will someone pls tell me what this white spot on my dink is
Will someone pls tell me what this white spot on my dink is
AIDS, better cut it off before it spreads and kills you.
Nigga you have aids
bump. Pls I'm scared
No I don't u troll I'm a virgin
Cut it open.
I have it too.
No. that is a very bad idea, I don't have anything sterile, and I wouldn't even if I did.
Just go to a doctor. Post back with results, dumping cause interested.
No. Sup Forums is the only doctor I need.
its a cyst
Skin tag?
Pop that shit fag.
Could be a boil. I had one. A piece of dirt gets into a fold from your shitty circumcison and grows a barrier between it and your body. Soak in warm water a lot for several days and I will work it's way out. I had sex a day after mine came out and blood shot on to my gf's tits out of the whole. It was nuts
Is it hard?
Obviously can't compete
yeah it's kind of hard and it feels like a little ball or something inside it. the outside isn't hard but once I squeeze and start pushing toward the inside it gets hard.
It's a cyst, but it needs to be evaluated by a physician before you cause even more damage by trying to drain it with a needle that wasn't sterile.
ok but can I just not go to a doctor? will anything bad happen? Because I've had this for months and it hasn't grown since I noticed it
It's a pimble with cock butter. I have it too. Sometimes I squeeze it and smell. Smells good.
thats syphilis dude. I actually work at a clinic and apparently you can pass it along without sex. Sorry dude.
cut it off
if it comes back, you were meant to be together
lie. I've had it for months and nothing has spread.
If you're sexually active and when someone sees that, the game's over. If you don't want to scare someone off at the thought of a transmittable STD then it needs to be removed.
ok but I haven't gone to the doctor since I turned 18 and have no idea how that stuff works.
Make an appointment with a local physician and have him examine the wound. He'll then either remove it himself or refer you to another doctor that can do it.