What is a Xanax high because every time I've had it I just get tired and fall asleep even on 0.5mg

What is a Xanax high because every time I've had it I just get tired and fall asleep even on 0.5mg

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That's a Xanax high

Fuck off with that bar shit nigga. That's borderline hard shit yo. Stick to white nigga drugs like mushrooms n shit. Expand yo mind and wake up n shit.

That's shit, I can do that anyway

I've done psychedelics plenty. Sometimes I just wanna chill

Isn't that what weed is for?

Not OP but weed gives me anxiety.

Well Xanax is stimmulating and you get tired because your brain doesnt register any signals from your nerves and thus you become tired and fall asleep

Really? I guess that's common. But since you said that you do psychedelics, you should probably know how to relax and go with it...?

This. Weed just makes me uncomfortable. I am a fan of occasional opiates however and will likely mix a low dose with this Xanax

Good luck when you fuck up and OD retard lol. You're not invincible. Go suck a dick if weed gives you anxiety you fucking pussy

I got a 20mg 4-aco-dmt capsule. I'm waiting for a good point in my life were I'm not working about shit to try a smaller dose. I've never tried a psychadelic before but have done a ton of research. Advice? Am I just being a pussy?


sleep or full on retardation i had friends that would pop 10 bars at parties passout in 10 minutes saying and doing dumb shit.

Whatever you do hive in to the drug and just flow with it, never try to forventer some shit it might get you rolling on a bad trip

Not him, but man, different drugs affect people differently. I don't like the idea of opiates, but I wouldn't call them a pussy because they don't enjoy weed (even if it's awesome).

4acodmt is an anolog for mushrooms. It's metabolized into Psilisin. Thanks for the input user. Ive already familiarized myself with that important fact though.


most ppl i onow dont take it recreationally, but ambien...is fuck8ng Awesome!

and because ive taken it for so long, it takes like, 3 to put me asleep..
so i can vibe on 1 for a while and its great.

Used to pop xannies with my ambien. I slept for like 30 hours..

Come on man, you're literally shitting all over the internet because some random guy doesn't enjoy weed. Sort your life out my dude. I'm literally doing some Xanax and a small amount of codeine, I'm not shooting up heroin and munching down 5 bars.

Not much you can do to prepare. Be in a good mindset, a good setting and have a reliable friend nearby if needed

You're taking too much. Try a .25mg dose and drink some coffee if you feel that sleepy. You're suppose to feel cool, calm, in control with a generally giddy and playful demeanor. A light and pleasant drunkenness without the nausea and sloppy behavior.

Anyone like kratom? No? Anyone??

If you have intense anxiety, xanax acts on gaba beta receptors to produce more GABA itself, which in turn alleviates anxiety symptoms, if you're just a normal person, it'll just make you feel relaxed and a little sleepy I guess, maybe the tiniest bit euphoric but you have to focus on it. Try vaping nicotine juice or a cig with it.

>13 years old me
>alcohol and marihuana
>15 cocaine and extasis
>16 lsd
>17 Heroine
>18 Politoxicomany
>Now doing codeine and xanax
Don't do drugs kids

sometimes its good, sometimes it makes me throw up, sometimes its just eh and makes me dizzy.

but it can be really pleasant.

...and then 2 days later it feels like everything in life is shite and against you and you just wanna die...
>more xans
>rinse & repeat

i dont think so mane

Yeah I got some red maeng da and a blend of white Vietnam/green malay and some white Bali or some other shit I don't really use

depends on the strain. i found one i really like but now my tolerance is too high

Nice trips. Ever try green indo?

I've tried it. Nice soothing feeling kicked in while I was in a buddy's car.

>Mfw news article about it being as addictive as heroin or some shit
>Fuck news, hope they don't schedule it
>No mfw imagine cuz I'm gay jk

I think, I've gone through a lot of different strains at this point so I really only keep track of the ones I currently have and the ones I like. Red maeng da being one of them and I do like green Malay too, just not super hardcore.

What do you mean? I've researched it fairly well..

damn i mixed it up with something else with a similar name.

What was the best white strain you had?

Kratom is amazing if you can stomach the taste and digestion, and deal with the constipation.

yeah the tolerance buildup is real on this stuff.
also always makes my shit have a weird greenish color.


Stay in school, kid

Green malay makes me feel okay initially then when it starts wearing off I feel sick and feverish.
I have about 15g of that still but I really don't like it. It's funny because that's the one people are usually fond of. I don't like it.
A high dose of kali green indo is close enough for me to an opiate high, which is why I prefer it.

If op wants to just feel mellow and chill, I think he should try kratom. It's legal (almost) everywhere.

Fuck, my bad man.

Question: Why aco dmt? I got got true NN DMT flakes that I keep for the right time for a breakthrough. 4 aco dmt seems to me like a lsd trip without visuals. I mean I havent tried it but many people say so

I use it to manage chronic pain. I take one tbsp every 3 hours or so.

White maeng da, idk what it is about the maeng da family but therye just good strains. Intensely euphoric, moderately motivating, and still very opiate-esque classic feeling, like feeling warm. 9/10 strain.
Damn 15g? I've never gotten that high up in tolerance but right now my average doses have been 4-5g. Sometimes 3.5 if I mix with some phenibut or something else. I used to get like good genuine opiate highs from it but not really much anymore, more like a opiate feeling. Tolerance ain't no fun

Haven't really tried the white too much. Everyone seems to like white maeng da.
Holy fuck you aren't kidding. The worst part is the taste. Imagine someone took a vacuum cleaner bag, poured the dust from it in a glass and mixed it with some water and told you to drink it. That's probably the closest I can come to comparing the taste with anything.

