Sophia Lillis... Thoughts?

Sophia Lillis... Thoughts?



i'm guessing they didn't include "that" scene from the book?

shes a qt3.14

No unfortunately.


better with long hair

Agreed. Feeling guilty for finding her so attractive

jail bait



too boyish. aka perfect for pedo closet fags

I hate her short haircut, but dann. With long hair.... Hhhnnngg

I feel like her nose is too small and underdeveloped

Can see your point.



why can't we have some fresh stephen king movies instead of remakes?
make insomnia goddammit. i'd even accept nigger ralph if they cast morgan freeman

Hopefully with this movie being such a success, we'll get some more big King blockbusters.

Most of his horror movies are usually flops or critically panned.

Or why they had to do pisspoor travesties like the dark tower.


"The Dark Tower" is not a remake?

geralds game is supposed to be good, for a low budget production.

I'm fairly certain carla gugino will not be fully nude for the entirety though

It may not be a remake, but it's a great big pile o' shit.

the dark tower bares fuck all resemblance to anything i've read bearing that name

This x100000000

Did anyone else feel like the movie started out very psychological and then become more and more of a creature flick?

Yes definitely.

I feel it did that intentionally and did it very well. It served to flesh out each character very well.


Yeah, how do you boil a story the size of a stack of phone books down to 90-150 minutes? That's always been the problem with bringing that one from book to movie.

Could have easily been 8 movies.

Stephen King has /always/ needed a fucking editor to cut out the excess shit. Book, Movie, TV miniseries, his endings are often (but not always) crap and anything he writes over 300 pages should have been written in half the size (Example: The Stand)

Or even better, an HBO series.

You have a point to a degree, all except IT and the dark tower IMHO.

i get the ending to the DT books, but i still think it was a cheap literary device and easy way out.

I saw the ending coming from a very long way off. I don't think it could have ended any other way.

the talisman as an HBO series would be something

FUCK yes.

Any of you fags read his short stories? Everything is eventual is bueno

Dolan's Cadillac ftw

I think she was pretty great! I haven't seen her in anything before, but she showed a pretty impressive range for a young actress. I hope her career goes really well. The same stands for most of the other kids!

Good one. Satisfying ending too

I want her to choke on my dick.

>She will never look at you in this way.

No... That whole event never really added to the plot anyways.

The movie was decent as well.

I hope you faggots enjoy jail. sexualizing a pure snow flake.

she's 15 years old

those fucking tabs lel

>pure snowflake

By the time I was 15, I was into drugs, porn, and got my first BJ.


Survivor Type and Jaunt my faves

newfag detected lel

She is our generation's Molly Ringwald.

The gangbang?

She is our generation's Rita Hayworth.

I need a screen grab of her ass when she's looking at tampons in the movie. Jeebus Christ that booty was legit.