>it's illegal to have sex with this
This is the other reason men don't want to get married nowadays. Your average girl on IG posts up literal naked pictures of herself for the world to see, essentially softcore porn.
A whore isn't going to stop prying for male attention just because she walks down the aisle way of a church.
that is 14?
Not for long.
Their stolen money was in a bunch of accounts unearthed by the Panama papers.
you like to fuck children like this ?
Most girls now are fully through puberty and have like D tits at 13 or 14.
That's a 14 year old? No kidding?
Holy shit these hormones.
Fuck. I hate these attention whores on IG. Your IG model status is unlikely to translate to shit except semen being flushed down the toilet. Just can into porn and make money for being a whore.
The internet and social media in particular was a giant mistake. Nothing but circle jerk feel good bullshit 24/7, inflating egos to insane proportions. If I could do just one thing to change history I would eliminate the internet and anyone involved with its creation.
just get into*
>that face
yeah she better stick to instagram
Thanks growth hormones in meat.
Yeah it's hilarious how women brainlessly copy off each other without even a second thought and things like supply and demand don't even occur to them. That's their usual dream though -- sit there and be told their attractive while getting free shit from it.
>Claire Abbott - Crash and Burn.jpg
if you were at school with her, you'd want to try and get it in, but if you are 30 or so then you have seen how girls like this turn out. the tits droop, the belly swells and the drinking takes its toll on the face. the picture above of her in the hospital is just the beginning of the downturn, she'll get fatter and more and more average until she is just a nondescript woman with a terrible personality.
My ex was a hottie Viet Aussie Halfie who used to model and has a Masters.
At first everything with her was perfect, over the period of months a similar thing happened.
She was diagnosed with bipolar and entrenched negative thinking and a list of other shit.
No matter how good a woman looks when they get mentally ill they are unfuckingbearable.
Every single thing became a hassle, every single day id get power nagged, I was earning 6 figures annually but it still wasn't enough money, id get constant accusations of cheating then after I got so sick of her shit and packed my bags and left I found out from people she'd been cheating on me at least 3 times whilst together.
The point is no matter how good some women look, if they aren't married young and pumping out babies it's usually because in some way they're an absolute detestable cunt.
The same thing happened to me during sophomore year of college. I didn't get diagnosed with a million and one mental disorders. The attention whoredom is real.
topkek this really puts this whores in perspective
Claire peaked while in highschool (underage)
Her ears and nose continued to grow while she got she-hulked out.
Sorta of what happened with Kate Upton only in her case she got fat, fat like the whale.
More people need to see this and realize that alll women are whores. I might even try to force it into a meme.
Narcissistic whores.
The only thing they have to offer the world is their semi-nude bodies. Worthless.
There is that one website that has non-sexualized boobs for insecure girls to look at
Claire and Kate Upton are still in their early 20s. They can hit a new prime with proper diet and exercise.
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Social Media Influencer''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
She's aging like milk, sadly
Even then though, in this generation its hard to do. Picked up a fresh 18 year old flip virgin straight from small province. She could never turn off her fucking phone.
I had to force her to clean my apartment.
Go as young as you want. Society is fucked now u gotta adjust accordingly
They're prostitues.
She's already been fucked by a true alpha.
Is this considered attractive? Her body is kinda nice, but no hips and all fridge. Her face is like major slut face.
Post her nudes
You cannot undo the damage of partying and fucking hundreds of men. Also, all that tanning ruins their skin pretty fucking fast.
Ever seen how asians can look like 20 at 40? Thats not only because of genetics, its because asians avoid the sun at all cost.
This is true for guys too, if you wanna look 30 at 50 use sunscreen every day, except if you live in the North.
>pays to be in movies then gets shafted
>has tiny legs
Definitely wish I had all his daddys money and fucked all those girls, but all he has going for him is money, which would imply any trust fund faggot is an alpha also
As a guy who works hard for his money, I'd rather be a trust-fund alpha.
I'd rather be rich than ugly. Most things can be fixed with money.
People say "that guy is ugly" but rich people dont give a shit about us at all, they live in a completely different reality. They all could just fix their uglyness but why would they? They dont care what others think, maybe except other rich people.
I prefer chicks who make money by looking hot and taking off their clothes to SJW's tbqh.
>I'd rather be rich than ugly
You don't say
I meant rather rich than good looking.
Get super based and Google his "blizerian wsj" and learn about how all his money was stolen by dad then put in trust fund. Dan goes around pretending he plays poker. And fucked Claire abbot... Fuckk
Ha yeah something is going on in North America cause when I was in high school I dated a 13yr old (I was 16) and had my rents flip out on me for bringing home a 24yr old
Whilst she's definitely attention whoring - im pretty sure they wouldnt diagnose you with major depression alongside 'borderline' bipolar - and she cant put down her phone for one second - it is possible she's on the drip because she wasn't eating right or drinking and needed fluids - maybe cut herself and was hypovolemic.
The reason none of that actually is the case is because she would have instagrammed about how she was "starving" or almost "bled to death".
So are these Instagram models living off donations or some shit? I don't really keep up with this kind of shit.
> arm can touch hip
> long
So im guessing this adipose andromeda doesn't wash her lower half then.
Enjoy your osteomalacia
what's so special about her?
I'll just take D-vitamin every day. Wait, I already do.
Adverts, they get paid to feature shit on their pages. Then im sure some of them also use it to advertise themselves to get invited to parties and picked up by rich guys.
They sell their used underwear to beta losers, not even kidding.