As Hiro decreed we are allowed to have one meta thread at the same time. Since many of us are witnessing something fantastic, why not start this thread with discussing that one buttblasted American that goes through every thread and moans about "meme culture"? Will he survive this day or die of critical blood pressure?
We should ban that buttblasted American.
>le hat man position
holy fucking shit dude
rangeban burgs when?
He has become completely unhinged. Seething.
amerilards should fuck off to /asp/
can we change the board name to /r/soccer?
This guy must be the only one of this kind. It's hilarious, I haven't seen someone this mad in a long time.
He started posting Disney movie characters top kek nice meme buttblasted american
literally shaking
Fuck off, Carter
It's not just me, we're all fucking tired of this meme shit. Just look at how many of these threads we have clogging the catalog and tell me we don't have a problem. I'm not "SEETHING" or 100% mad or whatever the fuck, I just want the mods to do their fucking job for once. Halftime slags and power rankings aren't allowed but this shit is? Come the fuck on. In a year or so this board is just going to be [s4s] with some sport generals and anyone with two braincells to rub together will have left.
>I don't know how to hang out only in the threads I'm interested in
fuck off to some other board until you learn how to do that. Ok?
It is because the one buttmad American mad like 90% of those retard.
You're hilarious.
But this argument is stupid since the only way in which it could work is if Sup Forums had like 10k posts per hour. Then you could genuinely make the case that sliding prevents actual discussion. In reality, the bottom threads even at high posting rates are always days old. Flipping out over fun is mere autism on this board, especially when it doesn't happen in "serious" threads.
This. Shill threads on Sup Forums are an issue, because threads die in like 10 minutes on that board, if not posted in.
Sup Forums is literally the only board that does not need to be fixed
I don't want to wade through thread after thread of shit just to find /fifa/ thanks
The threads are offtopic anyway, why the fuck would you keep them?
This one? Unironically took me 2 seconds to find it. You even have integrated search functions in Sup Forums these days, there is no excuse.
Absolutely, just look at it yourself. Some generals are two days old etc.
That's not the point Hans, I was just using that thread as an example. Some non-general threads are good, but they get buried under LOL LE RAUMDEUTER FEDORA threads
I agree with the american. At the very least the memes should be funny and original.
>It's not just me, we're all fucking tired of this meme shit. Just look at how many of these threads we have clogging the catalog and tell me we don't have a problem. I'm not "SEETHING" or 100% mad or whatever the fuck, I just want the mods to do their fucking job for once. Halftime slags and power rankings aren't allowed but this shit is? Come the fuck on. In a year or so this board is just going to be [s4s] with some sport generals and anyone with two braincells to rub together will have left.
>the buttblasted american still hasn't told us what memes are good
Come on, show us your expertise.
"/isp/ - International Sports" when?
No meme is good, but nu-Sup Forums memes are a special blend of awful
might as well create /fut/ for futebol and fuse /asp/+Sup Forums, send mandrama to Sup Forums or something
>coming to Sup Forums for serious sport discussion
I'll play devil's advocate here and not because I want the wall down.
The catalog is dangerously looking like /asp/, and when I do enjoy their shitposting and even participate sometimes (very rarely though I prefer to lurk) I'd like Sup Forums to not end like them.
You're not wrong tho
>posts in meta thread without anything to meta say
>anything to meta say
>meta thread
>the same anti-america kraut who shits up Sup Forums is finding another excuse to bash americans because he has nothing else better to do in his spare time
Europe and divegrass were both mistakes.
r u mad doh?
How is this even a problem anymore? Some user kindly posted a tutorial on how to filter literally every foreign flag about a week ago. How are you still suffering from third world shitposting?
Is Ronaldo gay?
Or is Ronaldo too sexy for labels?
The problem with Sup Forums is that the majority of posts are time-sensitive. Some team scores and everyone rushes to comment on it. Instead of making some thought out post it is just people spamming memes to feela part of some sort of community. It is like twitch chatrooms.
I don't know how to solve it, maybe its just an inherent problem with a board about sports.
It's a problem of the internet in general.
Honestly we should just go back to old Sup Forums that was mostly shitposting with Euro vs America, food, police chase and ass threads.
Half of the people on this board now bitch about ass or tits in threads. It wasn't always like this.
I want Mods that actually enjoy Sup Forums culture.
Not a bunch a nerds who do it for free.
true old Sup Forums was nearly entirely American posters. That was paradise tbeh.
>he does it for free
>pic related
but in all honesty, you speak the truth, Sup Forums should have more character but our prison camp guards will punish us whenever we try to use so called bro culture, we need a bro mod
What do you have to day about this?
Having a bro mod wouldn't help, because he'd basically do nothing while the other mods are still doing their thing.
Miss /wwe/ generals and regret asking for them to be moved to /asp/ desu
We should start a movement to get rid of FIFA though. Football manager can stay.
Bring back /bowl/ threads and ass threads desu