gave amnesty to 3 million illegals

> gave amnesty to 3 million illegals
> sold weapons to Saddam
> supplied arms to the Ayatollah
> had the highest % deficits of any president, > decided to use social security to drive down the deficits

Why do Trumpkins love this faggot so much?

Other urls found in this thread:

We don't. He's the father of neoconservatism. Republicans like him because he was a cuckservative.


The GOP is the party of Lincoln and Reagan. If you hate him so much, then go join the Democrats. Simple as that.

Dont forget the gun control thing

Who the fuck says we like Reagan, aussie sex tourist?

But he's the father of neo-conservationism, something that even Trump is directly opposite of in his positions.


Because they infuriate and butthurt faggots just like you.

Kill yourself.

Both of them were gay as fuck.

To be a Republican you must mindlessly praise Reagan. It's a requirement to get elected.

Lincoln was a liberal, lad. That's like saying Dems are the party of Jackson - those days are long gone.

>Implying giving weapons to both sides of a mudslime war is a bad thing. Millions wiped out

Blasphemy. Get the fuck out of here.

All I have to do to point out this mans success is say one thing.


only if the dems run someone who will do a mexican removal like Jackson did the indians.


>responding to an Aussieposter

Every non-retard on Sup Forums knows that Reagan was a meme and supply side economics is a meme.

Trump doesn't even believe in the supply side voodoo.

>Implying GDP is the end all be all measure of macroeconomics

What facts? I said that the GOP is the party of Lincoln and Reagan. Are you disputing this?

If democrats still had people like Jackson I'd be the biggest dem supporter in the world.

>Republicans is the Party of the Evil Men
>therefore Lincoln can't be considered a Republican

Fuck Reagan, he was the first governor to push no-fault divorces.

You're also forgetting the Hughes amendment to the N.F.A.

The only reason he is liked or well regarded is because the economy was good and he talked a big game about America.

Personally, I think his taxation policies have fucked over the country for decades.

He was a good actor in westerns, that's why.

How does he not?
Trump wants to lower taxes for corporations and the rich.

Nobody here likes Reagan.

Nixon and Bush I are the only decent Republican presidents of the last 50 years.

Because he was a true, tested Conservative.

I'm still right.

Correct. Trump rightfully jabs at Reagan in The Art of the Deal and is quiet on him now in order to court ignorant voters who bought the lie about Reagan's legacy.

>Trumpkins love him
Trumpkins, like Trump, prefer better leaders, like Eisenhower.

Defeated the Soviet Union

Fuck me, people who say that shit deserve a mushroom stamp right on their forehead

>defeated the Soviet Union
What a fucking meme

That's like saying that Obama is exclusively responsible for the collapse of Venezuela.

>muh party switch
>muh Democrats became Republicans

I would call you a shitposting Aussie, but I've seen this shitty meme posted by my own flag as well.

>He said we had AMDs, which prompted the commies to build them. Commies went bankrupt.

Regardless it is still more than what Obama did and people say he killed Bin Laden.

Coolidge was the last one I can respect

Reagan was a massive cunt who fucked up everything. Permitted all sorts of nonsense like amnesty and no fault divorce, pursued trickle down horseshit which was always complete and utter nonsense, started the modern neoconservative trend which is a parasite.

He looks like a rat

You faggots can say what you want about Reagan, but at least he didn't take shit from anyone and had no problem bombing the shit out of anyone who challenged this country. At least he wasn't a limp twisted faggot like Obama that let's the world shit all over us.

They were already crumbling, maybe Reagan sped it up by a few years but nothing more.

Obama literally did do more than Reagan, and he did "kill" bin-Laden.
>implying he wasn't a CIA agent

Reagan was shit

Volcker is the true hero

The hero we didnt deserve but that we needed

He hid in the shadows and took the brunt of criticism while Reagan soared through the clouds.

Volcker saved us.

He saved us all but we chased him away

We should have listened

But we didnt

Come home dark knight

Reagan was a complete faggot, he was a paranoid rat-nigger and so hr funded the Contras in Nicaragua, the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, and sold weapons to Iran to free hostages even though his "strength" was built around the Iranian Hostage which ended when he was elected.

Reagan is the biggest meme President I've ever heard of and it's fucking disgusting

The Russians were fucked since Brezhnev.

Glasnost and perestroika were intended to save the system, but they just hastened its demise.

Sounds like divide and conquer. Normal business for an empire; he was doing well if that were the case.

Reagan created so many problems that are only showing up now, if only that one assassin had been successful.


The Kiwi quickly forgets how hard the "Party of Reagan" was fighting against the Trump train.

Lincoln was a faggot, that's not what he was saying. Andrew Jackson was one of the best Presidents we've ever had.

I don't

>Millions wiped out
Millions. Millions of dollars

And use protectionist policies with government investment in infrastructure.

Try again.

Yeah Reagan was a dick, Kennedy too

I don't know of any serious historian who attributes the collapse of the USSR to Reagan

Trump fans are far less big fans of Reagan than cuckservatives are. Cuckservatives just can't stop saying his name. In fact it was one of Ann Coulter's (one of the first vocal Trump supporters) initial talking points to drop Reagan worship because he kind of sort of sucked ass and contributed to potential end of conservatism winning in the USA ever again. In fact, I would say his granting amnesty was second to the Hart-Cellar act in enabling democratic electoral victories and securing a "blue wall"

Everybody knows Nixon is the best

Literally made a few Soviet jokes and told a guy to break a wall. God damned neocons.

Still partly trickle down economics Trumpcuck

That nigga Trump is going to get us into another recession

Nixon was pretty good, and a moderate.

Too bad he was a crook.

