When did you finally realize you were an adult?

When did you finally realize you were an adult?
For me it's when I realized that Nirvana was actually a shit band.

Well by your logic, I realised this at 15

>Nirvana was actually a shit band
Thank you. I spent the most of the 90's & early-2000's arguing with my friends about this.

Nirvana sucks.
The Beatles suck.
Metallica has sucked since "...And Justice for All".

Blame the suicide.

John lenon didn't suck
>you suck, so there

For me it was tasting an olive and finding it not that bad. That day childhood was over.

Which bands do you figure *don't* suck? Or is determining what you think sucks all that matters? See what's happening? Promote nothing, hate everything? Is that how it is with you?

If you're saying this as an unbiased opinion, sure. If this one of those "Literally anything sounding even remotely heavier than usual SUCKS exde" opinions, then no.


Nirvana isn't a shit band though. It's one of the greatest.

jbac nirwane

Maybe you're just a sad fucktarded manchild

When I did 3 tabs of acid

>John lenon didn't suck
>Yoko Ono
pick one

If I think about it, I realized that Queen sucks when I was around 18-20.
But I realized that I'm an adult when I quit my first job because I was fed up with that stuff. And a few months of suffering suddenly it occurred to me that I'm an adult and do whatever I want, I'm not in school anymore.

...And Justic for all was their best album though

When my son was born a few months ago.

>What is Master of Puppets

>Thinks Queen sucks
>works for a living

top kek. same.
for me it was realising that haters are gonna hate, and even though i hate some things like idk for example juggalos, those people can exist too...fuck it.

>realized that Nirvana was actually a shit band

that could have been done the moment you heard any song, which means you didn't need to be an adult, just someone with ears.

>wangsty shit lyrics
>shit composition
>shitty gimmicks
>b-but Nirvana is the greatest evar!

Queen is the worst shit. Actually maybe I would not hate them with such a passion if they would not be played every 8 minutes in the radio. Dunno about the US, but in the EU if you turn on the radio (any channel) you will hear a Queen track in less than 25 minutes. Guaranteed. They were never that good. They are the reason I had to buy a network player for almost 1k EUR, just to get rid of them.

Lol but iit still the major turning point coming of age for you.
When will people on the internet understand its subjective whether or not something is "good". What music so u like faggot?

that's because majority of europe is filled with eurocucks, majority of eurocucks are queens, so they relate to the gayboys songs

Fancy digits you have there.

you can stay

i had some revelations about nirvana after years of being a fan...hot topic ruins everything and the radio stations are nostalgia factories, therefor its oversaturation is inevitable. and its most popular songs are loud angsty things that are incomprehensible because they are basically depressive suicidal poetry that nobody even gets because they dont care about lyrics.
not a bad band, but way overplayed. a good band.
metalica, an epic band, even more oversaturated/babys first metal.
being disillusioned to the bullshit and still not hating something = adulthood.

Post a band u think is good haters

They are bad because I hate them

Nirvana were masters of composition and gimmicks. Few bands can close.

hairs grew on my dongdong

John Fucking Lenon always sucked. After they broke up it was apparent that Paul and George had all of the talent. Even Ringo made John look like a shit musician.

Ur a fag


Justice for All was the last good Metallica album. It may have been one of their best, but it's a strong running against Master of Puppets.

What are you a historian

Finally realized I was an adult after being locked up for fucking some jail bait I'd found on Sup Forums. Good times/bad times.

Ur gay

also an adult moment, when i realized ELO and Yes are more worthwhile than their more famous contemporaries. suck a fatty if you dont agree :D

No, but I listened to a few albums.

when my fiancee left me and I truly realised for the first time that world doesn't spin around me
>yap, I matured kinda late

I'm genuinely sorry if you are a huge fan of load/reload.

Fake news. In Utero is a great album.

When I realized my generation would never create anything interesting or ambitious artistically because our taste is too fragmented and we suck at working in groups.

The first time it struck me that bills are genuinely going to fuck my future up and there's nothing I can do about it yet

I don't think they completely suck. They are played out as fuck and nowhere near as ground breaking and influential as people say.

Same with the Beatles. Good but not the gods of music people claim.

Fuck yes!

Weren't they the guys who did Owner of Lonely Heart?

>Weren't they the guys who did Owner of Lonely Heart
OP here. Yes, Yes did do that song, but they were nearly prog rock gods outside of that. They are worth a listen if you have a relaxing block of time.

ELO are dated as fuck and don't have shit on Pink Floyd and Yes is emotionally devoid and lacks direction compared to Pink Floyd.

When I became a dad at the tender age of 17.
Needles to say, my son is a train wreck.
He's good at school but doesn't seem to have a concept of right and wrong.
I look back at things I did when he was a toddler and I can totally see how it's my fault.

yes did that track in the 80s i think?
they are more known for prog rock and they have some really long compositions that are full of some great keyboard segments. Really psychedelic.

you have a point, maybe not ANY of their contemporaries. certainly most. Pink floyd for me kinda is an unspoken implication as the best of not only a genre but a generation.

