New Infowars Liberal Hate Video

>4:00 Black Bernie supporter has a fake english accent
>"You need money to stop taking drugs!"
>"How are you buying the drugs if you don't have money?"
>"There's no reason to talk to her if she won't change her opinion"
>"Trump created micronations for oil rigs"
>"Middle Eastern is a race"

That one fat black girl with the condescending tone.
That one Che Guevara "well whites can be terrorists too" with the microphone.
But the darker than dark black liberal defending the Trump supporter and actually talking to her.

What's pol's take on this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Leftism in a nutshell

Nice job linking video.

Great video.

Shit my bad

I guess I'll take your word for it.

>But what are movers going to do for us?
>Why do I want to move the furniture around?

Fuck these people. They despise hard working people at any given opportunity.

>6:00 in
>The Mexican people have to rise like us
>That's what they want to do what do you think they're doing sitting there with their chihuahua's?

Why is it the fat black liberal that's always the worse?

>liberals completely miss the lady's point about government loans driving up tuition
So much for college educated.

Why is she even arguing with these savages. It's pointless

>who're you for?

kek these idiots still think he has a chance.

Wouldn't expect anything less from the Islamic State of New Jerseystan

>christie isn't taking care of the drug addicts
you shouldn't take drugs
>reeeeee you have to take care of them

I like how none of these bozos said excuse me miss...may I hand you my resume I dont know if you are hiring..but I am a hard worker and am willing to learn... SHOW ME DEM JOBZ RITE NOW....
Mexicans in the back being Mexican lol

They literally can't keep up with her arguments. They don't have the brainpower to process the points. They just find some quote that sounds bad to them and then harp on it. It's really sad honestly.

More Pro-Trump cultists spazing out.


these fucking 15 year olds know about timmothy mcveigh. jesus christ that happened before they were born they're obviously getting taught about this shit in school.

>most terrorists are white

because it makes good videos, helps turn out voters, and makes blue collar democrats cringe, and fracture their party.

also, nice quads.

can you give some context into this. Is this a rally of some sort?

Why do liberals all have the same facial expressions. This is literally ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME

I can't watch this video. She says she owns a company and some black retard runs up and says 'ay yo, you created any jobs nigga' and of course she has if she operates her own company. And rhea the fat Mexican bitch says 'give us the jobs' what in the actual fuck is even happening here.

Same as the first one this is at a rally in New Jersey.

Of course its always New Jersey.

Love these liberals call trump-supporters the misogynists when they're the ones ganging up and surrounding a lone woman and shouting her down.

Imagine if this was one lone female bern-out who was getting ganged up by Trump-supporters. The Media would tear them apart.

These idiots are just mindless collectivist animals blundering around hooting and hollering like a pack of chimps: "Gibs me dat."

Also. That is the worst fake english accent I have ever fucking heard.

You want to pretend to be English? Ok then freak. But at least do the voice right.

This is what a heroin epidemic looks like

kek all the Trump supporters are staying calm and filming them like animals at a zoo.

Holy shit. I'm usually the one who calms down the Trumpets who want to exterminate people, but after seeing this video I am in full support of a liberal holocaust.


Where's the source on FBI .gov that majority of terrorist are Christian white males?

At the end she ended up shaking hands with some of the liberals, there should be some praise for there being able to be discourse in such a charged election cycle

Calm down.

It probably depends on how you slice the data. Recently, the trend is Islamic terrorists which is obvious to anyone, but in the past there was a few far-right terrorists (and far-left before that). However, muslims are like 0.6% of our population and are a serious terrorist threat. Obviously, it's highly disproportionate. And of course in Europe (where there is a lot more Muslims) Islamic terrorism is #1.

There isn't one. He's probably limiting it to America.

he's probably referring to raw, non capita crime data for non-terrorist activities. It's funny because the FBI would show higher crime RATE for niggers too.


Doo Doo Poo Poo

this facial expression is as funny and annoying as Carl the Cuck's, it begs similar mememocking

General rule of thumb is that anythng a Sander's supporter says is either totally untrue, or distorts facts and is therefore largely untrue. However, it is true that poor people do drugs less than middle class/upper middle class people (despite public opinion). For instance, the average heroin user is a middle class, professional, white female

>"How is he going to bring back jobs"
>"How do we know hes going to get it past congress !?!!!"
Not even going to type that one out
>"So if we've given these other countries jobs and we take it back what are those countries going to do"
>Thats their problem
btw somebody screen cap that and put that caption

What is wrong with these people. They bitch and moan about not having jobs, they bitch and moan about having to get a degree to get any basic job, they bitch and moan about being in extensive debt.
>Trumps being mean to mexico and china
>Your going to hurt Mexico and china economically
>We can't tax mexico and china
They want the entire world placed at their feet and everyone else as well. The delusion is so deep they can't see the world for what it is.
That bearded cap wearing communist handler really pisses me off

qt Identified @ 17:34

Did that dumb bitch just say, "But what will movers do for us?" ? Fucking kek that's gold.

No this is actually needed. These people aren't just deluded citizens going through a liberal college phase, they have no loyality or roots to return to in America. They will not mature and find a primal sense of nationalism. They will just bitch, whine, and wear down our nation, leaving nothing but a poisoned well for all that come after. They need to die.

right off the bat!

"I come from corporate greed, I have my own company"


the fuck is this world we live in.

My favorite was the kebab bitch saying she was black.