Ah shit I misread I thought you said 15g per dose, I gotcha though

You misunderstand. I have 15g of it left in a bag. I'll only use it when I'm desperate.
I'm not sure where to get white maeng da. The site I always go to doesn't carry it.

I've used Kratom quite a bit and the taste no longer bothers me at all. I toss and wash it or make it a tea. No additives whatsoever to mask the flavor. I can still get borderline nausea but the way I use it it doesn't make me throw up anymore. The constipation is the worst part of it IMO.

As far as i know maeng da isn't just one strain but a few strains mixed together to guarantee a good quality

I don't mask the flavor with anything. I've tried putting lemon juice in it like people have recommended but that makes it just taste like sour kratom. I only get borderline nausea for about ten minutes and then it passes. It's always been like that for me. Haven't thrown up from it but I imagine that taste will do that to me eventually.

Well, like I said. It's an analog for psylacybin mushrooms, not DMT. Psylacybin is the phosphorated form of psilicin. This is the Acyitalated* (don't know how to spell) form. Both are metabolized into the active ingredient that makes you trip (psilocin). I picked this because it is an RC that has is relatively common and has a good safety profile as opposed to more unknown substances. It is said to be nearly identical to mushrooms.

kratom gives my diarrhea.
and yeah, the taste is pretty bad.

Also, drugs.tripsit.me/4-aco-dmt

Take it now

Just fill it in capsules and you will never taste that shit again

Weird. Should have the opposite effect.

Oh I've taken it in caspsules. I just can't anymore because my tolerance is through the roof. I'd have to take something like 14.

Xanax does nothing to me but make me understand "normal" people more unless I overdose, then I get the effect "normal" people get.

I'm smoking up now, lol. I wanna be in a less stressful part in my life though.

Life saving drug....traffic, thanksgiving with the family take a blue all is well. Without I want to start putting people faces into walls

I would swallow 100 capsules to avoid this horrible taste. Btw do you tried capsule size 000? You can put 1.5g in there if you press it together

just take a tolerance break every so often.

I like to buy a good 3-4 ounces, run through it, and then stop for the same amount of time I used it.

Life is always stressful. There will always be a reason to postpone

I actually tried taking 14 caps before. Two things happened. I had really really bad stomach pain and I felt NOTHING from the kratom. I'm assuming my stomach upped the acid to dissolve the caps and it fucked up the kratom as well.

Good question. It only makes me tired and pass out, too.
I've always wondered why people get High off it. I guess people react differently.

I'm scared I'd withdraw and be shitting myself silly for a week.

how did you even afford all those drugs at such ages kiddo

Weed is shit. And for degenerates.

You're saying a suspicious that I've been avoiding

Same boat as OP, I have never understood the recreational desire to use Xanax. If I take more than .5mg I will literally walk into walls and pass the fuck out on the way to the restroom.

Wake up the next day 12-14 hours later and have a foggy headed day the rest of it.

I can do shroomz with no anxiety at all, and smoke weed when im high on them and have the time of my life.

But weed alone gives me crippeling anxiety. Weird.

Favourite combo: ritalin and codeine.

The fuck are you talking about? That's not how it works at all

>Same boat as OP, I have never understood the recreational desire to use Xanax
there isn't one, it's just a drug faggots use to rape people with because it puts people to sleep and turns off the memory functions of the brain.
anyone trying to convince you to take one wants to rape you, or worse, sell your organs.
it's a very, very shitty world we live in.
never underestimate the evil people are capable of achieving, as they will usually surpass any preconceptions .

start taking ZOLOFT 250mg every day, its the best drug n nonstop highhhhhh


When I take xanax I usually pop a whole bar, then start drinking, then have another bar 2-4 hrs later, continue drinking then hit the hay whenever.

It generally leaves me focused like I can do anything, I don't get distracted but at the same time my focus can get too intense, so that's why I drink with it. Kinda ends up with me feeling drunk, but noticeably better motor control

Get gud weed fags

You're not funny


Xanax is shit, inject meth into your dick like a real man

Much like marijuana
Or so they say

xanax high is like being drunk without feeling shitfaced.

I've done it a couple of times.
First time was about 20-30mg (had .1g total, eyeballed it from that) up the nose. Few visuals, got some patterns on walls if I stared at them, would sort of see something resembling a pattern in the peripheral vision and it would be gone by the time I looked at it. Colours were more vibrant - I noticed more of the colour grading in my housemate's room. We watched sausage party for shits and giggles, and I can't remember much of it, but I do remember a distinct feeling of confusion for most of it. Not quite uneasy confusion, just not being to add up what was going on very well.

Second time was the rest of what I had, so 70-80mg. This was taken orally (shot glass of warm water, dissolved it in there, refilled a couple of times to get all of it). While patterns were there, they still weren't the dominating - colour intensity was massively enhanced - I specifically remember how remarkably vibrant a red kit kat mug and the spotify interface on my monitor looked. The trip was intense and a bit overwhelming for the first half - I was lying in my room with the lights off feeling like I was actively holding onto my sanity and that if I let my guard down it would slip away. However, I was interrupted by a housemate charging in and demanding I give him a hug (one of my best friends, was also tripping on it), and that completely snapped me out of it, and I was cheery as fuck after. Went for a walk and the night sky was particularly beautiful.

tl;dr colours get better, not many patterns, confusion during the peak, emotion significantly susceptible to change. Also I had an awful headache after both times, starting as the trip ended and through to the next morning, but nobody else I know had that

correction, second time would've been less, I did a small bump, maybe 10-15mg midway through the first trip