OK, Lambright is gaining traction. My video to Mr. Kristol of the Renegade party
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine our nation having a non rich president who would build the middle class.
Stop running for president. Your platform is even more gay than Bernie's.
Wayne you never answered the question from the last thread: Do you eat shit straight out of the toilet or just squat over a plate?
K Wayne.
Go suck a bag of dicks, Wayne.
Piss off ya yank cunt
Dear Wayne,
You are a lunatic alcoholic. You need the care of a mental health professional.
cmon Wayne. I thought you were away getting your meds straightened out. But no, you were out buying piece of shit poor man's Porsches.
So much love. Thanks guys.
off a plate of course, he doesn't pay that black German tranny hooker for toilet water does he?
Clearly you're being a dick.
I eat food like this.
Hi Lambright...
Wayne you haven't won a single delegate and no one outside of Sup Forums even knows your name. You're a loser and a nobody. No one is going to elect you, not even for city council of some bumfuck town in the middle of nowhere.
Be honest man: Is this performance art? Are you some comedian trying to make your bones?
So you squat over a plate.
>gaining traction
Ok keep up the delusion
Nobody is going to give nuclear codes to a spastic child molester.
I know everyone here hates you but I kind of like your platform.
Clearly you're dumb. I won the Sup Forums debate. You're just a bucket of shit for a person who feels the need to sabotage my efforts. In real life you're a coward. I could kill you with one punch.
Post a photo of your dinner.
You're clearly a faggot troll.
>Hi Lambright...
>performance art?
Yes and my prize is Presidency of the United States.
I don't see you doing shit.
Somebody has to say what I say.
The red pills won't be take by the blue pilled people they must be forced down.
I might look like a nice guy.
And you're right. I am. I'm a nice guy who will tell you the truth and not be a dick about it.
I come to Sup Forums to get my troll training on.
in life anybody can get along when we all agree.
in life people don't get along.
Sup Forums is real life.
I promise you this. When I get those codes. I'll turn Israel to glass if they don't change.
Wayne, you just need to fuck off. No one here will support you as long as we can inform newfags about your condition.
Thank you.
Jokes aside, you guys really should support Lambright for the Renegade Party ticket.
Corruption is a stick in the gears of a machine called America, and Wayne is committed to bringing real solutions in place of fake policy.
Let's Make America Think Again
lose the w8 m8
You can photo shop all the photos you want.
Do you follow me on twitter?
There are over 6000 black top secret patents that will be released to jumpstart the economy on new technology that will open of the world of space exploration that is already taking place.
Zero point energy
Anti Gravity
Space Ships, AKA ‘star fleet’ US Navy has one already
Aliens, who, what, where, why, how and when we meet them and what we have already learned.
I'm working on it.
Losing your hair doesn't count as losing weight.
Can we get a timestamp Wayne?
>space ships
And how do you know this Wayne?
Honestly your obsession with this fake photo makes me think you're taking the pills.
I'm sober, I don't drink and never did drugs. I don't even smoke weed.
I'm smarter than you.
Though I'm not better than you.
Nobody is better than anybody else. We're just humans in a race. The human race.
Do you want to compete on a subject?
How about you bid for president of the united states. Lets see you pony up your brass balls you pussy.
You have something on your face
>I could kill you with one punch
Come fight me then faggot. I live in Florida state. I'll pick you up from the airport, we can go to a parking lot somewhere and you can try to "kill me with one punch" and get fucking annihilated.
Ok Wayne. I will publically support you if you'll have a reputable laboratory do a urinalysis to prove that you are not on any benzodiazepines or anti-psychotics
Sure that's easy. Thanks for the support.
Dog on right. If dogs wore pants that is.
In the car business we had a saying, there is an ass for every seat.
I bet you could make dog pants a thing. Pet owners will buy anything.
Unblocked me Wayne. All I did was ask about why your RV got tolled away.
I block all trolls. Why would you say that? It was not towed away. My land lord and I are good friends.
I don't allow toxic people in my life. Sorry, you had your chance.
So why are you doing all of this, again?
Broke ass nigger trying to get campaign donations for his RV to take his fat ass wife around crippled america.
>I block all trolls
Nah, you just block people who make you look like the idiot you are.
This is why your family wont talk to you, Wayne
You're wrong.
I don't even know who you are. Wha't your twitter name? @jackass?
I talk to them any time l choose. They are degenerate fucking retards abusive alcoholic drug addicts. The lie and steal for a living as contractors. They don't have family values, abuse there kids and hide it.
Part of my goal is to expose there crimes. Which I have done.
Wait, what? YOU did all of those things, not them.
I'm the legal, straight lace person following the rules.
Its my family, you don't know what's going on.
My mother is ashamed of herself for enabling the drug use and alcoholism and just wanted to see the grandchildren and their drug and alcohol use got worse and now she has dug her grave.
Sup Forums never tells the truth. They twist the truth to suit their own motivations and world view.
I have nothing to hide and they do. They're horrified I exposed all their dirty laundry.
Next phase is Dr. Phil.
so much delusion
You are easily one of the most delusional and toxic people I've EVER seen or talked to. You lack any and all self-awareness. Fucking amazing..
>I'm the legal, straight lace person following the rules.
Says the faggot trying to submit a fraudulent workmans comp claim. Give it up already you sad, broken, husk of a man.
>Sup Forums is real life.
This may be the single stupidest thing I've ever heard anyone say ever.
Wayne, I admire your effort, but how do you expect to beat Trump and Hillary? You don't have the money or support to get your name out there. I'm not trying to demoralize you, but there's not much time left.
Also, why do you care about winning so much if Nibiru is going to wipe us out?
>Giving niggers $400000 in a lump sum.
I... kinda wanna see what happens. It would be terrible, but probably funny.
OK. well I disagree with you dumb faggot ass.
Here I am changing the world and there you are jealous of my success. LOL you loser.
Trump will die in August.
Hillary going to jail.
Say's the person hanging out on Sup Forums
OK, if America is a car!