>I listen to Alex Jones everyday


>qt Identified @ 17:34

terrible taste senpai


i think she meant she could put African American down on demographic info type stuff.. Also she was a tard

>I don't mean to bring your age up
Literally brought up her age.

Haven't fapped in a few hours may have beer goggles

You need to check your test levels bro

>However, it is true that poor people do drugs less than middle class/upper middle class people

Doesn't this depend on the drug? I'm sure poor people are more likely to use crack. Heroin doesn't surprise me; it's what I would have guessed.

homicidal rage is all i feel anymore

Any information on any of those "protestors"?

>Infowars? I love Infowars!

>where does the money come to help the homeless

bitch the government budget is like 4 trillion a year

I pay people hundreds of thousands in payroll, you have a job go help the damn homeless Haji fuck you!


the fucking phones man.
is it that common in burgerland to record EVERY little shit you take? would drive me up the wall

>m-my daddy's gonna sue

Asian American of walls has visited you
Large walls and great trade deals will come to you, but only if you reply
Work hard charlie ITT

>Old lady MAGA queen ties liberals into saying that America should cut off foreign aid

>liberal bandwagon cries out "Why are we still in Afghanistan!" "We shouldn't be the world police!"

>Old lady MAGA queen says "yeah, Trump is going to protect America, and let those other countries who aren't paying anything back for our protection go kick rocks".

>One liberal has to tell the others what she's saying.

>Stunned silence when they realize that they all just shouted something that Trump is campaigning for.

Top kek.

>I'm middle Eastern

When will this meme die

Work hard charlie

She is amazing.

Make American women her again.


What is most overlooked about that video is the modest wall is doing a lot of worrk here!

Holy shit that crowd was annoying



The Chinese like Trump. There a Chinese guy at school who walks all over campus with a MAGA hat and other Trump Gear.

>my bad

Stfu, people always do this. You then bump your shit with the vid link. Fuck you.

Chihuahua girl.


She's hot, but I have to get this off my chest.

>info wars video where big black guy is most sensible and reasonable
>infowars confirmed to be literal shills
>everything will be destroyed


Sorry I'm on iPhone.

>Excuse me I'm hispanic and black


>mfw when the latest itruth drops


They just want

omg that gathering looks like a fat convention.

REEEEE that primate-jawed lard spic is annoying beyond comprehension

Ffs, this ape should be harpooned. She's not even debating the Trump supporter, she's just trying (and failing) to win favour with her liberal asshat comrades. Look how her head swivels like a periscope every time she blurts out something.

No, not really. The meme of poor people being disproportionately addicted to hard drugs isn't really true. Florida figured that out for us. They found something like 1-2% of welfare recipients actually failed. The reason we think poor people do drugs more is because they are super visible, while members of the group that uses drugs a lot more (middle class) need to hide it, and are "functional users," meaning that they may be addicted, but in order to continue being employed and all that jazz, they need to hide it. Studies have also found that people with higher IQs are more likely to try drugs. The idea of the degenerate drug user who is subhuman and not as good as you is false. You're just looking at the really poor ones.

At minimum, there is nothing to suggest that the poor do more drugs than the rich, but there is also a growing amount of evidence that implies the opposite. That's for a fairly direct reason: poor people really just don't have the money to afford drugs. Also, don't forget that cocaine and crack are basically the exact same thing (one is the freebase form of cocaine that is smoked, while the other is the water soluble form that is injected or snorted).

>that Muslim not wearing a burqa
deserves to be stoned tbqhwyf


So great at picking cotton, but too lazy to do it?

Butter and simian genes. All previous attempts at cross-breeding a stick of butter with a rabid chimpanzee had been unsuccessful, until now. However, scientists couldn't have foreseen what a monster they were about to create...

>leftist """""""intellectuals"""""""

Did you see a problem?

Man this old woman is a badass. Owns her own business but she's still going out there on the streets to try red pilling millenials on how the world works.

Makes me feel bad how much they're disrespecting her and shouting and cursing at her. This woman has worked hard her whole life and she deserves respect.

Beardy faggot was the worst.

Just watched it again.

>what are movers going to do for us?

uummm.... I don't know...maybe move your shit because you're too lazy to do it yourself. What an entitled cunt.

Why do they have to do something for them? The point was she owns a business and employs people. Her employees earn wages through working and it benefits themselves and their employer. Why the fuck does that have to benefit some entitled millennial?

The war(s) to come will straighten them out

Back in the 30's the, what we call today, "greatest" genneration was seen as a bunch of lazy entitled party animal kids that had no respect for their country

450k get blown away in a war and now we have a totally different perception.

Looks like it's not going to be much of a fight.

Why are there so much kids and they don't shower

I really hate fat people. I just can't take fat hambeasts seriously. They're not quite nigger tier but they're damn close.

I bet those micro-nations are great. Lets make America great again so that we can take over those micro-nations with blood and gunfire

skip to 17:30, best part

>like, because, like you know, people like Donald Trump, because, first of all.........

>her hands

fuck me

>>"Middle Eastern is a race"
I don't understand why people pretend it isn't. You might deflect all the racist arguments, but you can't argue that there are middle eastern and Hispanic people. Mexico and Syria aren't a race, but the first two are.

You're too stupid to live, OP.

Semitic, Hispanic and Slavic are language and culture.
The racials terms for the above are "synagogue of satan," mestizo, and Dinaric.