user I'm curious, how often do you see threads that are asking a question that you have the answer to, or clearly cucked/bluepill that you could redpill, but you you just don't feel like typing and putting in the work anymore?
Sup Forums's limitation is that it provides no feedback for one's success in waking up the sleepers. One post could uncuck 300 people you never meet, and you'll never know. Over time the most based, knowledgeable trolls simply stop bothering to reply because the effort is ultimately unrewarding.
I never get anything out of Sup Forums posts anymore. I literally only put in. I've reached the bottom of the rabbit hole (some time ago really) and it's not worth my time to redpill most people here as they are simply incapable of resisting their degenerate brainwashing and can't accept the truth of the world anyway.
How many anons have this problem?
When is it time to quit Sup Forums because I'm tired of red-pilling 19 year olds?
Should I just quit the boards?