What's going on inside Catholicism?


Any conservative catholic here on pol who can redpill about what's going in the roman church right now? I don't know much about catholicism, but this seems pretty bizarre on the surface. Isn't the fundamental tenant of the church that salvation comes the Jesus alone?

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=antipope francis

Catholicism is the whore of babylon

Vatican II was a mistake

youtube.com/results?search_query=antipope francis

how so? what's the biggest mistake in Vatican II?

That's not what he said. Idiot reporters that don't understand Catholicism think that's what it means.

>Idiot reporters think that's what it means.

"I start by saying – and this is the fundamental thing – that God’s mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere and contrite heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience."

what did he mean by this

George Soros is behind this

>that link

The title is sensationalist. Nothing Francis says in there relates to the title at all.

see Maybe it's just the clunky wording but it can be interpreted as meaning non-believers are fine as long as they listen to their conscience, no?

you just mad cause God is not gonna punish Atheists as you wish them in hell

Being told I can go to heaven is like being told I can go to Narnia

saying you didn't really need to convert to go to heaven

softening ceremonial rules

adopting protestant practices (clapping is allowed/encouraged in some masses, for instance)


Nigga, what.

No, he's relating to an atheist point of view with the Catholic view of the conscience. He's saying that everyone can be forgiven of their sins, even if implicitly. The conscience is, as understood by Catholicism, an expression of God's will innate to us and effecting up and so even for the atheist who does not believe in God in concept would still grasp God implicitly by God's will through the conscience.

General forgiveness does not mean righteousness or salvation.

He has been compromised


There is a prophecy of when a woman sits at the throne of Him, end times will be upon us. It is without no doubt that there have been a sudden increase in attempts to make prophecies come true, through radicalization of you to degenerate themselves, becomes sinful and to look away from the righteousness of the true. Disease, famine, hate and sorrow are all being used to push something unnatural. The ones who do this see themselves as gods in their own right and wish nothing but the divine right to be god. But soon they will see the tides turn against them and forsake them.

The circle will always continue, build, destroy, forgive and rebuild just to destroy again until they see God.

make it happen pls

>current year
>listening to virgin pedos

When I thought Catholicism couldn't' get any worse.


>saying you didn't really need to convert to go to heaven

Convert to catholicism or christianity in general?

I feel ashamed to be catholic at the moment..

Wish we had a new Paul John II or something.Things would have been very different.

But if you really thing about it , it's not a surprise ; He's a jesuit and the socialism in south american is really fucking terrible.

that's been a doctrinal thing since vat II.
jpII is a bit of a weird one.
on one hand he was all about the hippy liberal shit.
on the other, he all but named the jew when he talked about the world's problems.
his encyclical on "the culture of death" reads a bit like Sup Forums minus jew.
Maybe closer to 8pol.

Jews+free masons+liberals have infiltrated the church... Pretty obvious

Brief History.
>USA-Soviet Union win WW2
>"Liberates" Rome
>Infiltrates the ranks of the Church with jews
>2 decades later make a Council that declarates Jews as the Chosen people and embraces Liberalism, not dogmatically because those are heresies, but do it anyway using new obscure formulas to effectively teach these ideas in the Church
>4 decades later, elect a jewish Pope that works for the US-Jewish interest

Vatican 1 was a mistake.