What do you do when your girlfriend is a nudist and you have 3 male roommates?

What do you do when your girlfriend is a nudist and you have 3 male roommates?

My girlfriend moved in with me tonight. She is a nudist. Her parents are both nudists and she was raised to think of the naked body as natural and not sexual. I tried to tell her not to go walking around nude in front of our roommates and she smirked at me and then immediately walked out into the living room, pulled her dress over her head revealing a completely nude body and sat down on the couch between two of them.

She just looked at me and said, "What? I gotta be me. Might as well get this over with."

She then proceeded to tell my roommates that she is a nudist and started talking about her childhood and eventually said that they should expect to see her walking around without any cloths on. My roommates were very, very supportive. They were smiling ear to ear. then started teasing me, telling me that I shouldn't act so possessive and talking about how I should be more accepting of who she is. It was all tongue and cheek and she laughed. I faked laugh, but underneath I was really mad.

We sat around and talked for a few hours, drinking beer and smoking weed as we discussed our new living situation. Specifically, what it was going to be like having a girl in the house living with us. She kept getting up and going to the kitchen to get beers for us. When she did that, all three of my roommates just stared at her body as she walked into the kitchen and back, practically drooling and she seemed to like their attention. It really bothered me.

I eventually just went back into our bedroom and left them there. They were just straight up flirting with her and I couldn't take it anymore.
I don't know how I feel about this now that she's living here.

Did I fuck up?

It's absolutely inevitable that one your roommates "tries out nudism" and end up cucking you eventually.

hey, i really like this story, keep going

She's a ho.
Her body can't simultaneously be non sexual and yet derive pleasure from sexual tension.

keep the AC at 60.

If she's loyal don't worry guys are gonna be guys you would do the same thing they are just pissing with you

holy fuck this is some of the most bait-y bait in all the land


sounds like you should kick them out before they fuck the living shit out of her, you dumb cuck faggot

trollcuckpost but this advice is golden

By far the most reasonable solution

I don't think that would work, she already cuddled up against one of them for "warmth" and it wasn't even cold!

Lol your gf is going to fuck one of your roommates kick that bitch out now.

damn bro, your getting cucked, hard.

Dump that bitch

How can you be such a beta cuck op? Kick that bitch out

Nice old pasta faggot sage


Ehh, how much do you love her? It's pretty much that simple, if it's a lot then you're going to have to learn to not take it as seriously. You'll literally have to train your mind one way and it'll take a while before you really het used to it. If you don't love her or don't really see it going anywhere in the long term then just use it as an opportunity to really experiment and try new things. Again this depends on how old you are and both your respective sexual histories.

I actually sort of helped my gf become more confident in herself and her body which obviously included wearing a lot lot less than she used to. When it was long distance for a while it turned in to a fetish for me. She's now much more comfortable even semi naked around friends. Certain ones I obviously tell her that she shouldn't be ( guys I'm well aware would fuck her given half a chance)
Honestly your can't blame your mates for checking her out. At the end of the day it's just skin. You gotta choose how you adapt to it. If she's full on getting it on with them without prior consent from you then she's an asshole. Your mates also don't sound great with that possessive comment.

I hope this is fake. If not, dump her you idiot.

they wont be happy when the period comes

Assert dominance, walk around nude also, when you pop a hard on bend her over the couch and fuck her in front of them, if she asks why say.
"im an exhibitionist, what? I gotta be me. Might as well get this over with."

your only chance here is to bros before hoes --suck their dicks in front of her to assert dominance


Just think of her as a cocksleeve so when she inevitably fucks your friend you won't really care

this is b8. saw this post like a week ago.

Old pasta is old.

Can someone seriously explain to me what this website's obsession is with other people having sex with your girlfriends and wives? Is this a fetish? Was this fake story written to make people jerk off or make them mad?

This is all getting so tiring. You people are hands down obsessed with cuckolding. It's all you think about, all you want, and all you fantasize about. You can't get hard unless you think about your SO cheating on you. Sup Forums is fucking dead because you all cucked it. Congrats.

get a life OP

Holy fuck.... The miles on your gf's vagina are gonna be comparable to a intercontinental highway soon...

kill her and wear her skin around your roommates to warn them of your dominant nature so next time you bring a girl over theyll mind their business.

Thanks, I couldn't have fucked Sup Forums without you guys. I love you all


This is old copypasta

This is a good idea... Do it op.