>Too bad he was a crook.
Better crook than cuck.

Reagan had a lot of potential if you look at the opinions he had when he was a governor (there is a reason Ron Paul supported him so adamantly when he ran for President), and then he was shot and Bush Sr. ran things from the back seat after that.

Hopefully Trump doesn't get saddled with that kind of VP.

>Reagan creates Osama
>Obama kills Osama
Shit is fucked up

Well Trump can only turn out similar if he picks Gingrich or any GOPe crony

This is exactly what he will do, he's already kissing their asses with his Supreme Court picks

Idiot who doesn't know what the FUCK difference debt and deficit is.

Well I doubt it will be Gingrich since it will be too predictable and soil Trumps attacks on Bill plus Trump will go for someone like Jon Huntsman Jr.

The fact that you faggots hate him almost 40 years after his presidency ended, before most of you where even born is enough for me to like him.

>muh free markets dude

Pretty much it. Even though the Fed chairman responsible for sound money was put in place by Carter, ironically enough.

Also he increased defense spending and put our "greatest ally" first, so of course the neocucks slobber all over his dick.

He was a senile, easily manipulable mental defective who enabled some good results and set a great deal of bad precedents.

>he likes a kike lover even though all the waves he have been hitting us for the past 10 years


*he made

Don't forget OP, Reagan created Al Qaeda.

>Still trickle down economics
"Trickle-down economics", also referred to as "trickle-down theory", is a populist political term used to characterize economic policies as favoring the wealthy or privileged. There is no "trickle down" economics as defined by economists; the term is almost exclusively used by critics of policies with other established names.[1]It is usually associated with criticism oflaissez-fairecapitalism in general and more specificallysupply-side economics.

And it isn't purely supply side economics. Supply side is trying to remove barriers within domestic market by lowering regulations and taxes. Economists do not dispute this tenet of supply side economics.

Instead, they dispute the idea of it raising tax revenue in the short or medium term, but generally agree it raises GDP.

Supply side is seen in the view that international trade has less barriers to entry than domestic trade, but Trump plans to increase tariffs and implement protectionist policies to encourage domestic over international trade.

t. Someone who actually went to college for a meaningful degree, bernout.

10 years ago... wow that's like 30 years after he's been in office.

I've been wondering the same thing, dingo fucker.

>meaningful degree to talk to shitposters on an anonymous image board

Money well spent you stupid faggot

Conservative economics are a fucking joke

>to shitpost
No, I got it so I could make money off your student debt and laugh at you.

>conservative economics
Liberals are a joke and financially illiterate.

>"Lel a Hernie supporter"
Kill yourself Trumpnigger
>implying I have debt
What is the National Cuck Guard and in-state tuition?

>Liberals are a joke and financially illiterate
Tell me why our economy always does better with one of them then familia.

Because he was as stupid as Trump is. People want a leader they can relate to.

The fuck are you smoking, you dumb maori

Americans are such retards. The USSR defeated itself after Nazis got the ball rolling.

He had some pretty good jokes.

>> sold weapons to Saddam
>> supplied arms to the Ayatollah
What's wrong with either of those? Not good enough of a goy for you?

>Muh macho bullshit
You should be in the meat grinder. Always good to use up worthless low-IQ, hyper-aggressive dumbniggers like yourself.

Do you not know how much Regan shilled for Israel?

He started all this Christcuck religious right bullshit.

>What is the national cuckold guard?
A welfare program. I bet you're really proud of that.

>Tell me why our economy always does better with one of them then
It doesn't. Our best economy was under the first Republican controlled Congress in decades with a President who signed NAFTA into place and lowered income tax.

I'm not a Republican or conservative. I don't even like unfair trade deals like NAFTA or excessively laissez-faire policies because I think economic growth is a distant second to a nation's well-being. But you're clinically retarded.

He has to get elected before he can do that.

Kinda like Rumsfeld and Hussein.

Yes I'm proud I got to shoot guns and get /fit/ while going to college and getting my Bachelors without ever having to take out a loan.

Get fucked.

You mean the party of Jim Webb? I might as well.

See, I can cherrypick too!

>Y-Yeah I'm proud to be a welfare queen!

Nice argument. Go cry on reddit now about how you got hit with facts instead of pandering.

>he's this mad I got an easy ride
Your fault for not using every opportunity availableto you pham

I paid $0 for my education because I'm not a retard that was part of the bottom 5% of his high school class and needed to ask for gibmedats from the government.

It's called a merit-based scholarship.

Reaganomics are what made us export all our manufacturing base to China, creating horrors like Detroit, and subsequently import brazillions of pooinloos and mexicans to replace our workforce for a-dime-a-dozen immigrants in the name of laissez-faire.

You shut your whore mouth before you talk shit about Trump's economic policies!

32 on the ACT, not my fault my family was poor

My parents are immigrants from a shithole in South America. I got a 35. It's your fault for not being smart enough.

You can still get full rides for 32 anyway, sounds like you were being irresponsible.

We liked Pat Buchanan, not Reagan.

You have a pleb's understanding of politics.


i have heard this before, cna you provide examples?

>Tell me why our economy always does better with one of them then familia.

This meme needs to die.

Newt Gingrich is why the '90s rocked, not Clinton.

>americans are dumb and regularly make bad decisions
More news at 11

holy fuck zyklon bens cartoons are hilarious

Brazil has a higher murder-per-capita than the US, is more totalitarian, has more corrupt law enforcement, and is full of AIDS-infested niggers that live in favelas; but yeah keep tryna talk shit you filthy monkey.

The Pope defeated the Soviet Union, not Reagan.

>hurr u must choose between AIDS and cancer
How about neither?