What are Sup Forumss thoughts on this?
WWII veteran reunited with Holocaust survivor he freed from concentration camp 71 years ago
It's heart warming if it was real.
It's alright, I guess.
Pure coincidence goy.
Paid actors I'm sure is the consensus.
>He thought the reason he didn't recognize the survivor was due to his advanced Alzheimer's.
>He couldn't be more wrong.
>Sid Shafner
That man is the jewiest jew I've ever seen.
The guy on the right is pretty jewy too.
thank you for this holocaust remembrance. truly beautiful. we mustn't forget this truly despicable atrocity against humanity.
thank you for posting.
ears and nose never stop growing so old people start to look all fucky especially jews
Is the boomer telling the Jew how well he jewel over the next 50 generations of non Jewish Americans by Jewish them into paying for his Jewish returns and Jew Jewry that jewel the middle class to a jewpocalyptic jewnancial crisis
That the difference between elderly Jews and whites has a hue value of 2%, saturation value of 20% and lightness value of 10%.
Why wasn't he gassed?
Because no one was.
Anything about old vets makes me feel.
I really love Sup Forums's logic when it comes to the holocaust
>the holocaust never happened
>don't fuck with the germans, muzzies! or you'll get cleansed!
>the holocaust happened with lithuanian soldiers and the SS!
>the holocaust never happened it would have been impossible to bury and dig up those bodies
fucking pick a narrative and stick with it
"The Holocaust never happened but it should totally happen again."
I fail to see how any of the holocaust autism has anything to do with white culture or preservation. It's one of the most boring aspects of white nationalism, which is a plentily boring movement without it.