Tfw Japanese are too stupid to be anti-america

>tfw Japanese are too stupid to be anti-america
>a 20years girl killed by american soldier in Okinawa
>Trump demand Japan more payment
>some idiotic japanese start thinking Japan does not need America

jesus. How can we educated these stupid Japanese? we need america. Let's pay extra money to america to protect our life,propety and freedom

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Don't worry, you have army of weebs around the globe Who would give their life to save anime

>Let's pay extra money to america to protect our life,propety and freedom
we know where that money goes

>Kenneth Franklin Shinzato

He may have been a former Marine but looks like he was one of yours

Nice try you slanty eyed bastard

But...but Trump is making anime great again...

Japan had a feared Navy, now you can't even fight your own battles. No wonder you all kill yourselves so much.

if you hate our soldiers in your country so much, why dont you pay for your own soldiers

hey jap man, if it wasnt for America, the chinc man would come and murder every last one of you.


kill yourself you proxy south korean
you are the only ones who do this shit

>a 20years girl killed by american soldier in Okinawa

was probably a nigger or spic

I thought that the Japs liked Drumpf?

You have my axe!

>post this for Japan
>y-you south korean

it does not make sense at all


>>a 20years girl killed by american soldier in Okinawa
>According to police, Kenneth Franklin Shinzato has admitted to the charge of disposing of a body and has made remarks implying he killed her.
>Kenneth Franklin Shinzato

The guy's name who killed that girl is Kenneth Franklin Shinzato- that's not a fully white name, sounds half nip to me.

Hello you fucking English teacher shill

why is this guy not fucking banned yet

why do you cancerous retards reply without sageing

i would destroy world jewry if they cucked anime.


Hi, I see you are enjoying life in Japan. Good.

shit makes me tear up

such a qt3.14

Why would you want to be anti American when they buy so much of your shit?


Nice try, Chang

I know Japan is strong nationalist country and you dirty white pig needs to leave, take Ahmed and Tyrone with you too. We don't want foreigners in Asia



Japan is really weird and unique culture.

>tfw no qt nationalist gook slaying GF

Hey, who do Chinese hate more, Koreans or Japan?


I remember a hot summers night in Tokyo outside of a basement punk venue I had a conversation about Japan's future. It was pouring rain, and he was waiting under the overhang we shared for the weather to clear before heading to his car.

He was an older japanese salary man, and I a gaijin youth of 24 at a anti-social rock concert and quite drunk.

Still, he was very respectful and kind considering the circumstances and spoke impeccable english. We spoke frankly about Japan and America's situation. I told him that Japan needed to be able to stand on its own, and that I realized after visiting Japan that America was occupying it. He asked me about Abe and I told him that I thought he was like George Bush.

We talked for a long while about his past, his family, and his hopes for the future. Then the rain let up. He politely said goodbye and began to walk to his car. I went back down the stairs into the venue and continued to rock out.

>tfw Japanese are too stupid to be anti-america
>some idiotic japanese start thinking Japan does not need America

please say something coherent, chang.

>. He asked me about Abe and I told him that I thought he was like George Bush.
>We talked for a long while about his past, his family, and his hopes for the future. Then the rain let up. He politely said goodbye and began to walk to his car. I went back down the stairs into the venue and continued to rock out.

cool story.

not really. fuck off, faggot

It was


>tfw peeing & you feel the burn