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what the fuck is wrong with my foot? pic related.

You got cancer nigga

Accept your f8, m8.


You have warts.

Source? Exact same shit happened to me when i was 12,and i had to go to a dermatologist. He froze them off with liquid nitrogen.......shit was cool.

I had one on my foot when i was 12, its from not cleaning your feet properly i believe, but i could be wrong. Went away after a month of rsomething. Mine was bigger and not yellow though

....that is a tumor growth


rip op

Welp, guess that's what happens when you browse Sup Forums for 12 years.

Google mosaic wart, that's what you have

Medfag here. Warts. Can use salicylic acid OTC, if that doesn't work get them frozen off by dermatology.

Cut that shit off and eat it. :3

Do it

OP here. You're all actually wrong. I'm fucking with you guys, i know what's wrong with my foot.

Study more lul


That's a burn.

Def AIDS...

Also, rub that shit on your dick, its not gonna matter because we all know your dirty ass already has genital warts

i think its about to fall off so ill post pics if i do


it's home-grown cheese. Grate it over Mom's Spaghetti

Whoever drew that must be un-stable

There's vomit on my sweater already


''liquid nitrogen'' ''cool'' Damn i feel smart for catching your pun.

hydrogen peroxide 3X a day and in months its gone

Takes time but you can also soak your foot with apple cider vinegar and water periodically and your immune system take the hint and clean it up.


Wow that makes sense considering i burnt my foot yesterday, thanks!

Dude that is space herpes.

wtf you trippin on acid or some shit

Good one!

Looks like you stepped in a drop of melted cheese a few weeks ago and now it's moldy. Peel off and taste to confirm


Keep one topic, man. Quit horsin' around.