I know the atom bombs prevented alot of deaths and all but fucking hell man
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that paper aeroplane was truly magnificent
should've dropped 3 bombs
source on pic?
they were planning to
You posted a few hours ago under another flag, give it a rest faggot.
couldn't tell ya man.
Maybe somewhere in the middle east, dunno
Same video and everything?
I'm a completely different guy dude. I think it was a good thing to use atom bombs but fuck what a way to die man
They should have fucking stopped fighting when it was clearly over. Blame Japan's leadership at the time for this.
You know exactly what you're doing.
damn that was hardcore
but yo maybe you shouldnt rape and cannibalize ur way across a continent and ppl might not be inclined to melt ur babby
I really don't fucking know man.
You realize that just because someone might've posted this a couple hours ago.
DOES NOT automatically mean that its the same poster with a proxy right?
Relax dude
found the source with reverse image search, senpai.
Picture has been taken in Grozny- Chechnya and shows kids hiding in some kind of bomb shelter.
Ironically, "Grozno" in serbian (which is related to russian) means "terrific".
oh shitman.
Looks more fucked up than mine thanks
That's what they get for being with the axis
Full damage control detected.
>guy is explaining his reasoning, therefore he must be using damage control!
For fucks sakes man
who cares, they all had an instanteneous death. i bet lots of gooks and chinks that the japs raped to death would have loved to go this way
>I'm a completely different guy dude
just like the hundreds of different guy dudes who posted this exact same thread before you with the exact same text? you fucking idiot
> they all had an instantaneous
For the people at the center yea
but alot of people still died or were killed off from cancer
I honestly have yet to see any hiroshima threads only talking about how bad it was there.
the FEW threads that I see regarding it is some faggot claiming the US should apologize for it or that we should've invaded shit
typo there.
alot of people still died from burning alive
>jap cartoon
>not hentai
I can see only 2 bombs still didn't fix everything
We gave them thousands of shines, what else can we do.
Thread theme.
if you fuck with america you get fucked up
Daily Reminder that if 9/11 happened during WW2 we woulda nuked Middle Earth
>I know the atom bombs prevented alot of deaths
That is still the greatest image ever
>instantaneous death
Not even close.
Why are anglos so fucking awesome bros?
They look like they've seen a ghost
Should have dropped 50 more on Africa too. Why not?
If I had to die being nuked would be my second option after being shot in the back of the head before realizing whats happened.
The atomic bomb was honestly not as bad as the fact that they knew how powerful it was and decided not to warn the citizens via leaflets.