its blue its blue its blue fuck you its blue
For that skunkposter from earlier
What's that? You want skunks while I crush your skull?
Why so angry? They're just drawing.
Because pedophiles like you should be lynched.
If he wants to shitpost then I'll shitpost harder.
Bullshit. Fuck off and die.
I'm sick of the fucking children being spammed.
Do you rape animals, then? If you don't believe I don't rape kids, why should I believe you don't rape animals?
And animals are even less capable of consent...
your fart pictures isn't going to stop them
No, I make love to ADULT animals who have had their period, you piece of shit.
It'll drown it out.
Animals can't consent any more than children can.
Yes they can, go die in a fire.
[citation needed]
Bestiality is a sin.