Make it clear to your roommates that you the alpha and she is yours and if they try to play around with her or aggole her and if not there is going to be problems

unless ur a beta fuck then you might as well give your roommates and pack condoms, show them to your bedroom, and prepare to clear up and sticky 4-some mess


Beat the shit out of your roommates, let them know that you're the alpha.

nice pasta op

Ya you're letting yourself be cucked by your friends. The ultimate fuck up.
Kick her out or find another living arrangement if you must be with her.
Or I guess my advice is be ruthlessly violent when they inevitably fuck her. break an elbow and a knee sends the message that you aren't to be crossed. Also peel off a few toe nails depending on how bad they damage you emotionally, then again you kind of asked for it.

Can't blame them for ogling her tbh

Yeah man you can't live with a nudist girlfriend and roommates. Better pick one.

You can get your own place if you work for it, 100%

tbh, just become gay op. If you're gay this wouldn't bother you. It's 2017, be on the right side of history

lol they gon fuck yo bitch nigga

Is this real? Are you for real?

If so you should go to a doctor and get checked for retardation.

Or if your plan is to pimp her out to your 3 male roommates then keep on track and make some money buddy because someones gonna fuck her.

All of you are missing the bigger problem here: who the fuck keeps peanut butter in the refrigerator?

You will be at work
And if his dick is bigger than yours, she will fuck him.
100% chance.

spot on!


Tell her your friends are gawking and it's making you uncomfortable. See how she reacts. Then you'll know if she really is enjoying the attention. If you're lucky, the two of you can figure something out.



it says right on the container to refrigerate after opening

Dude, you fucked up when you dated a hippie. Just fuck her for a while, your roommates will too but whatever. Don't get attached, or do, its just an experience. Fuck around on her

It's not that simple. I love her.


Well love is fleeting, user. I lived with a girl for over five years that I loved. OK I still love her, but I don't want to be with her. Find a new place to live and bring her there. Also tell your friends how you feel and if they try to emasculate you put something diabolical in their drinking water when you leave.

I'm not a cuck! She hasn't cheated on me. You're just jealous because I have a hot gf while you're a fat perma-virgin

quints get

hot bait I'll give you that. poor asf execution.

fake, if shes a nudist why does she have tan lines

You and your girlfriend sound nice but your roommates are straight up assholes. I might suggest finding people to life with who aren't going to be staring at her 24/7. That's just not fucking polite.

start buying hidden cams and leave them on when ever your not around. If after 2 months she does nothing then take them down, just talk to your roomates in private and tell them to leave her alone. About all you can do if you want to keep this relationship afloat. Also be prepared to move into a new place in case shit goes down. You're not gonna want to be around any of those fags if someone actually fucks her.

Need moar pics!

>still tanlines
something doesn't compute right there

also, as long as she's not fucking around let her show off
would increase your friends too, 'cause you're the dude that has a nice nude girl running around all day.

Buy one of those stink bombs they sell online or in prank/party shops.

Pour a bit of the liquid when ever she spends time that most. Living room couch would be a good start.

Rubbing her dirty asshole everywhere may get your roommates angry.

More cuck fan fiction.



kek, kinda want to do this to a new guy who just moved in with me and my friends

This thread again....

hot right ?

>>be op
>> insaisissable appetite for cock
>>wants to be naked with roommates
>>desires to be pin cushion of cock
>> OP is the gay

>not choosing to be gay
your own fault



the more i know women, the more i'm convinced they're scum

yet to post a pic of his so called GF...... lol OP is a fa88ot

>Inb4 GF is Scandinavian.
>Sat around few hours drinking beer
Gf is Scandinavian OP, whether she knows it or not, The Cold will not affect her and shall only make her grow stronger.

dump her. its just going to drive you nuts. not worth it. your roommates are going to make your life hell as well

Stop being such a cuck. Jesus this whole site is full of conservatards and their cucked ways.

What makes you think that OP's GF is a hippie?
I'm a fucking Sup Forumstard, Right-Wing Populist and I see no problem with nudity.

Honestly OP if her teasing is bothering you so much then why don't you just fucking tell her? You could also bring some girls over and walk around nude as well.

this is literally pasta from reddit. holy fuck

You're problem is one of or a combination of this. Figure it out or dump her and move on.
>You aren't as comfortable with your body as she is with hers
>She isn't really a nudist but an attention seeker
>You're friends are fucks

This is pasta, but.... That kind of girl would be a fucking autistic or a whore

You do realize, she is going to fuck one or more of your roommates in the first month. That is a given. Her nude romp told you.
If you are ok with this, rock on. If not, move on. I personally don't like the taste of spooge, so I'd send her slut ass packing.