Long story, to get it off my chest

Long story, to get it off my chest
>be me, kindergarten
>be picked on by every boy in there for having asian eyes and not looking normal
> LARP as a villain, driving an evil looking toy car along the walls while evil laughing, quetly
>do this for the first 2 years
>some day, a cute red hair girl notices what I do
>she giggles and says that I'm cute and I have beautiful eyes
>5 year old me runs away and start crying thinking that she made fun of me
>the next day she starts to play with a car next to me
>start playing with her daily
2 year passed
>1st year of school, she goes to another school
>still talk to her daily
6 years pass
>we are walking through a park, she randomly kisses my cheek
>my heart starts beating like i'm about to die, I fall in love with her
2 years pass of me being a pussy and not making any move
>she has to move to Germany
>Fuck it this my last chance to say it
>pussy out and don't do it
>We still talk daily

>1st year of high school, the times I talk with her(I'll call her D from now on) less and less
>end up barely talking monthly
End of 1st year
>see a girl (I'll call her L) crying
>ask her what's wrong
>failled a test
>say a shitty joke to make her stop crying
>it works
>she grabs my hands
>Fuck, heart starts beating in the Same way with D
>We start talking daily
Time passed
>I'm out with L, we're both drunk, she asks that I kiss her
White knight doesn't kiss drunken girls
>she felt bad and never mentioned it again
Time passes, end of 2nd year of high school
>L starts going out with someone, he becomes her boyfriend
>cry cause I'm still in love with her
>L's bf is jealous, forces her to stop talking with me
>she does
>hits me like a truck, I become a depressed fuckboy asshole
Summer vacation
>lost my virginity, have sex in one night stands
>call from D, she's visiting for a week

cont plz


This story gonna have me looking like this by the time I finish reading it. Some sad shit op.


Get 8's pls

>Take a walk with D in the same park she kissed my on the cheek
>she confeses her love
>*great, another pussy to fuck*
>kiss her
>take her home (parents are away for the month), have sex with her daily for a week
>she's so happy, we start talking daily again, even if I'm cold as shit
3rd year of high school
>see L again
>fuck still in love with her
2 months pass
>D asks why I'm so rude and cold to her
>Tell her that i'm cheating on her (while sending pictures of me kissing someone else), that I never loved her and to fuck off
2 months passes
>receive a message
>photo of D crying, empty bottle of pills and a text: "I'm sorry for not being good enough"
>Realise what I've done, what I've become
>call her non-stop, no answer
>crying and shaking
>worrying that the worst happened
>can't sleep
>her mother calls me, confirms it, she killed herself

I've lived with my sins for too long


Yeah. You pretty much suck.