Justice is way overrated due to being their last Trash album until Hardwired came out of nowhere.

Black is a brilliant Rock album. If you think it sucks, you're still just a child who's afraid to like the softer shit.

Nirvana is pretty shit compared to Soundgarden and Pearl Jam.

It's funny how such a huge band is merely a blip in Dave Grohls career these days.
Such an amazing guy tbh.

When i spent fucking days going back and forth to the estate agent, signing about 50 pieces of paper and posting at least 100 pages of various shit in order to buy my fucking house.

And then again once i'd been moved in for about a month when i realised how much of a fucking wreck the house is and how much i regretted buying it.

The Black album is produced and conatructed like it's aimed at teenage girls. Faker than Hardwired which doesn't have any memorable or impressive songs at all.

When I was 17 I was up a tree watching my dad fix the car, and when he stood up and winced, I realised that both him and I were getting older, so I'd better get my shit together and become an adult.

itt fucktards with no music taste. kurt cobain had a measurable impact on global musical culture. what the fuck have you or any your hipster retard bands done?

>dicks not enough, op being drip fed semen.jpg
>probably thinks he's cool cause he likes radiohead or classical if he really is a faggot

When hot girls wouldn't talk to me anymore and called me a creepy old dude.

All downhill from there.

Yeah yeah, you forgot Alice in Chains too. Pearl Jam had precisely two good albums. Nirvana had 3. ???

Also t. foo fighters babby, overrated as fucking shit

You're just a little kid still stuck to your shitty bootleg tapes.
I'm old as shit. Get with the times asshole.

When I started appreciating the blues.

Holy shit LMAO we got a real rock police here

Absolute boring trash. They made nothing but teenage girl bullshit.

this guy gets it.

Alice in chains were also the only grunge band outside of like..blind melon [do they fucking count??] that actually sang in full sentences. lmao.

you're the one who dismissed an entire band's discography despite them being the most important rock band in the last 20 years.

blind lemon > blind melon

layne staley also had the BEST fucking voice.

When my parents died, and I realized I was no longer living for them in the world as they imagined it.

>it's when i thought my subjective opinion was in any way objective
I think you actually just realized you were a man-child.

Pearl Jam is all about emotion

AiC>Pearl Jam>Nirvana>Soundgarden

>shit talks classical music
>still being played hundreds of years later
>Nirvana will be almost totally forgotten in 30 years

Black is garbage, but still better than most anything they came out with after. All of them should have died on that bus.


Only a teenage kid would write something this angsty.
What the heck are you doing ITT child?

also my apologies for forgetting AIC, not sure how that happened.

>the most important rock band in the last 20 years.
Not the user you're arguing with but holy shit you're retarded. Dial it back.

What post are you referring?

I liked Foo fighters first 2-3 albums, and everything after wasn't for me, but I could objective listen to it and say that for the most part, it was good.


Beatles suck...hehehehehe. they are not my favorite band but most of my favorite bands do shit because the Beatles did it first.

Pretty much every grunge band sucked tho.

When I stopped being afraid of struggles and monsters, and started loathing them instead.

John lennon detected

Heroin in the only drug I refuse to touch under any circumstances. Turned the best singer of my generation into a 98 pound junkie who died in his own filth at the age of 34.

ITT 23 year olds telling 17 year olds how grown up they are

how the fuck you put soundgarden at the bottom actually reeeeing rn

Maybe 25 years ago, it's just facts now.

nigga people who grew up with nirvana are nearing 40 and 50 rn.

Allison Chains beats them all.

We can all agree on this. Everything else in this thread is merely subjective opinions.


story please

i mourn with you brother. :(
RIP layne. a decade and a half later and still nobody can claim that seat.

Beetles made good simple music. When they split up, Lennon made artsy, emotional, not very good music. Paul made very radio friendly commercially successful music, and George made the actually good, complex music. IDKWTF Ringo did, but he was an okay dude.

when i began to smoke by myself

I heard on NPR that Cobain would have celebrated his 50th a few months back. Every word of that sentence I spit out had dust in it.

>Who the fuck buy something from here


Alice IN Chains.

I hate grammarfags much as the next guy but Allison Chains sounds lie some retarded glam metal singer. Alice in Chains is a creepy and interesting band name that fits perfectly with how they sound.

When I got my dui and had to sell my motorcycle to pay out almost 9k in fees and fines.

It's like you've never been on the internet before.

Thanks for the (You)

>fag OP posts shitty b8
>Turns into comfy oldfag thread about how awesome Alice In Chains were

I've got two kids at school and I still feel like a kid pretending to be all grown up.

Hey, it was only half bait. I was actually musing on this today. r9k didn't take the bait, so I offered it to you.

makes me happy
moving on. how about them doors? nobody here is that much of an old fag but we all like good music...i hope.